Top 10 Things that You Need an Extremely High Iq to Understand About Certain Video Games (Sarcasm)

The Top Ten
1 Sonic and Shadow are actually two entirely different people in Sonic Adventure 2
2 Barret is black in Final Fantasy VII
3 Conker's Bad Fur Day is just a slightly less irritating version of Happy Tree Friends mixed with Family Guy
4 Porky and his Pigmask army from Mother 3 are parodic representations of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party
5 To kill the Combine soldiers in Half-Life 2, spray them with bullets until they die
6 Kratos was intended as the main villain of God of War
7 The number "11037" from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc's first trial spells "LEON" when flipped upside down
8 The Mimigas from Cave Story will later become the subject of an extremely forced tear-jerker plot twist that involves them being enslaved and killed for the villain's amusement
9 The poisonous chemical waste pools in Portal will kill you; try to avoid them
10 The numerous puns from Undertale, Mother 3 and Earthbound
The Contenders
11 Karel from Fire Emblem is a heroic character who just happen to have gone insane. Not a villain at all.
12 Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic is male, not female, and is just a kid.
13 Cream the Rabbit from Sonic is just a child and has no interest in romance. She also has a Chao companion named Cheese.
14 Knuckles the Echidna is actually a smart character who manages to find every piece of the Master Emerald without any problem.
15 Lammy is a Clinically Insane Transvestite Stoner in Um Jammer Lammy
16 Nagito is going to be the guy that tries to blow up the entire school district in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
17 The Masked Man from Mother 3 is actually Claus
18 Zant wasn't actually the main villain of Twilight Princess after all
19 Much of Hades' so-called humor in Kid Icarus Uprising is just pure snark for the sake of snark
20 Fassad from Mother 3 is a way more fleshed-out villain than Porky and Fawful are
21 The characters that you play as in The Last Of Us are really just plain irredeemable douchebags
22 Explosive barrels explode in Half-Life 2
23 Fawful's Invader-Zim-meets-broken-English dialect from Mario & Luigi
24 Mr. Pipe from Yoshi's New Island is actually Mario in disguise
25 The entire storyline of Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time is a complete nonsensical time paradox
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