Top 10 Best Characters in Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie

The best characters from this solid Nickelodeon film. I'm only including characters that were present in the film and excluding characters that weren't. If they were only in for a few seconds I guess they count. If you haven't seen the movie yet looking at the comments of this list not might a good idea because there is some mild spoilers.
The Top Ten
1 Arnold Shortman

I was about to choose Helga, but Arnold's kind personality just really took over me and I can't resist myself! So I voted Arnold!

A bit cliche but in general without his optimism La Sombra would've won and Arnold would've never been reunited his parents along with Helga and Gerald's help to.


I LOVE arnold. in the movie his friends get mad at arnold [you remember why] some friends, come on he wanted to find his parents, even if they didn't know that why would they think arnold would do that to them come on what about the video they made of him [in beginning of the movie] was they lying in video

2 Helga Pataki Helga Pataki is a character from the 90s Nickelodeon cartoon Hey Arnold created by Craig Bartlett. She's known for being bossy and being a bully to most kids she encounters. However she's secretly loves Arnold despite the fact she acts bitter around him to keep her secret. She will often pull out a locket and say a monologue of her love for him in a place where no one will hear her or sometimes in public. When this happens she usually hears breathing and punches Brainy a lot.

Honestly I've never been more proud of Helga until this movie. It takes a lot of guts to admit to your crush that you love them by saving a tribe. She saved the day and was the reason Arnold reunited with his parents both because she had the videos to send him to San Lorenzo and her locket. I don't think the green eyed tribe or Arnold would've been able to see their parents ever again without her! What would Arnold do without his Helga?

Without her Arnold would've never gone to San Lorenzo plus her locket saved the village of the Green people.

3 Gerald Johanssen

He was essentially good comedic relief in the movie.

4 Phoebe Heyerdahl

She helped the rest of Arnold's class escape and generally was useful.

5 Grandpa Phil Shortman

He shined a lot in this movie.

6 Mr. Simmons

While he didn't a lot in the film he was fun to watch.

7 Stinky Peterson

He didn't speak a lot in the movie but he was pretty solid.

8 Sid
9 Eduardo

Even though he doesn't appear the last twenty minutes or so he was still a decent character.

10 La Sombra

The main villian of the movie and to be honest while he's excellently voice acted his character comes off as generic in all honesty.

The Contenders
11 Harold Berman
12 Grandma Gertie
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