Top Ten Ways Republican Politicians Are Irrational
What kind of things do Republicans think that make completely no sense for the greater good of humanity?Did a Democrat post this? I am an independent, but this describes both Republicans and Democrats. They are more loyal to their stupid political party than to their own country, and it is disgraceful.
Vote for the best candidate and the one you agree with. Don't vote for someone just because of their party.
Their purpose is to help benefit our country. Their number one priority should be the middle class.
Trump is primarily a showman and entertainer with a significant ego problem. The headlines should be about him, and that's why you see one strange performance after another in his public statements and tweets. His businesses and personal interests are the only things he really cares about.
This acts as a distraction for the American people, both his supporters and his haters. Meanwhile, his administration is dedicated to providing support for private corporate powers, and everything else can be dismissed. With their budget proposals, they are step by step eliminating the federal budget, except for military support and the private wealth of corporate powers, aiming to benefit the elite of the Republican Party.
Everything else, like tax reforms for the middle class and healthcare, are just sophisticated words to keep people distracted and happy. In the end, it comes down to one thing: the rich will get richer, and the poor will not see a sudden improvement in their lives.
It says it right in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I'm pretty darn sure that someone with cancer isn't happy.
Aspartame metabolizes in the body to tyramine, a molecule naturally found in the body. It's not 100% safe in extremely high doses, but neither is any molecule. It is, in fact, safer than sugar.
What worries me more are their political lies about taxes, economics, and other topics while they're only interested in corporate investments, military and police funding, and increasing their private wealth. Everything they say or do for the so-called working and middle class are sophisticated lies.
Our military is the undisputed world champion. We don't need a billion-dollar jet that doesn't work.
They don't want women to be paid the same as men.
Donald Trump wanted to deport ALL illegal immigrants, about 10 million people. Yeah, like that's possible to do humanely.
Aside from that, have you heard of the Southern Strategy? Not only Republicans do it. Bill Clinton did it in 1992. However, the Southern Strategy is very prevalent in the GOP. In fact, Obama won less than 20% of the white vote in several places such as Texas and Mississippi. Even in conservative states like North Dakota, Arizona, and Wyoming, most areas had more than 20% of the white vote for Obama.
Have you heard Donald Trump on immigration? All I heard was "all Mexicans should get out of the country."
"America is dying." Every election, the Republicans say something like that to scare us into voting for them.
The Newcomers
While European countries and China are investing in new energies with economic futures, America, thanks to Trump, is taking steps and making investments backward. Trump wants to elevate coal mines again. First, he enacts scientific research about coal's higher CO2 emissions and cancer-causing substances. Then he will "create new jobs" by putting people back in coal mines, where they will die a slow death.
I pity those who will get jobs in coal mines, as it will almost certainly be African-Americans and Mexicans, who do not even have proper working healthcare for such risky jobs. America first? Oh yes, God is blessing them as the theory of evolution becomes more and more obsolete in the Trump era.
The common folk get the stuff done and feed the economy. "Hey, I have a great idea. Let's raise taxes on them."
"We need to increase the budget for military spending. There are starving veterans." The money goes to the defective jet, right?
Of course that's true. After all, he is behind the Trail of Tears, the Teapot Dome Scandal, and let's not forget Watergate, Iran-Contra, or Lewinsky.