Top Ten Best Final Fantasy Couples

The Top Ten
1 Cloud x Tifa

The best couple by far! From childhood to now in Rebirth! I cannot wait to see what unfolds for them in FF7 part 3!

Gotta love Cloud and Tifa together :)

They're so perfect for each other!! Tifa and Cloud all the way!

2 Cecil x Rosa
3 Tidus x Yuna
4 Garnet/Dagger x Zidane
5 Celes x Locke
6 Zack x Aerith
7 Lulu x Wakka
8 Laguna x Julia
9 Vincent x Lucrecia
10 Snow x Serah
The Contenders
11 Clive x Jill
12 Squall x Rinoa
13 Rydia x Edge
14 Cloud x Aerith

Thank you for not listing any crossover couples in this. Crossover couples suck and never make sense.

I will not get over how deluded the fanbase for this ship is..

15 Terra x Edgar
16 Laguna x Raine
17 Cloud x Zack
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