Top 10 Most Revolutionary Video Games Ever Made
Video gaming has changed over the years. Which Video Games had the biggest impact on these changes? These did!
This game not only brought forth one of the greatest gaming franchises of all time, as well as the best-selling gaming franchise of all time, but it single-handedly saved the video gaming industry. Without this video game, video gaming would no longer exist!
Dude, this game brought us the greatest franchise in the world.

One of the first 3D games, Super Mario 64 is seminal in the history of video gaming. Every single 3D game can trace its roots back to this game, pretty much. It defined the design of the Nintendo 64's controller and paved the road for all of 3D gaming.
Games like Final Fantasy VII and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time wouldn't quite be the same without the existence of Super Mario 64.
The first real 3D game, and also the first game for me to be just fun and nothing else.
This went on to be noticed as the very first video game made on any computer.
The Beatles must have played this back in the day.

This game crafted action-adventure gameplay into the 3D gaming world and introduced so many elements into the gaming universe that most good games would be bland without it. It also paved the road for the rest of the 3D Zelda titles, all of which have built upon its gameplay.
It is the most revolutionary game of all time. Only five games can stand up to it in terms of game quality. They are ALTTP, MM, WW, TP, and SS.

This game popularized the first-person shooter genre, and without this game, Call of Duty and Halo would practically be nothing!

Defined the gameplay of most fighting games. Every fighting game that follows a similar formula has built upon the gameplay of Street Fighter.

This game brought forth the Adventure Game Genre and basically defined it. It paved the road for every single one of the Zelda games that came after it, and so many games use what was introduced in this game that some people might not even realize it!

The Newcomers

Popularized the combat-style sub-genre of racing games and has been imitated constantly by other franchises. Gave birth to the famed Mario Kart series.

Not only did F-Zero set the stage and pave the road for futuristic racing games, but it did the exact same thing for all racing games!

Made the Role-Playing Game genre of video games famous.