Top Ten Worst Charitable Organizations

If crap like this happens then I'm sorry if I sound heartless, but why should I support charities if all they are is a scam? From killing innocent healthy animals to unethical investments, these are the charities which make us sick.
The Top Ten

They attacked Pokemon, and so many animals die in their 'shelters'. They kill Pit Bulls within 24 hours of arriving at the shelters. They tell us not to eat meat and animal products like bacon and eggs because it's animal cruelty. But humans have been eating meat since caveman times. Are predatory animals unethical because they eat meat?

PETA had good intentions but just fails, in the saddest way.

This organization has been incredibly active and successful in the prevention of animal cruelty. They are incredibly powerful and a strong asset for ending animal cruelty in all its forms. Many people have no idea what they do.

I just despise that Pokemon Black and Blue game PETA made to antagonize the Pokemon franchise. Pokemon is about forming bonds and friendship between Trainer and Pokemon, not animal abuse.

2 Kids Wish Network

Kids Wish Network gives over 90% of their donations to solicitors and about 5% to the charity founders. That leaves a very minuscule amount of funds for their cause.

3 Comic Relief

I can't believe I used to fund these people. This charity claims to help impoverished countries in Africa, and what does my money go to along with thousands of pounds' worth of other donations? It goes to the military. "In 2009, the charity had £630,000 invested in shares in weapons firm BAE Systems," according to the BBC.

I can't support an organization that has lied to the country and put the money I donated into arms dealers and alcohol companies instead of helping to end poverty like they say they are.

4 Benevolence International Foundation

A fake charity set up by Osama Bin Laden's brother-in-law to fund the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, enabling it to acquire more weapons and artillery. The "charity" has been banned by the UN Security Council.

The group claimed that it was "helping those afflicted by wars. BIF first provides short-term relief such as emergency food distribution, and then moves on to long-term projects providing education and self-sufficiency to children, widows, refugees, the injured, and staff of vital governmental institutions." Do you want lies with that?

5 Locks of Love

A charity that supposedly makes wigs out of real hair people donate for cancer patients. Well, I thought so. Actually, it's for people with alopecia. Sounds fine so far, but do you know what's not fine? Only 3% of the hair they receive is made into wigs for patients. So, what happens to the other 97%? I understand if it's gray, but I doubt 97% is gray.

6 British Heart Foundation

Donations to one of Britain's biggest health charities are being used to fund experiments on dogs in vivisection laboratories. I trusted you with my money, BHF. Why are we experimenting on dogs here and then just leaving them to die? I guess they're cooperating with PETA.

BHF is my least favorite charity. Why, you might ask? Well, they experiment on dogs for no apparent reason whatsoever. Why would you leave a harmless dog to die? They also think that humans are more important than animals, which is not true.

7 Autism Speaks

I just looked up why Autism Speaks is bad, and from what I've seen, they are nothing but a bunch of horrible, inhumane douchebags. Some of their employees have actually antagonized autism on video. Um, hello? You're supposed to be helping people with autism, not making them look like people who belong in an asylum!

My sister did some research on this charity once, and apparently, only ten percent of the money actually goes to the families with a person who has autism. Seriously, are they that shallow?

An organization that views people such as Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Charles Darwin as inferior and not having the right to live.

8 Cancer Fund of America

A shockingly low percentage of the money raised actually goes to the cause. Time to shock you: that number is less than 1%.


A con that masquerades as a charity, using the most demented advertisements on TV to pull at the sympathy strings of people who see them, in order to get them to donate to this "cause."

10 Clinton Foundation

Everything the Clintons do is for their own pocketbook. They are the world's most evil people.

They are crooks. They are the most evil people in today's world.

This is a totally corrupt organization.

The Contenders
11 United Way
12 Planned Parenthood

They act like they help with women's care, but 90% of their services go to abortion.


Not as bad as PETA, but they still manage to kill half the animals they "help." The good things they do are there for all to see, but they certainly hide the bad things they do. Royal Society of Putting an End to Cute Animals. Well, that's the best I can do.

14 Red Cross

They are ruthless. Meals for Harvey victims consist of four crackers, bologna, and fruit.

15 Oxfam
16 Children in Need

I didn't put this on here because I thought it was going to a bad cause, but because I absolutely hate Pudsey and the annual show they produce.

17 Sport Relief
18 Stonewall
19 International Islamic Relief Organization
20 National Alliance on Mental Illness
21 AIDS Healthcare Foundation
22 Team Seas
23 Kars4Kids
24 Focus on the Family
25 iHeartDogs
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