Top 10 Best Ubisoft Games
Ubisoft has released a large number of video games, some of which are better than others. Check out this list for the top 10 games from Ubisoft.
The first AC game I ever played, and even after playing all the others, it's still my favorite. It's also better than other Ubisoft games, at least as far as I'm concerned. The first one was the herald of a new era of gaming, pretty much a launch title for the 360. The second one built on the mixed love and criticism and the total freedom you got to experience. It also captured the badassery of being an Assassin and made a stellar game.
I have the Ezio trilogy because I love AC 2, and because, next to Master Chief, Ezio Auditore is my favorite video game protagonist, and this is his best game. Okay, Brotherhood was good. But still.

Fast-paced action in a game world of heavenly beauty. Though it gets easy after some time, the various ways to siege pirate camps were my favorite thing. And it was quite representative. For example, if you shoot an enemy firing an RPG, he will miss the target. But still, it's the best game ever.
By far, my favorite Ubisoft game. Amazing graphics, an awesome storyline, and a great open world that offers a load of activities. You'll be amazed after the first 15 minutes of playing on this island of insanity.
Best game ever! But I think they could have made it even better if they had just increased the storyline a bit and made it more difficult for Jason to reach Vaas. But putting that aside, I think this is one of the best games ever with story, emotions, and revenge.

Great game. It's a huge game with a vast map and tons of things to do and find. The world is so beautiful, full of tropical islands and countless treasure maps. There's endless conflict with ships, hunting animals, sharks, and giant whales the size of the ship. A plethora of upgrades on the ship makes it better and better. The story keeps you thinking. It's a catchy story with pirates that makes you always wonder what will happen next.
This is such a great game. There's just so much to do. They really improved the game mechanics from previous games, especially the combat controls up to Revelations. AC2 may have been the largest improvement from the previous game, and AC4 might not have much of a story, but you can't get bored here just messing around in the huge open world.

I just loved the setting and the game mechanics. The gameplay was really entertaining, as well as the side quests, which in most cases become boring after repeating them over and over. I have to say that the storyline wasn't that great, but it was okay since I played it for the gameplay and not the plot.
I distinctly remember saying, "Stop. The. Bus." Yes, stop the bus, not... shoot the bus. I'm very particular with my words. Stop. Shoot. STOP. SHOOT. Do those words sound the same?
"It got out of control." I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you say? "It got out of control." It got out of control. I hate when things get out of control.
[Proceeds to stab royal army captain in the neck with a pen]

Realistic first-person shooter game, based on real special forces around the world, and keeps growing into so much more! New operators and maps are added regularly. Best online tactical game that requires coordination, thinking, and skill with firearms. Great game.
Shooters like Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc., lose their player base as time goes on. This game's player base grows with time, and that is all you need to know. What are you doing? Go play the game!
Most Ubisoft games simply die out a month or two after release since the game has horrible netcode, is too grindy, etc. However, that isn't the case with Rainbow Six Siege. Siege still has a healthy, growing player base, unlike all of Ubisoft's other games. Clearly, Ubisoft has something special with this game.

Awesome game. I love it so much. The map is so well-designed, with countless things to do. I like it also because of the hackers. There are so many great missions, crazy staff weapons, and trendy outfits. You feel like such a kickass gangster. Ubisoft did a great job. I can't say it is better than Grand Theft Auto, but it's different and a great game worth playing. Nice.
Innovation at its finest. Hacking in video games has never been so much fun. What are those silly mini-games compared to Watch Dogs? It's a game with hacking at every turn.

E for everyone? There's blood on Rayman's hands, more like E for evil!
This one and Rayman 2... legendary.

Love this game. They introduced streak kills in this. It's fun to play, it's the best game I've ever played, and it has an amazing story.
What is this doing below the first Assassin's Creed?
Better than more than half of the list.

