Top 10 Reasons Donald Trump Should Win the 2016 Presidential Election
Everyone on this site hates Trump, but here's why he is the best choice.Actually, Alpha101, you do have the right to say whatever you want, and Trump has advocated for this. What he doesn't stand for is rude activist babies shoving you off a podium at your own rally, like a bunch of crybaby brats. If they wanted to speak, they should have held their own rally. They had no right to shove Bernie off his podium. The difference is that Trump held his ground while Bernie backed off like the pansy he is. THAT is the kind of leadership we need in these uncertain times.
Bernie Sanders was thrown off his own podium in Seattle by Black Lives Matter protesters. They tried the same thing with Trump, and he had them immediately kicked out of the rally. He stands his ground when opposed.
This is good. I mean, we can't afford to have a terrorist group worse than Al-Qaeda. If Trump wins, ISIS will be a distant memory!
I hate Trump as a person, but I like him as a president. He's really going to end ISIS.
He will march into Afghanistan and kill them by himself.
Trump has been the butt of ridicule for years, so some CNN correspondent calling him a racist doesn't even faze him. Republicans have a history of backing down before the leftist media, but Trump tells them to get lost. What a boss.
I mean, he does get the most airtime on the news networks. In truth, media companies are happy that they are raking in the cash from their 24/7 Trump coverage.
He is totally brilliant. Let's just attack everyone and then play the hurt feelings card when they swing back.
He's wrong in so many areas, but hey, he's correct in this one tiny area.
I could also say Doritos are healthy for you because they have 10% of your daily iron in them.
Yeah, once I'm out of high school and already dumbed down by Common Core.
To be honest, almost all the Republicans want Common Core removed.
This man may have filed for bankruptcy plenty of times, but he never gave up, and now he's a billionaire. So all you ignorant schmucks have no right to say the things about him that you do.
Seventy percent of us stupid Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and we're complaining about his money. What, y'all? Really?! And as a rich person himself, do y'all really think he wants to raise taxes? He's not even in office yet, so how do y'all know what he's going to do?
He is going to be the 45th President of the United States, and we owe him a chance to prove himself. We're Americans, and we need to unite together. And if you feel so bad about where this country is heading, then we need to start praying hard.
We need a wall so when I grow up, I can find a job (I'm 13 years old) that's not already taken by illegal immigrants! DCfnaf knows Trump should be president (well actually, Trump has already been president for over 6 months)! If everyone seems to like DCfnaf so much, then listen to him - he's an open Trump supporter! Those salty liberals are still sour about losing the 2016 election - they are still bringing up the Russian hackers although that was NEVER proven! And besides, no one said that Mexicans couldn't still come into the country - they just have to do it legally! Is that so hard? No one should have a problem with this unless they are criminals trying to smuggle drugs into this country!
He took a small loan of a million dollars and turned it into a 4 billion net worth. That's some skill.
Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump Mortgage, Trump Water. Real success, people. This is how you do it!
He's gone bankrupt 4 times and come back over and over. The guy is a comeback king.
I'm not the biggest fan of Trump, but I can agree he beats most of the politicians we have running.
Rubio and, to a lesser extent, Bernie aren't that bad, but Hillary and Cruz are clowns.
The Republican party is in shambles right now. You have to at least admit that.
Basically, a modified version of Paul Ryan's plan, which nobody cared about. But now Trump is doing it, and it's hot stuff.
Universal health care, perhaps? It worked in Canada and Scotland. It should be the same here too. To paraphrase Trump...
He posts memes to his Twitter. Finally, a President who has some humor and is different from his predecessors!
Cause, you know, roasting people just makes you the best president.
Especially the time when he made fun of the disabled.
Another great thing about Trump is he doesn't care what he says, he doesn't have a politician's filter, and he just talks like a normal guy. Maybe that's why so many blue-collared workers voted for him.
He's a millionaire because his dad was. He inherits money from his father, and now he gets money for being a celebrity.
He's a billionaire. Why would he need to take bribes?
He has been criticized for his nonspecific rhetoric, but that's his playing to the crowd. His rallies are a celebration of America. On his website, he has outlined his plan, which includes lowering taxes for everyone and closing many of the tax loopholes available only to the wealthy. He also explains how he will get Mexico to pay for the wall as well as other policies such as healthcare, job growth, education, the military, etc.
Trump is a breath of fresh air and what America needs to get everyone to shut up, get along, and move the country forward instead of people being offended every day by every little thing.
Only anti-PC if it offends minorities. Forget it. Trump blows up if you insult him.
Politicians who do politics as a job can become corrupt and ignore the needs of the people. Trump doesn't have experience in politics, so he isn't likely to use it for money because, you know, he's a BILLIONAIRE.
A fresh set of ideas in the office, not some copy-and-paste of the same policies.
Everybody knows that. No wonder his father gave him a million bucks.
Hillary is the most deplorable and untrustworthy person I ever heard.
This could make it so Trump can work together with both parties, finding compromises and such.
He has taken a lot of flak for being misogynistic, but he only fights back when attacked, regardless of the gender of his attacker. His company hires and promotes more women executives than almost any other, and his daughter holds an equal position in his company with his sons.
By all accounts from people who actually know him, he is generous and caring. There are numerous stories of his charitable acts to strangers over the years.
He did it because he didn't want the USA to end up like Germany.