Top Ten Worst Things About Dork Diaries

The Top Ten
1 Rip Off of Diary of Wimpy Kid

Whoever keeps calling everyone against Dork Diaries haters, can just shut up! Notice that no one is agreeing with you because you think that just because you have your own opinions, you're entitled to start shoving unpopular and lame opinions about how much were haters down our throats. Okay, I can say what I want, it's a free country! And you have nothing to do about it! When people are all, "Omigod, screw you haters," that's when I draw the line and decide that Nikki's fan base is going way too far. You should at least take this more respectfully and tell us that you respect our opinion and say why you think it's good, but instead, you're smart-mouthing people through TEXT because the big bad scawwy meanies are insulting my favorite book, boo-hoo! You want me to play a sad song for you on the world's tiniest violin? You're comments about how were haters is just making it more of a reason to hate Dork Diaries so get off this list and get a life, okay?! And while you're at it, maybe make your username on The Top Tens #I'm A Dorky Suck-Up Loser Who Wants To Be A Brat Like Nikki!

2 Ripoff of Dear Dumb Diary

Dork Diaries was released the same year as Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, 2004. Dork Diaries was released in 2009 not, 2001. Also, Dork Diaries recycles stuff from both books to make them sound cliche.
Also, Jamie is super funny and actually grateful to her family and friends. Her humor and her drawings make me LAUGH!
Nikki is a spoiled, selfish jerk who finds life a GREAT BIG CRAPPY problem. Whenever something is about someone else that's like a situation or something special, she makes it all about HER like the attention hog she is!
Plus, she's super girly and she keeps assuming that Brandon likes her because she's apparently the dorky, nerdy and poor girl.

Dork Diaries is lazy as frick and all it did is make a barebone version of Dear Dumb Diary, add tons of girly drama, and make it 10x worse. Let's compare and contrast the main characters: Jamie is funny, sarcastic, and is loyal to her friends, she ROCKS! Nikki is mean, obsessive, and OVERTHETOPBAR annoying and all the too girly, Nikki SUCKS! I used to like Dork Diaries a lot when I was 8 years old, but now I hate it! And I can't believe the girls at my school like it so much! Such a terrible book, almost as bad as 50 Shades Of Gray, another terrible and damn awful book!

I agree with whoever wrote this here! Unlike Nikki, Jamie is funny, nice, and always knows how to properly deal with problems. Nikki is another story. She's rude towards her parents, her sister, and towards her friends too. And instead of dealing with problems in a proper way, she goes all sensitive and judgmental. The thing I hate is that every time it's not about her, she always has to say what she thinks so it will be about her. Unlike Nikki, Jamie actually handles problems in a mature way. She doesn't cry or have these overdramatic meltdowns. And no, lovers, don't even think about calling me a hater. First of all, do you see Jamie acting all mushy gushy and obsessing over Hudson Rivers like what she does over Brandon in every book? NO! Do you see her getting into babyish fights with girls? NO! Do you see her having these dramatic meltdowns instead of asking for help? NO! Nikki is an attention-seeking brat who only seeks problems. Dork Diaries is so girly too! It's like Nikki's ...more

I actually thought it was a movie adaption at first. But didn't dork diaries come out first?

3 Unfunny

Rachel Renee Russell reminds me of Dhar Mann. She actually does. Because in his videos and HER book series, they pretty much just drown into the same things; a sea of cliched content. And wow, just count all the stereotypes. Oh no, all black guys say yo, man, bro and dawg (and the author is literally black too!), oh no, all mean girls are popular and have to be the pretty ones, oh no, all mean girls are rich, oh no, all protagonists are nerds, all protagonists are perfect, oh no, all bullies shove kids into their lockers, oh no, every ending has to have the cute guy falling in love with the unpopular girl, oh no, all bullies force kids to do their homework. To make matters worse, the endings are so unrealistic. The mean girl or the bully has to bully one student and then they live to regret it later on in the end, which just makes it sound cliche and makes the ending unrealistic. Honestly, I'd hate to break it to you, but your books don't let boys and girls' inner dork. Because ever since then, the blog post on Ask Nikki is full of girls complaining about stuff like not having a boyfriend, not having a phone, not having cute clothes or dolls, and goodness gracious stop it with BFF or OMG! It's getting so annoying!

4 It Doesn't Get Enough Attention

This wouldn't make it bad, it would make it underrated.

