Top 10 Biggest Badasses in Video Game History
Basically this is a list of characters that are basically unstoppable and can survive any situation. However this list is for everyone so post who you think deserves to be on this list.
Okay, the reason why the Ghost of Sparta and the new God of War, Kratos, is the number one biggest badass in video gaming history is because he is often forced into adventures in attempts to avert disaster or change his fate. Kratos is usually portrayed as being oblivious to all else in the execution of these adventures, often engaging in morally ambiguous activities and performing acts of extreme violence.
Kratos is most commonly described by reviewers as a "sympathetic antihero." Who is more ruthless? More savage? More merciless? No one. Kratos is the ultimate badass!

Master Chief can flip an Elephant, which is the biggest vehicle that you can drive in Halo. How much does an Elephant weigh? Two hundred and five tonnes. Because it is spelled tonne, that makes each tonne 2,204 pounds. Multiply 205 by 2,204, and you get a jaw-dropping 451,280 pounds. He can flip that over with his bare hands. That puts his level of strength nearly on par with Kratos's strength.
I don't know what Kratos's biggest feat of strength is, but I'm sure it isn't too much more than the Chief's. Also, he destroyed a group of brutal religious fanatics twice, killed literal gods (yes, the Flood were known as the Precursors before the Forerunners essentially killed them, and the Precursors were gods), murdered quite a few Forerunners, and survived re-entry from orbit.
He may not be more badass than Kratos, but he certainly trumps everyone else.

He can kill countless aliens and still have time to step into a strip club.
He can be in loads of bad or critically slammed games and still remain one of the greatest badasses of all time.
Every man wants to be him, every woman wants to bed him.
He's the King.
What more need I say?
And to think the voice actor for Duke once voiced Big the Cat. "The more you know."

I can tell he should be number one on this list. I didn't even start playing Metal Gear Solid V (or any Metal Gear game for that matter) until today.
Solid should be top 3, honestly. He would destroy most of the people on this list.
Solid Snake is the best. End of discussion.

She has always impressed me with her limitless stamina and agility. Although I've not played many of her games, the ones I have are really good. The only thing I don't like is her creepy butler in the third one.
Arguably the most iconic fictional female.

Link would be quickly slaughtered by this rough-as-nails SAS soldier. Carrying a sword is badass if we were in 2012 BC, but we're not in 2012 BC, are we? We're in 2012 AD, so a sword won't cut it against Captain Price's modern arsenal, including one of the finest assault rifles around: the M4A1.
Price is just badass. I mean, he smokes and doesn't care. He shoots a bunch of people and doesn't care. He even commits war crimes and doesn't care. That is the very definition of awesomeness.

Now, I'm going to say that the original Dante is better than the new one, and you can hate on me if you want. But he has always been a guy who has fun with his job, which is slaying demons. His sword can slice through anything, his guns are always blazing, and he has fun with it. I mean, come on, he had a class literally called Trickster, so what is not to love?
Dante should be in the top 5 most badass characters in video game history. Fighting five undead skeletons while having three blades stuck in his body and eating a slice of pizza is just one of the many badass things this guy has done over his career.

He is the most powerful nerd ever. He fights zombies and headcrabs with a crowbar. Well, I don't know much else about him, but I'm planning to find out more. Until then, this is all I have to say.
Gordon taught all of us to never underestimate a nerd.

Vito should be #1. He has beaten the crap out of so many people with his bare hands. He has taken down armies of Mafia men who are armed to the teeth with Tommy guns, with a single pistol, all while looking good in a three-piece suit. He took down Brian O'Neill, who was three times his size, by using O'Neill's own knife against him.
If Master Chief weren't genetically enhanced and didn't have armor on, Vito would win in a fight, with or without guns. Vito would also beat Captain Price and Duke Steroids Nukem.
There's one thing Link should learn from Vito Scaletta: never bring a knife to a gunfight because it's useless.

The Newcomers
There's literally a commercial where it shows Spyro, Crash, and Sonic all in a hospital because Ty kicked their tails!
If that's not badass, then I don't know what is.

Sean Devlin is way tougher than Kratos. For a start, Kratos doesn't have a submachine gun or pistol.
Also, I doubt Kratos would be able to push the Nazis out of Occupied France single-handedly. All Kratos is is a leotard-wearing, gay pride parade member who's taken too many steroids.
He's blown up tanks, APCs, zeppelins, Kubelwagens, and Nazi motorbikes with sidecars. Sean also assassinated 50 Nazi generals single-handedly along with pushing the Nazi ranks out of France.

Link has demonstrated a lot of prowess throughout the 30-year lifespan of his games. This includes being able to use an ocarina and a countless number of masks, as well as a lot of bows, swords, bombs, and much more that would be really difficult to fit here.
I forgot to mention that he would also be considered a legendary character with prowess far beyond Mario's in combat and strategy. That's why I went as Link once for Halloween. He is just outstanding in the industry and never gets old at all! It's amazing how he can stay relevant and still be a badass for so long.

The fact that Doomguy isn't #1 is a sin itself. This guy took down Hell's invading forces on Mars, went to Hell itself to demolish the forces of Hell on their own soil, and then went to Earth and kicked the crap out of Hell's armies after they invaded Earth.
He can run faster than 50 mph, faster than his own rocket launcher fire. He doesn't use power armor, just standard security armor. He can kill demons with his bare hands. He's the only known human to survive the Haste, Berserk, and Quad-Damage energy boosts. He once killed Hell's armies over his pet rabbit.
The greatest secret agent out there and the one with the best monologues.

Joe brings the heat all the time. Unlike other characters, he shoots first and only asks questions after he beats the crap out of people. He gets girls, massacres foes, and became a made man in the Cosa Nostra without a hitch. While Link is doing his stupid sword dance, Joe would just BLAST him with a Tommy gun.

This man alone started a new era in zombie and alien creature killing. I mean, sure, I could have just as easily picked Chris Redfield, but he had a partner. You know what Leon had? An almost good-for-nothing girl who gets kidnapped regularly and does nothing to fight back, so the only thing she can do is hide. So yeah, Leon for the win.

"Requiescat in pace"! This sentence is a death signature that all AC fans say before killing a major target, even if it's not Ezio who is the main character!
So, for me, this guy deserves the top 3 (with Link and Snake).
Yup. Ezio is a pretty badass guy! He's an assassin, after all!

Yes, he's so badass! Everyone is afraid of him when Trevor goes psycho!

I think he is more badass in Dead Space 1 since he cannot talk. But in Dead Space 2, we see a more human side of him.