Top Ten Ways to Have Swag

Follow these steps and you will have swag really quickly
The Top Ten
1 Be Spodermen

Spodermen has all the swag! There is no better way to have swag!

"hillo. am spodermen."

You do realize that swag means secretly we are gay right?

He's Spodermen!

2 Wear a YOLO shirt/hat.
3 Wear a snep beck (snap back)

Having one of these hats will really make you a yolo swagger.

I have tons of caps, especially snap backs.

4 Wear shades

Plus you can pull them down revealing your eyes for dramatic effect at any time.

5 Shout "YOLO!" randomly whenever you're about to do something that may or may not have consequences

Trust me, it works all the time, you will have all the swagger.

6 Be a douche

Trust me, it works. Maybe not on it's own, however. But if you combine it with the rest of these items, it will work.

7 Say you're about to pull a "crazy prank"... and then bash someones kneecaps in or pretend to kidnap them or something.

It'll also add effect if before you do it you start recording everything and say "YOLO! " to the camera. When people ask what the hell you're doing, start chasing you, trying to kick your ass, etc. run and start yelling "YO CHILL YO CHILL YO CHILL! IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO! IT'S JUST A PRANK! LOOK, THERE'S A CAMERA THERE'S A CAMERA, THERE'S A CAMERA! CHILL! "

8 Ask people why they don't have teh swag like you.

If you question other peoples swag, your swag superiority will start to show.

9 Have sex with a lot of girls

If you don't, other swaggers will question your swag.

10 Call people "faggots" or just gay. Example: "You gay bro?"

It always works to establish that you not only have swag, but you are also a douche, which even more feeds to your swag, which even more feeds to your douchiness. It's like a never ending cycle.

Lol this comment is gay

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