Top Ten League of Legends Tank Champions

The Top Ten

Combine Thornmail with his passive and his W, and most AD champs will kill themselves by attacking you. Add in Boots of Swiftness, and his Powerball will go so fast Sonic the Hedgehog will blush.

Those boots with his Q basically make it impossible to run from him. The only real way to stop a jungle Rammus is to take his red or blue early. Otherwise, he will outdo everything you can.

His Q also lets him get Raptors and those little rock dudes early, granting extra gold before needing to recall.

Great at soaking up damage while returning it with W. Not to mention his ultimate does huge AoE damage, and his Q can disrupt team fights perfectly or be used to chase down and kill single targets that try to escape. No one escapes Rammus.


This guy's passive is the best. With his passive up, you will be literally overpowered in the early game.

His passive and his W allow him to build full tank and still deal significant damage.

Passive rules! With his heal, he is the strongest!


Great for harassing enemy champs, especially if you know how to gank as him. Boost his speed, jack up his health, armor, and mana, and give him Sunfire Cape, and they won't survive. Pump levels into Bandage Toss and Tantrum to get the most use out of him.

Just an awesome tank with great abilities. So overpowered in teamfights!


Pure tank, hands down. Only Shen and Rammus have taunts, and that ability makes a pure tank!

I've been playing Shen top lane for the past 100 games, and the only champion that could win against me in lane was Darius. Shen is very strong in 1v1. After level 3, you can beat almost anyone except Nautilus. Use your passives well, and it's GG.


Tips say not to even try to duel him! Enough said!


With his skills dealing magic damage and his Feast being a one-hitting beast, this makes him an extremely hard-to-kill champion. He can have 10k health if fed and late game, and have 300 defense too. Since he deals so much damage too, when you see him, no matter what you use, you're dead - AP or AD.

Cho'Gath is a low-risk, high-reward champion that can deal tons of damage as a tank or take a lot of hits building full AP. Start with a Rod of Ages, use the spikes to farm like no tomorrow, and get your stacks. Beyond that, do whatever you want.


Tons of mass and CC. Literally a brick wall that the enemy has to go through if they want to reach your team in a fight.

Don't spam shield early. Needs a few items to become just a waste of time to focus. Can put out tons of damage as well.

Nautilus has the most CC of any character in the game and is an all-around great tank. You can play him support, jungle, top, and even mid, as seen in the LPL and LCK.


So tanky at full build. With his ult, he can easily dive not one, not two, but three turrets deep and survive. He can also stay on top of the enemy carry with his Twisted Advance, which is also a good way to initiate a fight.

His ult is amazing in team fights, and he is one of the best tanks not only in the competitive scene but also in the game. Late game, he is almost unkillable.

Super tanky, amazing at crowd control, and can easily take anyone 1v1. Also, he can be a great support since his abilities can stun and slow enemies.


He can tank for days with no problem, has sustain and a built-in Sunfire. Let's not forget the damage reduction on his ult.


Zac is looked down on a bit too much. Yes, he isn't the easiest of champions to use, but his armor isn't too bad. His E is the best move a jungler could have since it is an awesome gank tool from the fog of war. His W deals a percentage of max health, which is also pretty sweet. I build my Zac with Rylai's to gain a bit of AP so his W does 10% of their health.

I max his Q last since it is his weakest move, though it still has great AoE. I love using his ultimate when the enemy is attacking an allied turret - they just bounce in. He is good because all of his attacks are AoE. I build him to about 5.06k health, and with Lulu's ultimate, I was shocked to see his size (though Cho'Gath is still larger).

The Newcomers

? Talon
? Illaoi
The Contenders

He is the best tank ever with his health regen and no mana. He can easily harass with his E. Buy him for an instant win!

Renekton has the most spammable abilities ever.

He is great early game and does tons of damage.


Guys, Taric's second skill makes overpowered champions vulnerable, plus he has a stun.


Combines up to 7% max health damage per hit with tankiness. Also, she is a dragon, which is cool.

Has a great ult that can be OP near the end of the game if fury charges quick enough, making all her other abilities OP.


Best tank out there. Once leveled up, Seismic Shard does incredible amounts of damage to champions such as Ashe, Miss Fortune, and any other attack-based champion.

Unstoppable Force is perfect for team fights, and spamming Seismic Shard is great for chases. All-around tank.

A real tank with some killer AP damage. Might be the best team fight champ and definitely has one of the best engages in the game.


Good mobility, and while being tanky, he can also do a ton of damage due to his true damage against villains. He puts pressure on the enemy team's most precious champions.

He heals in seconds and does pretty good damage. His ultimate is a great finisher for tanks who don't want to die at the end.

W passive plus scaling equals tankiness plus damage. Bushmaster is the best.

Dr. Mundo

Who is the best tank in the game? Mundo. Who deserves to be number 1? Mundo.

Insane sustain. Mundo goes where he pleases.

Build his health, let his passive do the rest.


His ult is very powerful all around. Who doesn't like a steroid that gives you massive defensive stats, health, and mana regen? His W and E are excellent for defending your carries, and he can kill people by running away. Combine that with his kit, and you have the ultimate tank!

His kit is beautifully designed and completely unique. Great at causing madness.

Can tank five enemies at once with a hitter by his side to kill them all.


A tank that can 1v1 the enemy ADC and walk off like nothing happened. She can get the most amount of armor and MR possible in the game due to her W, and she has three stuns.

Nice tank when played with good coordination. She is much of a setter.

So much stun, which can make a big difference under allied turrets.


Thresh is by far the strongest champion in the game. If the player can use him well, the game is already won.


The combination of her shield passive along with her W scaling and max health damage on Q makes her exceptionally viable.

Fun to play but difficult if you can't maneuver around skillshots and hooks. I would personally rate her number 1.

Combined with her passive and Courage of the Colossus, she has an infinite shield. Good passive on W.


Very OP, my favorite tank, and criminally underrated. I also second Garen, Jarvan, and Warwick, although he is not a tank, but he is the most OP on the list.

Free shield up to level OVER 9000! With the new S7 Masteries, he's even tankier. Ten years of CC and a passive that stacks health. Any more reasons needed?

He can soak up a huge amount of damage while still applying his CC capabilities. He is the best champion to play with, in my opinion.

Tahm Kench

He is so overpowered, he quite literally cannot die because of grey health. Being able to eat allies and other champions is OP.

Broken if you just run a Spirit Visage into a Warmog's or Sunfire Cape.

Tahm Kench is very strong and has a lot of health, so I recommend this champ.


If you let Nasus do ANYTHING - farm, kill, jungle, support - he will murder you. 1v1ing a Nasus that's not dueling is suicide.


OP passive. She is a late-game queen. Get Righteous Glory and Banshee's Veil for an unstoppable gank. She also does 20% max health damage to champs she shatters, meaning she can delete tanks.

Her passive is also amazing, giving you 100% bonus armor and MR, meaning 750 armor is easy to get. That's about 88% reduced damage.

Mobility. More HP = more damage output. Lots of HP and armor and HP and MR items to build according to the situation.

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