Most Emotional Fullmetal Alchemist Moments

The Top Ten
Maes Hughes's Death

This scene causes some really interesting weather patterns when watched. It rains wherever you watch it, even indoors!

This really hit me hard. May sound pathetic, but I cried for almost an hour. The next episodes felt empty without his humor, and Elicia's reaction made me feel even worse. RIP Lt. Col. Maes Hughes.

Nothing worse than seeing his daughter screaming at his funeral, nothing worse at all!

Trisha Elric's Death

This is really sad, especially if you look up the lyrics to "Trisha's Lullaby." Just do it - you'll see what I mean.

Nina Tucker's Death

Everything here is emotional, but I feel like Nina's death had more impact throughout the story besides their mother. Nina's death was more crazy and emotional because Trisha was only dying of sickness, and Maes Hughes was just shot. Nina was transmuted by a crazed father and then had her head blown up by Scar.

This scene almost made me cry, and not many things make me emotional.

2003 was awesomely sad. It was horrifying, but really, really well done.

Alphonse Elric's Belief of Being Alchemically Created

I cried so much. The pain in Al's voice as he says it, and Ed and Winry's reactions, were too much for my emotions.

Wrath's Identity
The Ishbal Massacre
Edward's Inability to Defend Winry When Barry the Chopper Attacks

I really loved how this scene reflected Edward's more human side. He was terrified as he fought Barry, we could all tell. He was still just a kid. You wouldn't expect him to fight bravely with his chest puffed out.

Instead, you see him scramble for his life, just barely surviving and managing to save Winry. It was so real and dark, it even brought me to the edge of my seat in my first viewing.

The last thing Ed needed when he was still brooding over Nina's death.

Winry's Parents' Murder
Ed finds Al's body
Greed’s Death

The Newcomers

? Death of Lujon and Lydia (2003)
? Lusts Death Scene

All she wanted was to be human, yet Edward never tried to help her. Even though, like Lust pointed out, Al is like her too - he has no body or an actual soul. Even after that, she helps Ed recover Al from Tucker and aids in weakening Sloth. Her last words are haunting...

The Contenders
Ed and Al Being Trapped On Earth
Envy's death
Von Hohenheim expressing his wish to continue living in his last moments

It was just so sad! I mean, this guy went through so much and just wanted it all to end. And then at the end, he got everything he wanted. His sons loved him, and in his last moments, he truly felt alive.

Ed Refuses Hohenheims Sacrifice

When Hohenheim offers himself to bring Alphonse back, and Ed refuses, telling him if he ever says something that dumb again, he'll knock him out... it's the first time Ed ever shows love towards his father, and it gets me every time.

Ed's Death

People may disagree with me, but I found this death a lot sadder than Hughes's death. While yes, Hughes's death was so sad, I found Ed's sadder due to how much Ed has been through. I mean, Hughes had a happy family and a happy life. Ed, on the other hand, lost EVERYTHING. And to realize the truth about Envy and being killed by him just makes it sadder.

Sure, he may have come back later on, but that moment was so sad I nearly cried, and I barely cry during a character death in any source of media. - TheDarkOne_221b

Lust's Painful Memories About Scar and Stuff

One of the reasons I prefer 2003 over Brotherhood is because Lust was much more developed. In 2003, she's been going through so many memories as a human and how she was born. In Brotherhood, she's just a bland character.

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