Top 10 Characters from The Outsiders (1983)

Which "The Outsiders" (1984) character is the best?
The Top Ten
1 Ralph Macchio as Johnny Cade

Johnny is so sensitive and so caring, but he still can be awesome when he needs to. This guy would take a knife for you. He would kill for you (literally). No, I haven't seen the movie, so this is purely from the book. He's awesome. Period.

I absolutely adore him, from his innocent personality to his badass moments. It breaks my heart how his parents treat him and when he got beat up. I love his smile and his playful side a lot! But I also love how he will do anything to help others.

Everyone always talks about how he's innocent, but I actually don't think so. While still sweet, he killed a man and has been through some horrible stuff with his parents. We gotta give him more credit because he's tough!

2 C. Thomas Howell as Ponyboy Curtis

I really like his development and how he can be so stubborn or rude. It evens it out with his soft side. He is so rude at times for someone who likes watching sunsets (same though).

My second favorite character. I find it funny that Ponyboy is kind of a mixture of both Sodapop and Darry. It's also funny that he is a little more like Darry and he likes Sodapop more.

He is kind, outgoing, and an all-around great person.

3 Matt Dillon as Dallas "Dally" Winston

I'm glad he's number one. Not because he's my crush (which he is), but because someone finally found the real him. For a majority of the story, Ponyboy made it sound like Dallas didn't care about anyone or anything. I am glad that Ponyboy learned Dallas' true personality.

He needs more love. A lot more love than we give him credit for. He was in jail at the age of 10, so he's had a rough life. It may not be as bad as Johnny's, but it's there.

My favorite character in the book, his personality reminds me of my favorite fictional character. He kicks butt too, like in that rumble!

4 Rob Lowe as Sodapop "Soda" Curtis

When you wish you had a brother so you could have a brother like him.

My favorite character. He is just such a good character and so good at playing him. After watching The Outsiders and reading it for the first time, I was speechless.

Hands down, the best guy ever. He's so cool.

5 Emilio Estevez as Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews

He has a sense of humor but also can be heartwarming. The sound of his voice is amazing. He doesn't care what others think and will defend his family, a.k.a. the gang. Also, he is hot.

6 Patrick Swayze as Darrel "Darry" Curtis

He was very important because he was the one who drove Ponyboy away, making him run away and get into that trouble.

7 Diane Lane as Sherri "Cherry" Valance
8 Tom Cruise as Steve Randle

Probably one of the most underrated characters in The Outsiders! A lot of people say he was useless since he didn't do anything, but remember in Chapter 1, Ponyboy described him as being "smart." He's the reason why Two-Bit seemed so mature and why Soda passed auto mechanics.

He was also the first one to notice Johnny's jeans jacket that was left behind when he got beat up. Without him, the gang probably wouldn't have known what happened, and the story wouldn't be the same if this never happened. He might seem 'mean,' but he's not all that bad. It's the little details in the story that make up for it.

9 Glenn Withrow as Tim Shephard
10 Michelle Meyrink as Marcia
The Contenders
11 Darren Dalton as Randy Adderson
12 Leif Garrett as Robert "Bob" Sheldon
13 Lynne Hatheway as Sandy
14 Tom Waits as Buck Merril
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