Top Ten Reasons Why the Virtual Boy Sucks

We know the Virtual Boy sucks but there are reasons behind it
We are counting down with Top Ten Reasons Why The Virtual Boy Sucks of All Time
The Top Ten
1 Rushed Technology

It was rushing to the market and it was short lived

2 Causes Seizures and Headache

Why would anybody playing a console that make you get headache and seizures!?
You think the Polybius or Lavender Town Syndrome song are the mighty suicidal champion?! But no the VB just literally the mighty suicidal champion

3 Less Games

There are less games for this garbage

4 Bad Design

The console designs are bad I mean look at it its like a goggle on a stand!

Yep, Virtual Boy is a ripoff of goggle.

5 Batteries are quickly drained by playing

Playing this with using battery are quickly drained so you go to the market to buy many batteries! Just what is Nintendo thinking?!

6 Horrible Games

I'm not saying Mario games on this are bad but there are bad games on this like Water World or the space shooting game thingy with using lines

7 Red and Black Colors When Playing

Its obviously red and black I'm not kidding

I saw that at angry video game nerd

8 Princess Peach Appears in the Virtual Boy Games Instead of Princess Daisy

Well that's a stupid reason. - Gehenna

9 No Good Library of Games

Like I said Mario games on this are not bad but just the games are bad and nearly no good games on this

10 Phony

Let's face it, this crazy excuse for a virtual reality gaming system is as phony as a three-dollar bill!

The Virtual Boy is Nintendo's first counterfeit console.

The Contenders
11 Awful Ports of Games

Tetris on this are so bad

12 Most Games are Not Fulfilling

Some of the more decent games like Wario Land and Galactic Pinball are games that don't need to be on the Virtual Boy and have better alternatives on other consoles anyways.

Most games are not full filling the law of reality like Mario games on this why the name is Virtual Boy I mean just what the heck?!

13 No Multiplayer
14 It's Ugly
15 No Head Strap
16 It Doesn't Even Feel Like Virtual Reality
17 The Cancellation of Mario Kart Virtual Cup
18 It's Not 3D
19 Killed VR in the 90s
20 It Wasn't a Headset
21 Overpriced
22 It Looks Dangerous
23 It Had Health Warnings on the Box
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