Worst Movie Directors of All Time

And you thought you had it bad...

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The Top Ten
1 Michael Bay Michael Benjamin Bay is an American filmmaker known for directing and producing big-budget action films characterized by fast cutting, stylistic visuals and extensive use of special effects, including frequent depiction of explosions.

Not to mention that he has fans who are crazy, stupid, overzealous, defensive, dishonest, plain gullible, or all of the above. They refuse to get enough of explosions and what else Michael Bay has in store! They hated stories and they think of critics as Adolf Hitler! I believe they're happy that way and of course they wanted to escape from everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, because after all, this is America; the land of freedom, which what Michael Bay and his movies might represent. I am an American myself, and at least I'm not as crazy as him and his fans, but it's just that I'm not a huge Michael Bay fan at all.

Michael Bay masturbates explosions and boobs like a drug dealer has crack on a frequent basis.

He has no idea what makes cinema so special to our heats; he takes on projects that are totally out of his league, and he just can't direct his actors in an effective way. It's like he's focusing on the effects and the action over the actors.

Mr. Bay, stop making movies please. We've had enough of your Transformers crap already.

He is a symbol of the decline of the summer blockbuster. At least Lucas was once a talented person in Hollywood. The director makes films that are exploitive to our culture having a decreasing attention span. He is contributing to the decline of the Summer blockbuster which Spielberg once set up. Thank goodness Nolan and JJ Abrams is trying to make them good again. Wait a second, he is the cause of the decline of summer blockbuster.

13 ways to make a bay movie.
1. make sure you make people go watch your bad movies.
2. Have to much action and explosions
3. move the camera like a child.
4. Have racist stereotypes.
5. Hot woman with no personality.
6. aim for the lowest common denominator.
7. Ruin Transformers and Teenage mutant ninja turtles.
8. Add product placement.
9. Terrible comedy.
10. Too much american patriotism.
11. Recreate classic horror films abysmally.
12. Have such terrible pacing.
13. Cast some of the worst actors ever.

2 Uwe Boll Uwe Boll is a German-born Canadian filmmaker and restaurateur, whose work includes several films adapted from video games.

Absolutely awful, he has never, I repeat, NEVER made a good movie. Also, why does he base his move is on video games if he's just going to ignore the games plot and do his own bad story? Also, he's an arrogant jerk who cheats the tax system in Germany to fuss his movies, and has quit film making (yay! ) after they shut his scam down and nobody wanted to support him on kickstarter. Finally, he challenged some of his critics to a fight because he wanted to beat them up. This guy ads like a spoiled 3rd grader.

Truly, he is a new breed of pathetic. I'm glad he's gone.

The five stages of Uwe Boll movies:
1) Watch it, hating every moment.
2) Think about it afterwards, and hate that you wasted any amount of time on it.
3) Realize that even though it sucked, he made money with tax loop-holes and the stock-market.
4) Understand that you now have brain cells dedicated to him, his work, and his actions.
5) Feel the need to find Uwe Boll, and personally take those brain cells back with a rusty spoon!

3 M. Night Shyamalan Manoj "M. Night" Shyamalan is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and actor known for making movies with contemporary supernatural plots and twist endings.

Apparently there is a big divide between people who hate this guy's work, and those that um, appreciate it. Okay he might have had one great hit in the Sixth Sense, but after that it's been garbage after garbage. The latest example being The Last Airbender. Just watch clips of the T.V. show on youtube to see how funny, brilliantly creative, and popular the show is. In trying to broaden his genre, he completely massacres what could have been a great entertaining and comedic movie, and instead dishes out the most boring and lifeless movie I ever watched in my life. The only thing about that movie was the visual effects, but the dialogues, the deliveries, the pacing of the film, and everything else about the direction of the film was flat out bad and insulting.

Give this guy a break. His mystery thrillers are the best of the genre.
Everyone would have failed with "The Last Airbender", if you consider the first season of the series Avatar lasted about 440 minutes, and the movies lasts about 90 minutes while covering the exact same plot. And yeah, he is not too great as a fantasy writer. But a guy who brought us "The Sixth Sense", "Unbreakable", "Signs" and "The Village" simply can't be one of the worst directors. He would definitely deserve to be on a list about good directors with the worst slips though. Wow, was "The Last Airbender" bad...

