Top 10 Most Powerful Demigods from the Percy Jackson Series
Who do you think is the most powerful of all the demigods we encounter in the Percy Jackson series?
Ok, I know the whole section on Percy here sounds pretty biased. BUT, let's keep in mind his vast multitude of powers.
- Percy is strengthened and healed by water. If you think you've won, but there's a river nearby, watch out.
- He can breathe underwater. This means he can't drown, and if he wanted to, in any battle he could hide out underwater until it's over.
- Percy can generate hurricanes. That basically makes him untouchable to anyone around him.
- He stays dry in the water. This sounds pretty useless in battle, and it is, but if he's not getting chilled by the dip he took ten seconds ago, he'll be more focused.
- He can summon water from pretty far away. Let's not forget when he was in a CAVE he somehow summoned water.
- There are the somewhat useless powers that we always forget about, like his perfect bearings.
- Last but not least, everyone is saying he can blood bend. When did that come up? Please tell me.
Apart from supernatural powers, he is an AMAZING sword fighter, especially when he's in the water, and he's pretty smart, too. Sure, Annabeth calls him Seaweed Brain, but that's just because she's a genius.
Everything aside, Percy is by far the strongest demigod in the Percy Jackson universe.

Nico is amazing and grumpy, but when he is both amazing and grumpy at the same time, his true power shows. As the son of Hades, he can literally summon the dead - yes, you heard that right, the dead! He is also a forbidden child.
Nico is most definitely the most powerful demigod to exist. I'm pretty sure that if in either of the great wars, if Nico were to side against Percy and the others, the results would most definitely include the end of the world. He is naturally strong-willed, since he did get out of Tartarus alone and never gave up.
In the first series, he managed to convince Hades to join the war, even when Hades threatened to kill him he didn't back down at all, in fact he was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Nico in general had a lot of powers, although he may not have been the best fighter at first but he improved, on his own might I add. Percy and Jason both were trained by someone, however, Nico was self-taught.
Then there's experience to look at. Jason was at camp ever since he was three and Percy, ever since he was twelve. Jason had more experience and Percy had too little. Now look at Nico. He went to camp at the age of ten, he ran away and self-trained and well frankly (no pun included) a normal ten-year-old would've ended up dead or worse, but not Nico. When he figured out he was a son of Hades he immediately felt the need to bring Bianca back.
Then another thing is: Let's face it Nico can take out both Jason AND Percy at the same time if he wanted to. He can shadow travel away from them as defense or summon a skeletal army as a distraction to strike at them from behind or from the shadows. He can also heal minor wounds with shadows, just wanted to put that there. Then there's the fact that he CAN control the earth itself. Not much, but he can to some extent. He can also turn them into ghosts or the easiest way is to just make a surprise attack from a shadow. Thank you and bye because my sister's glaring at me right now.

Thalia is incredible and ambitious. While her ambition can sometimes get in her way, it also helps her a great deal. She can summon lightning from the sky, and even though she is afraid of heights, she is still amazing. As a daughter of Zeus, she is a forbidden child and stronger than most demigod children.
Duh. In the Lost Hero, one show of lightning at the campfire exhausted Jason. Thalia does it all the time. If she didn't have her fear of heights, her powers would be even more spectacular. Also, she's versatile. Her mainly known weapon is Aegis, which she uses in a number of ways, yet she can use a spear like a boss, and her archery skills were of that to match a Huntress, seeing as how she was made Lieutenant of Artemis immediately when she joined. She also went head-to-head with Percy. Anyone who can do that has my respect.

