Top 10 Dumbest Tweets On Twitter

Some people on Twitter can be very stupid. Don't expect all to be smart.
The Top Ten
I rather kill myself than commit suicide

I'd rather commit suicide than kill myself! You and me are gonna have a rivalry!

I rather be killed than be a victim of a homicide.

I agree, suicide should be punishable by death.

I only have sex at night so the sperm is asleep and I won't get pregnant.

I hope her egg cell is asleep, too.

Why can gays have sex while I can't have sex with my son

Hope all these Tweets aren't real. All of them are stupid but hilarious!

Sounds more like some awful minion meme than an actual Twitter post. Considering this list was made pre-Musk.

I want my first daughter to be a girl

I want my first son to be a boy, just kidding that's what I want my daughter to be.

Throw a penny in the wishing fountain. It may work

But I want my daughter to be a boy.

George Zimmerman charge with 2nd degree murder. Who did he kill first
I don't eat lobster because it was alive when I killed it!
RIP to all survivors of 9/11

Hopefully they found enough graves to put all the survivors next to those who died (Obvious Sarcasm)

This will be true if this was from 2157 or something.

Am I the only one who loves the smell of incest?

Oh my God! What?! Ugh. Do people actually say stuff like this?'re having a laugh, surely..?

What's Obama's last name?

Definitely not Obama! That would be stupid (Obvious joke)

Someone tried to tell me there are 50 states in the US. Well that ain't true cause the scientists found out Pluto don't exist so there are only 49

Pluto is my state -Twitter user

The Newcomers

? Is Nemo a circus clown

Yes, he's one of the most vile and developed circus clowns in Super Paper Mario

? The earth is flat

One of many reasons I've lost faith in humanity

The Contenders
Korea bombed Pearl Harbor

North Korea might do this in the future, though.

I wanna have sex in paris on top of da i fold tower

I've got a question for you: did someone steal your brain?

Patrick Star wrote that tweet

This earth is now 2014 years old

2015 is not how old the earth is. It is how old Jesus is or how longs the common era went on.

It Is so not true

I have no clue why I voted

No, this earth is soon 2017 years old

Is Ebola a country

Ebola is actually also a river, which is in Africa somewhere. It's around where the disease originated.

No, it is the West side of Africa.

Ebola reached Dallas I'm moving to Texas. I can't stay in this diseased country
RIP Nelson Mandela your I have dream speech was inspiring

Of course, that speech was strong to abolish slavery everywhere

Stipud McDonalds employees, they don't know the difference between a plane and normal cheeseburger

Kids, go to school, so you don't end up like our "Stipud" Friend here

Since when did McDonalds buy Airbus?

I can't believe it has been 2015 years since Jesus discovered america
If you want too make a point, make it a point too go to school, get a legit career, and stop being statics.
Am I the only person who thinks Dwayne Johnson looks like "The Rock"???
People who actually celebrate #Kwanzaa have mothers who smoked crack while they were pregnant.
Rosetta Stone didn't sit on the bus for you gays to be asking for right
If you loiter, you'll be charged with a mister meaner plain and simple
If a book store runs out of a certain book, does it mean nobody reads it, or everybody reads it
What bread of dog is that?

I don't know, but it looks like your brain is toast.

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