Top Ten Worst School Rules

If you're a middle or high school female, then this rule is just cruel. Girls having their periods NEED the bathroom more often. Girls may get a bad rash or infection from sitting in a bloody pad for too long. It gets smelly, and sometimes when periods are at their heaviest, if they don't change, they will leak, and blood will get everywhere. Gross and unhygienic.
No rule can be worse than this. During passing periods, the bathrooms are so crowded with jerks that I can't even use them. That's why I always ask during class. And when it comes to limited passes or straight-up no bathroom access, that's a BIG problem! My 6th period teacher forbids us to use the bathroom during class, period. That's why I hate him.
I didn't feel as bad after I read about a school that banned the use of the word Shrek.
If you think that's bad, my grade 7 teacher said that we weren't allowed to say "shut up."
Schools also consider "stupid," "hell," and "d***" as swear words.

You know, that's very stupid for a school to do that. You know freedom? If you have something on your hair that you don't want to show, then that's already a red flag for a bad school because you don't want to be humiliated, right?
Teachers think that they don't recognize you, even though they've seen you like a million times and should recognize you regardless.
Apparently, we can't wear hats or hoods in school because it is "disrespectful," even if our heads are cold or we have a bald spot.

A week after one of my teachers said he wouldn't get us in trouble for being late if it was a legitimate reason, my bus was almost an hour late. By the time I got there, I was supposed to be in the same class, but when I arrived, that same teacher lectured me, even after I told him what happened.
Imagine being absent because your bus got into a huge car crash and 50 of the students died. What do you do then? Tell us our bus is still late and literally give us detention for no particular reason or something? This is ridiculous.
They may not have this rule at your school, but they sure do at mine. Anyways, this makes no sense at all. How in the heck can they control how you feel about someone? That's why this makes no sense, but yet, they made it a rule.
How can they even enforce that? I'd go to the Board of Education if I went to your school.
How is this even a rule? It's not as if we have an 'off' button for our hormones when we're in school.

I heard of a school where you need to spend 30 minutes to get permission to use your phone for an emergency, like if someone has a heart attack.
This is stupid, in my opinion, because we are not in the middle of class.
Omg, this is the worst one. It's not class, so how is the phone so bad?

I am in 8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year, and my science teacher said, If you are half a second late, you are technically late, so I can give you a detention. I was like, What?
What's frustrating is that most schools have this.

I get no talking during class. But I can talk anywhere else I want to, and no strict teacher can stop me.
I can understand this rule in class, but the no talking at lunch rule is ridiculous!
Well, if you can't hear your teacher, you can't learn anything.
I love dinosaurs. I watch 10 of them die in battle tournaments every day. This is stupid.
What if you're just talking about a game you like with your friend?
Jeez, how paranoid can you people get!?
I am done with work, so I will break the rules if I want to.
Why, though? Even when you are done with everything?
The Newcomers

Well, I mean... If you're playing games all day, you can't learn anything.

Principal: "Here at blah blah blah, we want our students to be productive. Oh, and while you're at it, no toys from home!"
Ridiculous. It's a kids' game. It's not knives.

Hats allowed. A Nazi cap? Yeah, not so much.

Oh wow, that's actually the worst thing I've heard here. There must be reasons you're late for a family emergency. You may not attend school actually in my school, but you can.
How is that even possible? What if your parents break up or get divorced? What if Grandma is sick? That's unfair.
Family is more important than school. This is making me mad.

We don't have that rule at my school. I sometimes see kids hugging my math teacher. Does he yell at them? No.
I do it sometimes too, and does he yell at me? Nope.

How can they stop you from having best friends? And why would they ever do it in the first place?
What? I thought getting best friends is the best thing that can happen in a school (apart from having everyone as your best friend).
No best friends? Oh, really? Then why do you have a lounge, you hypocrites?
It's a family emergency! There's a reason to stay home until it's resolved!

If a jacket isn't our school jacket, we can't zip it because they "have to" see the school's logo. This is just nonsense. There's a difference between wearing a jacket that's zipped and wearing an unzipped jacket.
What if you're freezing? My school allows it, though.

Did you know chewing gum actually makes you smarter? That's why this rule is one of the most confusing ones. Tell your teacher to look it up if they don't believe me.
How does it affect them if we're chewing on a flavored piece of rubber?
How is gum not allowed? It's only flavored rubber!
If you want some meatballs, then you have to eat vegan balls? That's just crazy. A vegan school is too much for me.
I feel bad for you. My 4th-grade teacher recommended that we bring in healthy snacks for lunch, but she never really banned anything completely. Dang.
I think as long as it covers your bra and it's not too low cut, then that should be fine.
Why? I don't get it!