Worst Things About Communism

Let me be clear, I believe in socialism, but communism takes it too far
The Top Ten
1 There is only one way of life, so we would never accomplish anything, and never be happy
2 There is no justice system

We need justice because otherwise children will be molested and their parents will be killed and nobody will be punished for it.

3 You couldn't protect art from plagiarism
4 It will lead right back to where we are now

Yes it will destroy all the progress humans have made.

5 If machines malfunction, it takes work
6 It doesn't realize that money is needed to protect art and malfunctioning machines
7 You can't make a name for yourself
8 It doesn't realize that greed is a basic human trait
9 Art cannot be published or edited by robots
10 We would not have a purpose, so there would be no point in our existence
The Contenders
11 It leads to chaos
12 It makes religion illegal
13 It takes away freedom of speech
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