Top 10 Things You Should Do When Playing Fortnite

The Top Ten
1 Never pick up a bush
2 Build cover when getting shot at
3 Jump when running
4 Hide in cover when healing or when you are knocked down
5 Always have a least 1 shotgun in your inventory

The four things you should always have is an AR, a Sniper, a Shotgun, and shields. The fifth slot can be for meds or explosives or SMGs.

6 Don't pick up a crossbow
7 Once you kill someone give him the l
8 Never land in lonely lodge
9 Don't pay attention to anything else but fortnite because fortnite is a way of life
10 Get the battle pass
The Contenders
11 Land Tilted Towers

If you land here you will be surrounded by a lot of players so therefore more combat and more combat = more combat practice and when you get really good you survive and get a lot of great loot

12 Delete the game from your HDD
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