Top 10 Disadvantages of Being a Non-American on the Internet

Sometimes, when you converse with an American stranger on the internet, there are some things that you will react with a '?'. Here is a list of such items.
The Top Ten
1 Having to open another tab and convert Farenheit to Celsius whenever they talk about temperatures.
2 You have no Idea what statements like Grading on a curve, honors, extracurricular and AP classes mean

The worst part about this that I know some American kids who don't know what these terms mean

3 Their grading system is probably different from yours so you have no idea how much they scored when they refer to 'A' or 'B'
4 When you don't know exactly what piece of clothing are they referring to when they say 'Pants'
5 Having to keep up with all the useless political drama just so that you can have a conversation with them
6 When dealing with distances and measurements, they respond in their own system instead of the metric system and you have no idea what that is
7 When you don't understand their 'GPA' system
8 When they keep referring to football as soccer and you don't know exactly what kind of sport they are talking about
9 When you don't understand why they are making a big deal about things like Peanut butter and High School Prom

I'm a Brit I like peanut butter its not an American only food.
Most food famous in America came from other countries.
Hamburgers - Hamburg. Why do you think there is no ham on the burgers?
Hotdogs - Germany.
Pizza - Italy.

10 When you don't really know what American Football is and whether it is the same as rugby or whether it is different from rugby
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