Okay, Jason Grace is definitely the most powerful character. For starters, he can fly. Sure, Percy can control water, but can he get up into the skies? Jason is also able to bring down lightning. Don't get me wrong, Percy's not bad, but he's not as good as Jason. Jason would've won the battle in Kansas when they were being controlled.
Sure, Percy can control water, but Jason can control the air! Another thing is loyalty and the fight for good. Jason had these character traits. For example, he gave his life so that Apollo, Meg, and Piper could beat the emperors.
Finally, Jason is a mini-me to his father Zeus and Percy is a mini-me to his father, Poseidon. Oh! Last I checked, Zeus was the king of the gods, not Poseidon. Those are all the facts, so as you can see, Jason is much better than Percy.

On a dangerous quest to save a Queen goddess, where he was the one who had to take care of the ride, he remembered to bring vegetarian food for his friend. He is a little smaller than the rest, but he used his skill and wit to make the best of the situation.
Instead of wallowing in self-pity, he decided that he couldn't hurt anyone more than a significant other. Since he didn't have one, he decided he was the one who needed to die.
He makes decisions on a whim, but they are surprisingly rational. Anger him, and he will stop at nothing to destroy you (Gaea!). He always keeps his promises, even though he is careful where and when he makes them.

First off, I think I should point out that Annabeth doesn't have any special powers, yet she beat other demigods who do have powers. This alone shows a lot. I believe she deserves to be in 3rd place after Nico, or maybe even 2nd behind Percy.
Even though Annabeth would never beat him in hand-to-hand combat, she is very smart and has a great battle strategy. She comes up with all sorts of plans. She faces her worst fear, not telling anyone what it is, not even Percy, and faces it willingly to help save the world. I don't think others would willingly face their worst fear without telling anyone what it is and therefore not getting any support on it. Annabeth is always right. Percy said he had learned a long time ago not to bet against Annabeth.
She knows everything and she is just the best! I'm not saying she is the most powerful, as she doesn't have any special powers, but she is definitely one of the best. If she had any special powers, it wouldn't be fair to anyone, not the gods, not even Gaea. She would be the most powerful, no doubt about it.
Also, she fought away monsters with a hammer for quite some time. She had to be very smart for that to work. This just helps prove that Annabeth is the best and maybe even the most powerful demigod.
We saw Frank turn into a dragon, so clearly he doesn't just turn into animals, but magical animals! For all we know, he could turn into a hydra or the Nemean Lion. His powers are virtually limitless, especially considering the whole 'swarm of bees' thing. Not one bee, but an entire swarm! Could he become an entire flock of birds, or a whole colony of ants? There's no way to know, I suppose, but I'd say hands down yes.
He could command the skeleton warriors and has superb archery skills. Due to the "blessing" of Mars, he's got huge muscles, and so out-muscles the rest of the whole 7. The stick isn't a weakness, it's proof of just how powerful he is. Juno seriously said that he was so powerful his powers would kill him, and that's why he needed the stick - it becomes his weakness instead of his own strength turning on him.
And it's not even that bad of a weakness, anyway. People overreact about it, especially considering the fact that if it's on him when he transforms, it just disappears with his clothes, and Leo's fireproof pouch. All in all, Frank is definitely the most powerful demigod. Of course, not in a sword fight, because that's not his thing, but combining fighting skill, power, and general awesomeness, he really is the best.

Hazel is easily the most powerful demigod because there is no one on this list she couldn't kill if she wanted to (but she doesn't because she is great like that). Obviously, she could do it with the Mist, like tricking them into walking off a cliff, or thinking that she is not holding a knife when she is, or getting them to drink poison while thinking it's really grape juice or something.
She also has the ability to control metal, so she could stab someone with their own weapon without lifting a finger. And, though people may forget about this, she also has the cursed-gem thing (or at least she used to. I'm not sure exactly what happened to it). She could just give them one of those if she didn't want to get her hands dirty.

