Top 10 Dinosaurs Confirmed to be in Jurassic World

The Top Ten
1 Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus, meaning "tyrant lizard", from the Ancient Greek tyrannos, "tyrant", and sauros, "lizard" is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. It also had a tremendous bite force, the strongest of any Dinosaur and living terrestrial animal. Its bite force reached up to 12,800 pounds (roughly 5805 Kilograms).
2 The Mosasaurus
3 The Pteranodon
4 The Metriacanthosaurus
5 Velociraptors
6 The Ankylosaurus
7 The Stegosaurus
8 The Triceratops
9 Apatosaurus
10 Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus A carnivorous dinosaur that lived in the Cretaceous period, Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus is best known for its elongated neural spines, which formed a sail-like structure on its back. Native to regions of North Africa, it is thought to have been semi-aquatic and primarily fed on fish.
The Contenders
11 The Baryonyx
12 Indoraptor
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