Hottest Percy Jackson Heroes of Olympus Characters

Percy is hot. Give me some green eyes and messy dark hair all day. But also he has a personality that makes him even hotter. He is hilarious and sarcastic. He is super powerful yet humble. He is so loyal and caring that he literally went to hell for his girlfriend. I love him and I want him
Percy should be #1 on this list. Many people have had a crush on him, and was even mistaken as a Roman god at one point. He deserves to be the top on this list.
Percy IS the most good-looking demigod. I mean, come on. Let's be real. Even the characters talk about how handsome he is.

Okay guys, as much as I love Leo, this is hottest, which doesn't mean LITERALLY HOT, and doesn't mean favorite personality. Leo is awesome, but not second hottest. I don't care how his fan art looks, but in the books, he is described as 'impish'. He is described as small and scrawny. At first glance, Calypso even thought he was a joke. So even if he is one of my favorite fictional characters ever, he isn't second hottest.
To everyone who says we shouldn't vote for Leo cause he's not hot: Who people perceive as hot is not universal. Everyone has their own opinions and is entitled to them. Yeah, the books say Leo isn't hot. But, from the way they describe him besides that, he fits MY definition of hotness. Just cause Piper, Hazel, etc. don't find him hot doesn't mean I can't.

This isn't a favorite character list! It's HOTTEST. Nico is not hot! He is one of my favorite characters, but that doesn't mean he's hot! Did you even read the title of this list, or did you just come on without thinking and vote for Nico? He's not third hottest, How is he above Jason? If you actually read the books, you would know it describes Jason as really attractive. Not Nico. So what if Jason's not your favorite character? That doesn't mean he isn't hot.
Sorry, but people underestimate the looks I listen to emo I have terrible anxiety and get panic attacks to much. But everyone sees me as the funny nerdish girl, who is a reader and is always happy or someone to go to to help others. When I told some of my friends this they were shocked. So Nico is a angsty emo teen on the outside as most say but he has endured so much, he is beautiful in his own way

Percy is stupid why has he not married her yet if I were her girlfriend I would be married by now
SO Cute I might just be jealous of PERCY for the first time

Hazel is obviously pretty from her description because of the hair is very pretty and her eyes too.
Dark curly hair, gold (or dark brown, either) eyes, short? Yes, please.

I agree! Piper and Jason should get a higher rating than some others. Leo is da bad boy. Unless you mean the hottest literally, Jason is more handsome than either Leo or Nico. They are just overrated in this department. And seriously? Charecters other than Jason have OFFICIALLY hit on her. Have they done the same on any other girl? So she is the hottest here. Read it. It says hottest not best.
Piper is the most hottest because in book that was constantly pointed out which is a little annoying I guess but doesn’t matter even her description is very stunning and she should be number 1. She is by far the most beautiful character I have ever known.

Can someone explain to me why this guy is so popular? He was featured in parts of the first series, yeah, but in my opinion, he really wasn't that much of a main character. It barely describes him in the books, so vote for people who Rick actually describes as hot, like Jason or Percy, instead of voting for people like Ethan, Leo, and Nico.
Yes! But how is he higher than Jason?

People aren't voting for Jason just because they don't like his personality, which in my opinion, he's awesome. This list is hottest characters, not favorite characters, so people should vote for people like Jason instead of, say, Nico or Leo. It's Rick who wrote about these characters, so let Rick decide if they are hot or not. If Rick doesn't write Nico as hot, don't vote for him!
Percy also pulled out early. Jason knew that either him or Piper would die. And so he was ready to sacrifice himself. Also he is handsome: he has lovely blonde hair, and electric blue eyes. Who doesn't like electric blue eyes?!

The Newcomers

She's beautiful and amazing and cute and totally not my crush
Reyna is pretty, her description is nice too.

Not the best character but most definitely pretty can anyone disagree with me on that?
She is by far the hottest and sexiest character in everything why is she not number 1.
At least before she was turned mortal definitely. An immortal who can shapeshift wouldn't make themselves anything but.
When Nico saw will, he thought of a memory when he first met apollo.
Thalia: He's hot.
Percy: He's the sun god
Thalia: That's not what I meant.
Why would Nico think of that if Will wasn't hot?
He is hot in his other pics though
I, at least, believe he purposefully designed his appearance to be as hot as possible. It would fit with how much importance he places on his looks.
He is literally the sun god he is supposed to be the hottest. Even Thalia thought he was hot
This is APHRODITE why isn't she number 1 like um of course she's the hottest
Frank is a kind character and he also gets buffier in the house of hades
Her description is stunning and her personality is very similar to Percy's!
Rachel description is nice and she is pretty too.
I love his personality and description. Seriously how is he not higher on the list. I know he is a minor character but still. He literally STOLL our hearts.
Such an underrated character! I love his character. It would be a TRAVISty if something ever happened to him.
Who added kronos I'm screaming
Bianca is actually beautiful too because her description was very nice but also have y’all seen her fan art thing or whatever it called she looking stunning in them pics tho.
If I was a guy I would date her but most o the hunters r gay r been rejected so lets say Bianca is gay I would date her