5 No Good Books

None of the books in Dork Diaries are good, in fact they are complete failure and GARBAGE. Not only do they shamelessly rip-off the successful Diary Of A Wimpy Kid franchise, it contains countless stereotypes and cliched content that I can't even count on my fingers. Also Nikki is a spoiled brat. Not once does she thank her parents for providing for the family, instead she nags her parents about a stupid iPhone like the whiny brat she is. Dude, she acts worse than her sister and she's 5! She actually calls her parents brain-dead. This is why no one likes her at school. She's a spoiled bratty 14-year old girl who only gives a crap about what she wants; popularity, guys, celebs, lip gloss, phones, and portraying herself as a dork, honestly? Is this what you DD fans call a positive role model? I'm not even joking when I say this right now, but do not read this book series because it can actually change your life completely. In a bad way.

6 Brandon Is a Waste of Nikki's Time

All Nikki ever cares about is love interests and drama. She never cares about actual important stuff in life, like getting good grades in school, helping her sister or her parents around the house. She does NOTHING except talk about how crappy her pathetic life is and how everyone is out to get her. She worships the ground that dimensional flat character Brandon walks on and is too busy drooling and obsessing over him because of good looks. She knows nothing about relationships. True love doesn't mean obsessing over someone because of their good looks. True love means looking out for others and putting them before yourself. And it's not just for your love interest. It goes for other people too. But Nikki? No. She literally calls her parents brain dead because they don't get her what she wants yet even her little sister is grateful. Was there a single Dork Diaries book where Brianna was rude to her parents? Like...she's always obsessing over him because of good cute looks while she only considers her own feelings except for when it comes to Brandon. Plus it's not fair that she has to hog Brandon all to herself. It's not fair that Mackenzie can't even have a boyfriend! Brandon deserves Mackenzie. Not a bully, wannabe a coward bratty idiot like NIKKI.

7 Characters are Idiots

Yes, especially the Fortnite dance challenge page. I will buy the book only to burn it. Other than that, I am not interested in this book. The worst part is the Fortnite page.

Niki is the worlds biggest idiot of them all.

8 The Author is Just Misguiding Kids and Only Cares About Business Marketing in Lieu of Educating Kids

I don't get it. Why do people even bother reading this garbage? I agree with all what other people said here, Nikki has revealed her true colors as an attention-seeking imbecile who only knows how to act like a complete idiotic pieces of crap in her trashy diary. I don't get it why so many parents and kids are gullible enough to like this book. NO WONDER why more and more problems are being created! I don't want to waste my time ranting on this. Last, the author just made another book 15? Just stop it with the nonsense.

Last, I have my own opinions and if the topic is arguable, I have the right to express my own opinions and no one has the right to shove their bigoted-opinative crap right into my throat.

I'm sure people's lives will get better when they stop reading Dork Diaries (yes from series #1 to #15) as well as stop promoting it.

Seriously, (to the author) get a life.

9 Overuse of the Word "Dork"

Fans of Dork Diaries, don't even think about saying, ''Oh no, she uses the word dork so much because that's what it's called, HATERS! DUH!'' Well I have a message for YOU! In Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, do you see the author always using 'wimpy' just because it says that on the title of the series! Um, no. So don't even think about it!

Nikki always has to end her books with, "Sorry... I'm such a DORK!" Okay, do you want a medal? Nobody gives a crap that you're a freaking dork. Secondly, you're not a dork, you're a snarky sarcastic spoiled little brat who cares about no one but Brandon and herself.

10 It Never Gets Mentioned On Other Websites
The Contenders
11 It Makes You Angry When You Read It

I can't be the only one who thinks that Nikki is extremely disrespectful to her parents, right?

I remember in 3rd grade when I first started to read this book series I just went along with whatever Nikki said and didn't think a lot about it.

I always thought that Mackenzie was the villain of the story (she is the biggest villain, though) and was evil.

Recently I started to dive deeper into these so called "kid-friendly" books and realize that a lot of this behaviour is sociopathic (Greg Heffley), disrespectful (Nikki Maxwell), and plain weird.

These books make me really angry when I think about all the other children who read this and think that the way Nikki acts towards her parents and Brianna is normal. Nikki is also painted as this up to date teenager who needs a phone and cute outfits. I mean...?

-jane (ig; basicallyjaane)

12 It is Full of Cliches

I love how the author is trying to make Dork Diaries look so original, but literally ANYONE could portray Nikki and what would be the difference? Why am I saying this? Because none of the characters have any personalities whatsoever.

It is sooo cliche, it has a main character who gets "bullied" by a rich mean girl and has a "crush" on the same person Mackenzie likes!. I mean Mackenzie had probably been liking Brandon since she knew him! But no! In one day, Nikki is like I'm cool and steals Brandons heart out.

13 It Wastes Your Time

Why are people even into reading this? All Nikki ever does is be a spoiled attention seeking brat, and she's never humble. She can't stand it when people tell the truth about how much of an ididot she is, but then it's perfectly fine to start talking about how everyone did THIS to her or everyone did THAT to her. NO one can tell her anything anymore.

