Top 10 Alien Species in Wayne Barlowe's Expedition

Wayne Barlowe is a sci-fi and fantasy writer/painter. He is known for his surreal alien designs and for creating designs for movies like Avatar, Pacific Rim, Galaxy Quest and many others.

He is also known for his 1979 sci-fi book Expedition, which takes place in the year 2366 and follows the story of humanity (being aided by an alien race called the Yma) using a Yma probe to search for alien life on a planet called Darwin IV. The book was adapted into a TV special called Alien Planet on the Discovery Channel on May 14, 2005.

The aliens in the book are far different from typical aliens you see in media. They are truly alien. They don't possess eyes or jaws; their body structures are often unlike any found on Earth; and they have unique modes of locomotion, sensing, and eating. And it would make sense to make a list of the best species in the book. Feel free to vote and remix.
The Top Ten
1 Emperor Sea Strider
2 Daggerwrist
3 Bladderhorn
4 Arrowtongue
5 Skewer
6 Groveback
7 Rayback
8 Gyrosprinter
9 Sac-Back
10 Eosapien
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