I do not believe that Shyamalan is an altogether bad filmmaker. Sure, he's made a ton of bad movies over the years, but it's obvious that the man has some amount of talent. In his earlier career, his movies were good. They varied in how good they were, but they still showed a lot of craftsmanship, skill, and intelligence. However, I'm not going to deny that movies like The Last Airbender, The Happening, After Earth, and The Lady in the Water are godawful. These movies range from boring as hell to unintentionally hilarious. It DOES appear that M. Night is digging himself out of the hole he put himself in. The Visit was decent and Split was actually pretty darn good. I'm hoping for the guy to continue to be successful, not just because he's a fellow Philadelphian, but because he actually TRIES in each one of his movies. He's not like Michael Bay or Seltzer & Friedberg where they don't care at all about the quality of their films. It's obvious that Shyamalan is an avid lover of cinema ...more

M. Night Shyamalan has the great skill of talent-bending. No matter how many great actors he engages, most of them end up acting like aliens who don't know how to play humans (like Mark Wahlberg in "The Happening" and Will Smith in "After Earth"). His movie adaptation of the Avatar series was an insult to all fans, his plot twists are asspulls but honestly... some of his movies are actually so incredibly bad, they are really hilarious (Like The Happening and Lady in the Water)

4 Albert Pyun
5 Aaron Seltzer

Mel brooks proved us that parody can be art with young Frankenstein, made us laugh with space balls and THAT dracula movie was really bad still had some redeeming qualities, movies made by this dude instead use a form of humor so miserable you'll find an episode of mr. pickles more subtile, and sexual scenes on the same level of these you can find on a sonic fancomic, finally filling space on the movie by plaguing others movies with these "references" does nothing out of making sicks these who watch them

Directors of films such as epic movie, meet the Spartans, disaster movie and other films that are spoofs of other films.

How the hell is this dude and Jason Friedberg not number 1? Their movies have an average rating of 9% on rotten tomatoes!

Directs like he's on dope. He never gets high.

6 Jason Friedberg

Thanks Friedberg and Seltzer we needed more after your previous movies.

7 Ed Wood

Worst director of all time by far. He made the likes of Plan 9 From Outer Space, which is considered the worst movie ever made. He is famous for only shooting scenes with 1 take without taking another take to fix the errors of the first. He often only spent a few days to film his movies. He worked with terrible props and made horrible special effects efforts even for his time. His awful self-made scripts for his movies paved the way for his terrible, lacking in effort, directing skills.

Why won't anyone vote for this guy, I mean seriously he has made stupid movies like Glen or Glenda, Plan 9 From Outer Space. Tim Burton has made a movie to describe how stupid and idiotic his movies are. At least M. Night Shyamalan and Michael Bay have made good movies like the Sixth Sense and Armageddon.

I don't think that Ed Wood deserves to be on this list. Was he terrible? Yes. But his movies were enjoyably terrible. Watch Plan 9 From Outer Space and try not to crack a smile.

Shouldn't laugh at the deluded, I suppose, but his films are so incompetently made that it is either laugh or dismiss!

8 Lucifer Valentine

The director of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (yes, that's a real movie).

9 James Nguyen

If he is the director of the Birdemic, he should be in first place.
I mean, if anyone made a movie, and they got a horrible review they will

A: Give up making move

B: Start fresh, make a movie that has different story

Instead, this person chose to make an another horrible movie that is already based on horrible story.

And on the 2nd birdemic movie, animations are same.
If you go that much comments about the bad animation, you would make some changes to it right?

Well, clearly this person haven't learning anything from reviews he got in the first movie.

This dude is extremely delusional that he really thinks his birdemic movies are good. He doesn't learn anything from his previous films and he's still wanting to make a birdemic 3 with his help from funding.

Honestly, I really don't know why people would even find his films so bad they're good. Don't believe I'm weird when I say his films are just plain GOOD!

He directed Birdemic... And the second... Which was even worse than the first... He made a film which basically got the ratings of a potato, 1.8 out of 10 on IMDb, then made a second with 1.7 out of 10... Dear lord this man should never make a 3rd

10 John Stockwell
The Contenders
11 Tommy Wiseau Thomas Wiseau is a European-American actor and filmmaker. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the 2003 film The Room, which has been described by many critics as one of the worst movies ever made and has gained cult film status.

A dozen red roses please! That's me!
Lady: Your my favourite customer!
Thanks! Oh hi doggy!

"Ohai Mark." Seriously bad acting and bad writing. This movie would do better as a comedy instead of a drama.

