Changes China Should Make

The Top Ten
1 Screw the communism

It hinders economic development, a fair judicary system and freedom. How can a good country strive without these? China wants to become one and therefore communism should be screwed.

2 Be nicer to North Korean defectors

The DPRK defector problem is insane... sanctioning the country is just torturing its residents who wants to escape. Having a city close to the border, why not take it and solve the problem by yourself? I am not sure if it will turn Yalu River inti another demilitarized zone, though.

3 Make laws against animal abuse with harsh punishments

They never will!

4 Be nicer to the environment
5 Improve the education in English
6 Less propaganda

There is no actual propaganda though, but they promote nationalist movies which are cringey. Example: wolf warriors 2

7 Less rivalry against other countries

Wolf Warrior 2 is hated because of this :/

8 Teach the public manners
9 Unban Facebook

No, Facebook is just a terrible social media.

10 Unban youtube

Use VPN then. It's not that hard to find a VPN in China.

The Contenders
11 Allow Winnie The Pooh again
12 Be more open to criticism
13 Free the Uyghurs
14 Give Hong Kong independence
15 Stop brainwashing their people
16 Switch to Democracy and Laissez-faire Capitalism
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