Even though Luke was taken to the dark side, he is still strong. Even Percy once said that Luke was a tough opponent to beat.
I would personally say Luke. He is the best fighter by far, and if you compare Percy to him, I think you forgot who taught Percy. Also, he is a good but misguided person, and his powers, which we didn't see much of, are very powerful. I would also say that we have not seen the last of him, even though it seems he is dead.
Luke is the strongest, and here's why: He may not be as physically or magically strong as Percy or Nico, but he's manipulative.
Using just his wit, he almost destroyed the world in the first book. Everyone was wrapped around his finger, and he used them like chess pieces. He even controlled the gods of Olympus.

Why is she so underrated? Even though she got some help from Bellona and Athena, she killed a giant ALONE! One of the reasons she is so powerful is that she never gives up and always stays in the top place wherever she goes. She had a hard time in Puerto Rico, but she stood up again and went to Circe's island, where she became one of Circe's favorite attendants.
And when the pirates turned human again, Reyna fought so well. When she went to New Rome, she became the praetor of the Twelfth Legion. Even though there were not many descriptions of Reyna's past quests, the fact that Reyna is a praetor proves how well she did on her quest.
I am also excited about Reyna being in the Hunters because Reyna may become the lieutenant of the Hunters. (Just a guess, no offense Thalia)
The Newcomers
Alex is amazing! She has real skill with a garrote, and everyone was hella afraid of her when she first came. She murdered an elder grimworm on her first day in Valhalla. Her potential was extremely powerful, so Loki tried to get her on his side.
She can shapeshift and could probably become a dragon like Frank. Frank is at the top of this list, so you have to realize Alex's potential. She is honestly very much slept on. How the hell is Kayla above her? Halfborn was first scared of her, and he ripped a giant apart with his bare hands.
She should be AT LEAST rank 13 on this list. Help me get her above 13, please. She is all-powerful.

She is Magnus's friend. She should be after Magnus.

Why do people hate her? I am not going to mention everything she did, but she did so many things. Let's not forget that, if it wasn't for her, Jason would have died two times and Percy would have drowned. Leo and Jason (again) would have torn each other to death. Khione would have frozen them all to death.
She had the choice to betray her friends, but she knew she wouldn't. She felt sorrow because she knew she would choose to save the world at the expense of her father, and she still felt guilty for thinking that she might betray her friends.
She is trying her best to prove herself, and she cares about her loved ones a lot. Just because she cares about Jason (her boyfriend) does not mean that she is a bad person. What is that? Is Percy bad just because he cares about Annabeth so much that he chose to fall into Tartarus for her?
This is absurd. Yes, she is beautiful. She is a daughter of Aphrodite. She is emotional. Her biggest strength is her beauty and her power of love, but so what? Since when is beauty considered a bad thing? Since when does beauty mean that a person is stupid or shallow? She is smart because she uses her beauty, her power of love, and her power of words to save the world.
She might not be the strongest demigod, but she is very strong. Heck, she made Gaia go to sleep using her words! How awesome is that?
People should really learn that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and that not every person can defeat the other by plotting a strategy or by being an outcast.
Rick tried to teach you that you might find people who are different from you, but you failed to understand that.
She is just my biased favorite character. The fact that Hades had a daughter who seemed somewhat mature and ready to make big-girl decisions, oh, and she was an optimistic daughter of a pessimistic god? She rocks. I think with training (and some fanfiction) she would've taken over as Percy's +1, and it would've made for great storytelling.
Bianca di Angelo is the equivalent of Nico and would be in peak form forever if she hadn't died. She is a child of the big three and could be more experienced than anyone, except maybe Thalia.
Think about it, Percy wouldn't be alive if it weren't for this guy. Pretty much no one would. By blowing up that ship of monsters, he saved almost everyone's lives. Sure, some deaths couldn't be prevented, but this guy was a huge hero. Go Charlie!
Stealth ninja genius with an early grave.
What kind of hero blows himself up? Still, he was pretty powerful.
I don't think Meg is the most powerful demigod, but she's up and coming! She has been trained in a sophisticated fighting style, and has the whole plant thing going for her, plus peaches. I think she's an up-and-coming demigod that will show that "hey, Demeter is cool too."
She is definitely one of the strongest. Definitely stronger than Piper. She can fight with swords and has crazy plant powers, and she's only 12.
She will eventually become the most powerful demigod in any series, just wait until she gets older.