I did not hit her, I did nawt, oh hi Mark! Truly one of the great film quotes

You are tearing me apart Lisa!

12 Paul W.S. Anderson

This man is behind such 'masterpieces' like Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, Alien vs. Predator, Pompeii and, of course, the Resident Evil movies. Whatever he touches turns to mess and will continue for however long he keeps on making movies. If you ever get the chance of watching one of Paul's movies, please turn it down politely.

He destroyed everything that was good about Resident Evil, it's my opinion the reason he made Milla Jovovich the star was because she couldn't get work anywhere else.

This man ruined the Resident Evil and Alien vs Predator series. This man is guilty of sacrilege.

Resident evil could've been a good film series, if he didn't ignore all the source material!

13 Zack Snyder Zachary Edward "Zack" Snyder is an American filmmaker, best known for his action and science fiction films.

He is definitely overrated by no means. The only reason people hold him in high regards is because how good the story is, and not how poorly it's directed. Take for example The Watchmen. If you are one of those disappointed by it, then you have likely read the original graphic novel by Alan Moore. Because the story is so deep and gritty, and yet Snyder not only copied the exact shots from the novel, but unnecessarily made it slow-mo and cool-looking, when it was supposed to invoke feelings of frustration and desperation instead.

His movies have no heart and all special effects. He should go back to film school and learn about story telling. None of his movies are a repeat watch. After watching BvS, it felt as if he took heavy foods from all over and blended them together thinking it would turn out to be good.

Really underrated director. He at least gives his DC movies a DC Comics feel. So what if he directed Sucker Punch, he also directed Dawn of the Dead, Watchmen and Legend of the Guardians.

14 Spike Lee

Tries his very best to put his victim complex in everything he makes, in addition to making hood movies he is also a douche

Why spike lee? Malcolm X and BlackKklansman are both great films!

This is a good director

15 Catherine Hardwicke

She may be pretty but her direction needs some work.

Director of the first Twilight Movie.

16 Dennis Dugan

Made only one decent movie (Happy Gilmore). Besides that, all of his movies suck.

All his movies suck

17 Mickey Liddell
18 Brett Ratner

He has no talent and he's a weirdo. he was friends with that freak Michael jackson.

19 Eric Stanze

Makes movies with an obvious lack of both budget and talent...

20 Fred Vogel

Filming a group of social awkward young adults doing depraved acts of violence on a cheap handheld camera isn't really movie worthy. Every movie after August underground was slightly better, but still far worse than anything M. Knight or uwe boll has put out to date.

21 McG

He ruined terminator only once.

22 Joel Schumacher

I think batman forever was ok, but not as good as the first 2 batman films. Later I watch batman and robin and went in with low expectations, but even with that I thought the movie was annoying, childish, and stupid. The movie was filled with puns, horrible visuals, robin being a brat, too many close ups, and George clooney's terrible acting. Before I watched this movie without seeing anything I thought that it would be like batman forever, but no I was wrong. Later I saw that Joel Schumacher apologized for this movie saying that he was trying to entertain.

Clearly the worst, none of his movies have been successful...that's right, none. Clearly he is friends with lots of people that feel sorry for him because it is not based on directing...check it out, all of his movies are box office failures AND critical failures. Worst of the Worst.

I loved Burtons Batman. Schumacher's Batman absolutely stank like my crap! Thank you so much Christopher Nolan for making Batman even more awesome than he was! Nolan's Batman is the best. I love Burton's batman but Schumacher's batman is crap.

Batman and Robin is one of the worst movies of all time. Batman forever was mediocre, though. It wasn't good like the Tim burton films, but batman and robin was just a crime. An abomination that should have never happened.

23 Ulli Lommel

Aw, Ulli Lommel. I would say he is one of the worst directors in the history of cinema, but that would require calling what he does "directing". "Diary of a Cannibal" was nothing more than about fifteen to twenty minutes of footage replayed over and over again. Had it have been good footage I might not have minded but it wasn't. The acting was like rotting wood, the setting blatantly a soundstage, and the story flat (which is a shame since the true story it's based on is both deeply disturbing and horrific). I believe every director should be allowed mistakes, but this is something else entirely.

Should defiantly be in the top 3, I've never seen a movie he has made that wasn't one of the worst movies ever made.

24 Brian Levant

He ruined the Flintstones.

25 Mark Steven Johnson

He ruined Ghost Rider and Daredevil. He is the Bruno Heller of Marvel-based movies, changing characters beyond recognition.

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