In the whole Assassin's Creed series, this story is the most inspiring, with lots of activities like hunting, trading, inventing new products, forming gangs, helping people, and building an empire with those trustworthy individuals. It features two faces: one as a city life assassin and another as a village don.
Connor's character is the most astounding, ferocious warrior. It's the story of transforming a small village boy into a cultured assassin as well as a businessperson. The weapons used by Connor are also very stylish, and his fighting styles are extraordinary.
The Newcomers

Definitely the best Far Cry. Great setting with incredible detail and graphics.
This is my favorite game, and I've been a gamer for a long time.
Killing anyone and anything with ease is good.

A really good and enjoyable game. The graphics are amazing.

This game combines the stealth and parkour of Assassin's Creed, the great outpost and HQ takedowns of Far Cry, the seamless multiplayer missions of The Division, and the extreme sports aspect of Steep, all packed into a pretty damn good open world to explore, discover, and find new hilarious ways to interact with.
This game is the perfect game, in my opinion. Hacking, shooting, and parkour. No open-world game can beat it. Sorry, Grand Theft Auto fans.
Very good game. Stays interesting and fresh the whole way through.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is my favorite game. In fact, I love to play the Assassin's Creed series. Can you tell me how to make such a game? Please.
It's the best game from Ubisoft because its story and style are amazing. Its unique dress makes it the best game in the world, I think.
My all-time favorite game. Syndicate is a masterpiece for its characters, open world, and gameplay.

Best game from Ubisoft. It has two bad things, in my opinion:
1. Combat was quite poor compared to POP Warrior Within and POP The Two Thrones.
2. It's a short game. If anyone played previous games, they could finish the entire game in about 6 hours. It should have been twice as long.
I have played all Splinter Cell games, all main Assassin's Creed games (with Ezio spin-offs), and all Prince of Persia games starting from Sands of Time. My favorite franchise is definitely Prince of Persia.
Prince of Persia like never before. It is the most daring and unique, filled with surprises and thrills ever designed by Ubisoft. It is breaking records and makes a person more restless because he can't stop playing it.

Amazing. I would have died without AC.
Best game of the Assassin's Creed series. I really loved this game. It's awesome.

This masterpiece isn't easily forgotten. Sadly, it's placed very low on the list. With no offense intended, I think there's much Assassin's Creed fanboyism which brings it down.
Amazing game! Except for the Game Boy Color version!
Amazing game, overlooked too much!

This was a truly groundbreaking game. The sequels never lived up to the first one, in my opinion. This is a Hall of Fame game.
Best old game I ever played. I love this stealth-action game because it has very good graphics, story, and gameplay.

I accept that Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades was better than this game, which is a canceled game and would have been released in 2005. But still, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is better than all other games in the world. Ubisoft should release Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades as early as possible in any case.
I have played all AC games, and they are meh. You just can't die. It was so easy. AC games played themselves, and the gameplay was also very bad. Two Thrones is better, and I have a lot of fun fighting and doing all those acrobatics. The graphics are a bit oldish, but still, I give it a 9.5/10, and I give AC a 4.5/10.

In my opinion, it's the best of the franchise. Music, gameplay, action, and characters are all great. The game is a bit dark and gloomy, but it's due to the setting of the story. I never get bored of playing this masterpiece.
How is The Forgotten Sands above this? That game was horrible, with a boring story and terrible combat. Warrior Within completely blows it out of the water.
This game was awesome. Everyone knows if PoP hadn't existed, there wouldn't have been Assassin's Creed. So, respect this wonderful game!

Best storytelling from Ubisoft and almost any game. The use of time abilities is just awesome.
Best PoP game ever. A true classic. Puzzles are the best, combat is thrilling, and platforming got me hooked. It also has the most engrossing story.

Best platformer I've ever played. It should be number one. Great music, great gameplay, great art style - nothing bad about this game. Plus, it's good old Rayman, Ubisoft's mascot. You can't not like Rayman. No offense to PS4, but Legends is better on the Wii U.
Quite possibly the best Rayman game. It's a shame Ubisoft neglects this franchise nowadays.