Top 10 Countries and Empires that No Longer Exist with Unique Shapes

The Top Ten
1 Roman Empire The Roman Empire was a post-Republican period of ancient Rome that lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD. It was characterized by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The Roman legal system and Latin language have had a lasting impact on the Western world. At its height, the empire was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in the world.
2 British Empire
3 Ottoman Empire
4 Persian Empire
5 Portuguese Empire
6 Byzantine Empire
7 Spanish Empire
8 Russian Empire
9 Mongol Empire
10 German Empire
The Contenders
11 Inca Empire
12 French Colonial Empire
13 Mughal Empire
14 Aztec Empire
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