Magnus Chase was a late realization, but his Sumarbrander is unbeatable for any demigod weapon. Give him some time and training and look at the havoc he can cause. He is the Percy Jackson of Norse mythology. He is the most important part of Ragnarok.
So put him in upper tiers and Jason Grace will wet his pants on seeing Magnus' incredible prowess.
By Fredrick Chase
Magnus Chase is an awesome healer. I think he would be higher if he could actually fight by himself.
He is very creative and also builds his friends up.
This guy was literally called the greatest hero to ever live, which means greater than Hercules, Perseus, Theseus just to name a few. With his blessing of Achilles, no one can harm him unless they know about his heel. Adding his superior battle strategy and skill, he is almost invincible. Plus, you don't get called the greatest hero ever for nothing.
After Hercules, he is the strongest.
He is so awesome! He has excellent healing powers and is a natural archer (even though not as skilled as his other half-siblings), a natural musician, and is such a great person! He also has increased athletic skills and audiokinesis and can curse in couplets!
Superb healer and his musical talents!
Hercules, if we go by the powers of the big three, being the son of Zeus gives him aerokinesis, electrokinesis, and his own immense strength. If we are only following the books, everything Percy has done so far, Hercules has already done and more. It was mentioned that Hercules has a great publicist, meaning the mortals will never forget him and his Greek/Roman counterparts do not cause major personality changes.
If it was a fight between the children of the big three and we removed Hercules' immortality, Hercules would win because of his vast knowledge and skills as a fighter and his immense strength. We can't forget he has beaten Ares, wounded Hera and Hades, wrestled and defeated Thanatos just to name a few, so let's not belittle the lion of Olympus.

If he lived, this kid could have beaten Nico and even Percy. He sacrificed himself and gave Percy an opening to kill Kronos.
I think Ethan could have been a very powerful demigod. But unlucky him, he had an unfortunate past and parentage.
His mom is a stupid person. He's nice. His mom is awful.
Nemesis: I hate all my kids. Hahaha.
Ethan: I hate you. Kills Nemesis.
Clarisse La Rue is the daughter of a war goddess, which makes her skilled in all types of weapons. She has an electric spear, killed a drakon all by herself with no armor on, and was already a powerful expert fighter before Percy even knew he was a demigod. The only reason Percy was able to beat her was because he was strengthened by the water. Clarisse can beat Percy in a sword fight. Change my mind.
I think Clarisse is underestimated, just because she stayed at camp, or bullied Percy. Yes, she is not the BEST person, but she is a GOOD person.
Hylla is a very powerful demigod and should be higher on this list.
She is really like her sister. She should be right after Reyna.
This girl could wreck Hazel, Piper, Annabeth, and pretty much about half the people in the top 10.
As Zeus's first demigod son, he must be more powerful than the rest, and he was the only one in the entire demigod history who had a happy ending until now (Percy and the gang) as a hero. He stopped the kraken and Medusa and he didn't even use his powers as he didn't know about them until his father told him afterward. He is the role model of many heroes, including Percy. So yeah, he has power, but it's unknown. We have to wait for the Greek Heroes book.
Why do people hate her? She died a hero. And therefore, we should remember Silena as a hero of Olympus. We couldn't have defeated the Titans without her. Silena should be above.
She was a spy and traitor with a kind heart.
She is so brave, and that makes her strong!
The best prankster, along with his brother, ever!
A child of the Big Three is extremely powerful, but their powers are limited to the sky, the dead, and the sea. Alabaster has control over magic, one of the most versatile powers in the series.
He can power himself up, blast an opponent, control an element, and more. He's also a skilled swordsman, as shown during the battle with Lamia in Son of Magic.