Hardest Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise

Made this list in version 3.1.

Obviously I'm considering only High Rank monster hunts (so no Rampages).
The Top Ten
1 Narwa the Allmother

Gigantic HP. Playing this with randoms is a nightmare, she has a ton of combos and followups so waking up with bad timing equals cart.
Her most annoying move is the when she magnetizes the center of the arena and pillars move back and forth; I'm using a Farcaster to Whetstone and restock when she does that

2 Magnamalo

Very unpredictable moveset and very hard to read. He doesn't hit super hard yet but wait for the inevitable Apex version

3 Crimson Glow Valstrax

Super obvious choice

4 Rajang

My favorite monster! Maybe I fought too many over the course of other games so I'm not ranking him any higher. They made his beam much harder to evade this time around

5 Almudron

No matter how far you are, he can still reach you. Some matchups are a nightmare against him. When Apex Almudron comes, there is gonna be carts for days

6 Kushala Daora
7 Nargacuga

Same case of Magnamalo and Almudron regarding Apexes. I feel like Narga is understimated she is super agressive and cover a lot of ground with each attack

8 Royal Ludroth
9 Tobi-Kadachi
10 Apex Zinogre

So far he is the hardest Apex. Thunder Resistance is a must here

The Contenders
11 Apex Rathalos

Rise has his best interaction if you ask me, his moveset is more fluid and more frantic.

12 Apex Diablos
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