Dork diaries is so useless, all it does is talk about materialistic things and boy stuff, it does not do kids any good reading it. Kids should find something better to d.

It's so easy and short you can read like three of them in a day. It doesn't waste you any time.

14 Nikki is a Mary Sue

This girl, I swear to God, all this girl does is complain, gripe, and whine. You are literally so privileged and have everything handed to you (especially times where you don't even deserve it), and yet you still complain. Like, are you mental?

And then she makes this derogatory comment about her mom being brain-dead because she got her a "stupid diary." In case you haven't noticed, that "stupid diary" you called it is the exact reason you've been writing all this garbage. She really tried to make herself look like some kind of victim when she's literally the ass of the whole book series (more than Mackenzie, who's supposed to be the bad one because she's 1) prettier than Nikki, 2) the typical popular one).

Enough of this BS. This is why I'm glad I'm no longer the age.

I don't even hate Nikki because she's a one-dimensional character with no personality. I hate her because she ALWAYS constantly has to portray herself as the victim when she receives punishment. But then she somehow has the entitlement to act however she wants whenever she wants when Mackenzie can't do the same. Because whenever she does, she gets treated like a creep for being the rich and popular girl. Mackenzie got bullied for wearing braces in the 6th grade, but everyone comforts Chloe instead and makes fun of Mackenzie's. So that's just RICH, coming from YOU miss Maxwell every time you talk about Mackenzie making your life hell. As a matter of fact, those who read Dork Diaries and realize that there is actually something wrong in there actually know what kind of a person Nikki really is. A shallow, spoiled, entitled little brat who cares about no one but herself and she always has to get what she wants because she's the perfect protagonist. And then she always has to play the ...more

She's supposed to be the hero and victim, but all she does is complain, whine, and focus on herself and Brandon. It's quite clear MacKenzie was neglected by her parents, however when MacKenzie insults her fashion a few times she freaks out completely. She is so privileged to be able to go to a private school for free, have a loving family, two friends who love her, and a loving boyfriend, but apparently she's some sort of victim because MacKenzie told her her clothes looked bad. If the ways my clothes looked were the only things I was insecure about I wouldn't be suicidal.

Nikki is nothing more than a spoiled brat! Okay, to the fans, PLEASE do not tell me that you actually think Nikki Maxwell is your positive teen role model. You may portray her as the dorky, sweet and kind protagonist, but all she knows how to do is brainwash people to get what she wants. All this, "oh no Nikki is a great and positive role model she is the best character ever" nonsense is exactly what she wants people to hear. That's why she always gets everything handed to her. Newsflash! Not all protagonists are good people and by you insisting that Nikki is a good person actually proves what a hypocrite she is. She's the queen of tantrums, complaining, and GOD, she's such a DRAMA QUEEN! She doesn't appreciate ANYONE in her family, all she ever thinks about is herself and what she wants. Not once does she thank her mom and dad for working and providing for the family, instead she nags her parents over a stupid iPhone, and when she doesn't get one, they're somewhat BRAINDEAD. Is this ...more

15 All the Girls are Tacky and Girly

Nikki tries to be someone she's not because they have like, one thing that she doesn't have. Why does she always have to be on top of everything? She acts like a goddess, always complaining and everyone else including her BFF's and family members are slaves and everyone has to do and give her what SHE wants when she wants. The girls are so annoying in this series. They literally dress like how girls use to dress in like, I dunno, the 90"s, and they're always obsessing over how cute they are and how they want boys to love them. Like... I have nice outfits, but not a boyfriend! I'm not complaining!

16 Mackenzie Is the Worst Character Ever

Not only is she lazily written but I honestly feel so bad for her that she gets treated like a creep and a loser for being the stereotypical blonde rich popular girl. It's like for Mackenzie, she can't even live her life anymore without Nikki hunting her down and blaming her for everything. Mackenzie literally got shamed for wearing braces, got humiliated because of a video that someone made of her, literally got rejected by so many of her friends, got chocolate sauce spilled on her by Nikki, and for some reason when Mackenzie tells her off, she gets these suicidal thoughts and plays the victim card. Honestly, I am sick to bits of Nikki Maxwell and her love of being such a selfish ass. Mackenzie never gets to have anything-like she can't even talk to Brandon because she might get offended! Mackenzie can talk to Brandon whenever she wants you spoiled brat.

17 Nikki is a Selfish Jerk

Nikki get's everything handed to her on a silver plate and she doesn't deserve any of it. She brainwashes and manipulates people into getting her way and getting what she wants. Who even wants to hang out with a selfish loser like her?! She gets these new outfits from her Grandma and then it's all, ", CRAP! My Grandma got me these ugly outfits! " And then when it's for Mackenzie, it's ", Mackenzie, you have it so easy! Everything is handed to you on a silver plate! You're such a selfish snake! " Oh, shut up Maxwell. Please die. Nobody likes you

18 Nikki and Her Friends (Especially Brandon) Gets Expelled Into the Same School Where Mackenzie is and It Becomes Depressing Again!

