Top 10 Reasons Why the United States Isn't the Greatest Country
Had? America is still one of the most racist countries in the world. The more they talk about how they are accepting of everyone, no matter their race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., the worse the problem seems to get. There are so many examples of racism in America every day.
I am not saying every single American is racist - that's obviously not the case - but just look at how many African Americans get killed by the police. Point made.
And it was worse than South Africa. America actually killed them regularly, while in South Africa, there were only a few killing events.
Americans are racist, but it's worse in the southern states than in the northern ones. The rednecks in the south are much worse. I knew a kid from the south, and he bullied me. By the way, I'm British, and I live in the UK.
Racism is everywhere, but people think America is racism-free. America is still full of racist people!
Racism is a huge problem everywhere. But it is a big problem in America. About time it gets addressed.
Though the rest of the world agrees the Earth is heliocentric, revolving around the Sun, Americans firmly believe the universe revolves around the USA. Less than 12% of US citizens have a passport and have traveled outside the Land of the Morbidly Obese.
Of course, minorities in other countries are close-minded, and so are majorities in many places. But it's the "in" thing to be mean to America.
A small minority of Americans are close-minded? Sorry, but that's incorrect. A majority of Americans are close-minded.
Years of supreme shame ensued when the U.S. decided the Bill of Rights did not apply to some and interned some of their finest and most upstanding citizens. One of the U.S. Army's most highly decorated troops was comprised mainly of Americans of Japanese descent: the 442nd Regiment. This unit was singularly the most decorated in U.S. warfare.
The 4,000 men who initially made up the unit in April 1943 had to be replaced nearly 2.5 times. In total, 14,000 men served, earning 9,486 Purple Hearts, 8 Presidential Unit Citations, and 21 Medals of Honor.
That one I agree with. But honestly, some countries did much, much worse. America had a right to be concerned, but they overreacted.
I know this is a stupid reason, but come on! How can so many people not know of a genocide other than the Holocaust (and maybe the Rwandan Genocide)?
No. This takes months of lessons.
I would mostly agree, but Americans are the people who vote for Clinton because she is a woman and Trump because he speaks his mind. Also, the voter turnout isn't very high.
And about that Einstein and Edison thing - I'm of the opinion Edison was a fraud. I've learned about him trying to steal or take credit for the works of others. I'm not sure what he did or didn't do, and Einstein was German.
Americans are not educated enough. This is my honest opinion. Their education system is terrible. I think they really need to work on it.
And for the people saying that Americans invented cars, airplanes, etc., great job, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't expand your knowledge about various topics, not just cars and planes.
If Americans are being stereotyped often, it indicates that the problem is with the people doing the stereotyping, not with the Americans.
A typical American, from a European's perspective: fat, redneck people who eat BBQ, watch NASCAR all day, and shoot things with guns.
Yeah, 'cause it's not like the Americans themselves stereotype other countries. So really, the Americans deserve it.
People should never get so lazy with their own bodies that they become obese. The fact that so many Americans are obese is a serious issue.
Blame it on McDonald's. It makes us fat, but we love it so much.
I don't agree that America should keep sticking its nose into other countries' affairs, but I do have to justify its involvement in WWII. Many historians legitimately argue that if America hadn't joined the Allies in the fight against one of the most evil forces in history, the Nazis could have won.
Britain was, for much of the early war, the only country openly at war with Nazi Germany, and they were fast running out of money. America's involvement (in this one instance) was very justified to bring an end to such an awful tyranny.
The Newcomers
It gets annoying being corrected for spelling color as colour or even for how words are pronounced. There are many videos on YouTube where Americans insist that kilometre is pronounced kill-oh-mee-ter instead of kil-o-meh-ter. If you pronounce the word the incorrect way, they assume you've never been to school.
I pronounce kilometre as kil-o-meh-ter, and most people I've heard say it also pronounce it that way, including math and science teachers who have taught me.
The majority of us who don't live in America have to keep reminding those individuals that:
1. There's no universally correct spelling for colour.
2. There's more than one way to pronounce kilometre correctly.
It gets annoying, but at least it highlights how flawed the American school system can be.
Spoiled, obnoxious brats. I am a Canadian who lives in Alberta, and I was with my family and grandparents in British Columbia. I wondered, what was the difference between Canadians and Americans? Are there differences in manners too? This is what I asked. My brother said that the American version of our grandparents would be rude. And that is a fact.
In a country with 315 million people, there are bound to be all kinds. But having traveled to a lot of different countries, I have found that you almost always receive what you give out.
You know, America is one of the least religious countries. In some countries, the concept of atheism doesn't even exist.
What happens if you can't afford health care? What about those born into poverty who don't have the resources to take care of themselves or their families? Health care should be free, at least for select groups of people.
Even though I'm American, they're greedy.
Literally, you don't live in a war-torn country, so why do you need an AR-15 to "protect yourself"?
Yet, they have Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, and Rebecca Black. Do I honestly need to name more?
This is a huge problem, and the only solution seems to be a very tall fence and more border security. The US welcomes over 1 million legal immigrants per year, more than the UK, Germany, and France combined.
If we allow basically anybody and everybody to come in, the resources and infrastructure can't handle it.
The only problem with this border is that it is in the wrong place. The US stole a large chunk of Mexico. If this land was returned to its rightful owners, then the problem would disappear.
Excellent point - sadly not understood by most.