Most Charismatic Characters On Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra
Love Avatar? Well come see the ratings of the charisma that the characters have! Share your opinion by voting and commenting! :-)
What can we all say?
He's a very cute goofball with lots of amazing charms!
He's always the peacemaker feud settler n always so peaceful!
He loves animals n respects all life n by far the only standout character being vegetarian!
How that anyone top that besides he can master all elements before summer n defeated Ozai during Sozin's Comet?
Totes awesome n charismatic!
He charmed Katara, the whole Kyoshi Island, that Fire Nation school (and they didn't even know he was the Avatar! ), some random fellow prisoners in Avatar Day, etc. with just a few smiles and smooth words!
You can't deny Aang's charisma!

Always fat and full of jokes and rare teas.

Sokka, always on the bright side, full of jokes and strange comments!
(Extract from episode The Avatar and the Firelord)
Aang: do you really think friendships can last for more than one lifetime?
(everyone joins hands excluding Sokka)
Katara: Maybe but...
Sokka: Well scientifically speaking...
Katara: Oh Sokka, just hold hands!
Always full of the corniest jokes and stupid comments
(Extract from Avatar Episode: The Avatar and the Firelord)
Aang: Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?
(everyone joins hands excluding Sokka)
Katara: Maybe
Sokka: Well scientifically speaking...
Katara: Oh Sokka just join hands!

I love Toph to the moon and back more than any character in the world she is such a great character in avatar and is also super funny I have watched everyone with her in over and over again the other characters are really good as well #TophRules
She's the ONLY character in the entire show my friend likes.

I like her, she's a Toph, though she's the legit opposite of Aang.

She is just so spiritual and happy! I love her good, pure nature!

This is the craziest but one of the wisest and strongest characters I have seen on Avatar!

The Earthbender with a very naïve mind and a crush on Korra! Always sees the brighter sides of things unlike his dark brother Mako!

No, just no. Anything positive about this character, just no. I actually kinda feel sorry for the actor.
The Newcomers

I seriously did not expect him to act so... charismatic and mature at the end of season 4

Hate you Azula. Please stay in insanity forever, Azula character, like at an insane asylum so that way you don't harm anyone ever again.
Before she got... insane, she was super charismatic. She was so smooth with her lines, and even though she was so evil, she was still so cool.

I used to hate Katara, but now I realize that I was just jealous of her. I mean, 90% of the reasons I hated her were
'why does SHE get to that? She doesn't deserve it!' That is litterally the definition of jelousy. She's kind, smart, and shea ctaully mentions her mother remarkably little considering the fact that her mom was ACTUALLY FRICKING MURDERED! If my Mom was killed I'd be waaaaaaay worse than she is.
She is highly annoying, and constantly goes on about her mother. WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HER? KATARA IS AFTER TOPH, WHAAAT?

She has optimism, though she's super annoying, even as a teenager in season 4.
Jinora: Daddy these are my spiritual friends!
Ikki:! They're so CCUTE!

Lemur bat! I seriously love his character! So cute and very important!
I <3 Momo!

He is manipulative and brilliant. Excellent at using his charisma for goood and evil and humor.

Why is no one voting for him?! I totally love him!

He's not charismatic enough to be on here.

Kuvira's charisma is unnerving, you almost agree with what she is doing at times... ALMOST
Why you guys hating? Kuvira is my favorite character! 4 stars to her!
I hate this lady, the character obviously. Stop being a part Ozai copy, you're too…

Second worst character in history well in the ATLA show in overall history he's like 4th worst.
Sooo funny! He's so underrated. He was a powerful non-bender and always knew how to make the situation better. One of my favorite characters in the show, the episode he gets airbending is also one of my favorite episodes. Plus he's Aangs son for crying out loud! I think Aang named him after king Bumi because he is definitely funny and a crazy genius.

I like Su because she's strategically awesome and milf I guess