This book made me just want to rip it all up into several pieces. As if Mackenzie wasn't enough of a prick to Nikki (for literally just living her life) now we get introduced to a Mackenzie 2.0 and her name is Tiffany Blaine Davenport. I swear to God, she actually pissed me off. Every single character, except for Brianna and surprisingly except for Brandon, Chloe and Zoey pissed me off. But Tiffany managed to go way too far, more than Mackenzie. This girl is always taking selfies, every 5 freaking seconds. First of all, she's not even that cute. And she always keeps asking Nikki to do stuff for her like she can't do it herself. To make matters worse, I hopefully thought that everyone making fun of Mackenzie would make her realize how Nikki felt the first time she met. But NO!

19 Over use of the word 'OMG'

Okay, so if you're texting or talking to someone and you just happened to get surprised or shocked, that's what a lot of people say. But here in Dork Diaries, they say it every time! "O,M,G! Squeee!" like, every darn time, it gets really irritating.

I'm okay with people just using OMG in text, however what I'm not okay with is the way the girly-girls in Dork Diaries use OMG for literally EVERYTHING, like shut the hell up.

Literally, NO ONE uses abbreviation in real life (okay, maybe some do), but seriously, she uses it all the time, just STFU!

20 It's Not Real

Since when did story books have to be real?!

21 It Makes Fun of People with Braces

Dork Diaries is suppose to be teaching people especially girls that their flaws are what makes them beautiful. But then here they are, especially Brandon, shaming Mackenzie because she had braces in the 6th grade. Yet, their comforting Chloe saying that her braces look beautiful, but making fun of Mackenzie at the same time. And then she's the one blabbering endlessly about how bullying is not okay and that SHE's the victim. That is downright HYPOCRISY. So let me get this straight. Nikki's the protagonist. And Mackenzie is the ANTAGONIST. But the author decides that it's somewhat okay that the protagonist can make fun of Mackenzie whenever she wants because she's the antagonist and all and it's a good thing? So the author is a hypocrite. Good to know!

22 It Provides Very Unrealistic Expectations for Kids and Tweens

The real message from this book is to act as spoiled and selfish like Nikki Maxwell. She has this unhealthy obsession with writing garbage about people in her diary. Like, this girl thinks that a diary is gonna solve all of her problems? Well, it doesn't, if you haven't noticed. Every single darn day of her pathetic life, A NEW PROBLEM! Always, "Oh, my parents won't let me do this! My parents won't let me do THAT! I got these ugly oufits! I want to spend money somewhere but my parents won't let me! WA! "
I don't know if she's noticed but she's even a bigger whiner than Brianna! So SHE should talk about being a BRAT!

23 Everyone is White

Can you guys all shut up and stop fighting?! Seriously, you sound like 4-year olds right now.

This is so racist! You don't even know the color, so shut up!

Oh yes! Zoey is black. In Dork Diaries 2, it said that Zoey dressed up as Beyonce

24 It's the Same Plot Line Every Time

Rachel Renee Russell has like, ZERO ideas for plot lines. It's like a cycle of everything that goes on, on a day-to-day basis. One day, she's complaining about her miserable life. Next day, she's complaining about Brianna. Next day, she fights with Mackenzie (using dumb fashion insults from the internet), next day, she's flirting with Brandon, next day, she, Chloe and Zoey (those mentally retarded idiots) are trying to find ways to get back at Mackenzie, and then the next day, she's crapping on her family for being so-called "embarrassing" and sucks the fun out of everything. Next day, she wins against Mackenzie. And if she doesn't, the cycle goes on and on again. This girl doesn't know when to shut up, does she? Get a life you whiny brat.

25 Nikki is a Brat

Nikki is a phoney. She bullies her little sister who's only five years old. She's always saying stuff like, ", I can't believe you did this, Brianna! " Shut up, ok? She does the same things and she always has to find a way to throw it back on people because no one can say what they think about her anymore. She treats everyone like robots and starts making decisions for them, which is clearly why I hate Nikki more than Brianna.

Okay, so do you ever have those really annoying younger siblings who throw tantrums because they don't get what they want? Yeah, Nikki has that, infact, but she's setting a terrible example for Brianna by complaining a lot not only to annoy her parents, but it's like she's tatteling on people to a diary, as if that diary is going to solve all of her problems. Now how weird does THAT sound. So I don't know who she thinks she's trying to call a brat.

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