Top 10 Funniest Adventure Time Characters

Definitely the funniest character. Her voice is so much like a spoiled teenager, and everything she says makes me laugh! She's what made "glob" popular.
Lumpy Space Princess is hilarious with her deep valley girl accent and sarcastic attitude.
Lumpy Space Princess is so awesome, cool, and all that. She is obviously the lumpiest character.

Maybe I'd like Jake's humor more if it weren't mostly fart jokes... But he does have his hilariously good moments.
I like Finn. He is funny and terrific! I liked Finn too, but I thought Jake was probably better than Finn. He is a super cool dog and is very awesome. He doesn't freak out as much as Finn. I LOVE Jake. He is so funny.
Jake is awesome, and for the record, I am a dog person. It just so happens that my favorite TV show character has the same name as I do. That's not just why I like him, though. I just think he's funny.

Lemongrab is hilarious! At first, I hated him, but then I realized he's so annoying that he's funny!
He is the funniest character. Remember when in the dungeon Tree Trunks made apple pie, but then the rat ate it? Then Lemongrab killed the rat and ate the pie straight from its mouth. LOL

Really funny! His jokes are sometimes unintentional, which makes them even funnier. However, I have to say that I find LSP funnier. She's mean and sassy, but that's my kind of humor. She's already number 1 (at this time), so I wanted to vote for the funniest guy in the series (in my opinion)!
Ice King is AWESOME. All he does is go around stealing princesses and locking them up. And you all remember how sweet he is, looking after Marceline, don't you?
He's voiced by the same guy as SpongeBob. I have no further input.

BMO was so funny in the episode "BMO Noire" and a bunch of other episodes. But what makes BMO great is that BMO is adorable, really funny, and my favorite character in Adventure Time!
I find him interesting, very interesting. By voice, appearance, and personality, I've always been attracted to cute things.
Best character ever! BMO is a skateboarding gaming system that tries to be human!
"BMO chop! If this were a real attack... You'd be dead."
"Don't worry, if anyone tries to hurt Finn... I will kill them."

He and Jake are the best. I love how he sings!
He's my favorite character out of all the characters on this show.
Has anybody ever noticed that when he lost his arm, he still used the remaining part of his arm?

My sweetie is able to put a smile on my face and crumble my heart and lacrimal ducts so much that they hurt. I mean a lot of things, especially that blow on the nape of the neck, which initials letters are I.R.Y., and those terrible fanworks...
Marceline is such a cool vampire. She's awesome, and she loves to have fun!
She's scary on the outside, but on the inside, she's a cool, funny girl who loves to play games. She's my role model.

Who doesn't like a cute yet creepy little piece of candy that is friends with Death, played golf with Hudson A., and practices dark magic?
A lovable candy person who knows a lot about black magic. He made me say, "Oh my gosh, he's so interesting!"

Gunther is just amazingly talented with the keyboard. Even though he has a nasty booty, he is really talented. But there is one thing I did not get - if Gunther was a boy, how would he have made that egg? I do not know.
Gunther is hilarious. Gunther is also smart, and I laugh every time Gunther says "Wenk."
The Newcomers

Tree Trunks was originally supposed to be dead forever. Glad that didn't happen. I can also do her voice.
She was so funny when she was putting stickers on the monster. When she exploded, I was like, NOO! But then she was in loads of other episodes!
I love that in Mystery Dungeon she mispronounces everyone's names.

I got a hot patayta, and I got two hot tomatas that make a good sauce, maybe. So I'll shake my bottle, baby, and shake it, shake it, shake, shake it all over, and set up the table for as long as I am able.

She is so funny! I love her "sarcastic" comments.

Bring on the hate because Magic Man was hilarious!

Sorry for disliking - I hit the wrong button. Neptr is a funny character.
Never-Ending Pie-Throwing Robot is a very funny name!