Top 10 Strongest Characters In Injustice: Gods Among Us
I think (Arkham Origins) Batman is so intensely hard to kill and is so awesome that when you pair him with Batgirl, he starts the battle with up to his 2nd SP straight up.
Arkham Origins Batman is so hard to kill because when you are trying to kill him and you are also just about dead just like him, it could shockingly be that he turns out to beat you right there when you're just about to defeat him.
Severely overrated character. His first special attack sucks, and his second special doesn't do that much damage if blocked. The only real strong suit is when paired with the Batmobile so you can use his super move to decimate his opponent.

The best gear would be the Cloak of Destiny, LexCorp gauntlets, and LOA adept knives.
Given crit gear, he does nearly 7K damage per hit. If you get the full combo, you can do up to 28k damage in one swipe.
I love Superman, but he kicked Batman. Superman should be in first place.
How the hell is he in fourth place?!?! He's just a tanky power drainer, not a game-changing character like Raven or Arkham Knight Batman. The LexCorp set pretty much makes power drainers useless in online battles anyway.

Pair her with Cloak of Destiny, League of Assassins Adept Knives, and a crit chance gear, and she can deal 200k+ damage on her Special 1 as it stuns if not blocked. As 50% of this is transferred to the opponent's team and she starts with 1 bar of power, you can end the game in about 5 seconds even against EVII opponents. With this setup, she is possibly the most deadly card in the game if used correctly.
Just put the Nekron's Scythe and Cloak of Destiny on her and you are good to go with Batgirl.
One of the best passives in the game, which is further enhanced by his huge health pool. The two-hit heavy combo is more useful than you think. Since every hit does more damage than a three or four-hit combo, it can be easily chained or set up for his destructive special move (SP2). Don't have his gear, but it looks like it can be game-changing.
Takes out entire teams on his own. Pair him with damage-boosting gear and crit chance gear, and he's unstoppable.
I think Doomsday Containment is better because he can regenerate 50% health three times.

Come on! The second most powerful DC hero, and he has the power of the gods. He punched Spectre! He is basically immortal in Shazam form. He has a powerful punch, and his magic is heavenly.
Been using Shazam for ages, paired with Killing Joke Joker. Win every single time, unbeatable.
One of the fastest, strongest, most agile, and rarest characters in the game!

Regeneration is the key. How many times have I lost to this? I can't remember now.
Cellular regeneration is super OP. The best defense setup has to be Fourth World.
Cellular regeneration is all I have to say.
The Newcomers
If you gear him right and have him at Elite X, his basic hits, if critical, can do up to 80K! The best character.
An absolute tank. My guy can do so much damage. Sometimes it's annoying.
Raven takes fighting seriously. Unlike Harley Quinn, who plays hopscotch in her intro! At least Raven has a superpower unlike Batman, Harley Quinn, the Joker, Green Arrow, Nightwing, Deathstroke, Bane, Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Doomsday, Batgirl, Lobo, and Scorpion.
I have lost my whole team about 100 times against Raven. Her ability to exchange health is awesome. She is the only one who makes me scared!
Her ability to steal health combined with her special 2 makes her unstoppable.
Batman: Arkham Knight is better than Batman: Arkham Origins because Arkham Knight Batman can also start off with two bars of power and a bonus WayneTech boost. Also, he has more damage and health, and the special attacks are stronger.
There is also a glitch that you can use to get three WayneTech boosts. Get the tutorial from YouTube.
You could do massive damage to your opponent just by attacking by swiping, if only you have the right gears. Plus, The Arkham Knight looks awesome.
Best character so far, better than BAO. You can start with two bars of power and have a bonus passive depending on the opposite team.
At Elite 1, with not fully upgraded basic damage gear, he can do just above 2000 damage per hit after activating a special. Since he hits 12 times in one heavy attack combo, that's 12 x 2000 = 24,000. And since his Speedforce lasts for 2 heavy combos, he can do 48,000 damage just by completing two heavy combos, all at Elite 1.
At Elite 7, imagine the damage output this guy is capable of. A top 5 character when used in MP as he can reduce characters to nothingness in a matter of seconds.
After a special attack, his basic attacks have a chance to become unblockable and do critical damage. Plus, his speed increases a lot too. With a base of 1200 damage and 1200 health, Metahuman The Flash is the best card for me.

The most powerful member of the Justice League.
Not only amazing passives but some of the best combos in the game. She quickly became my go-to, and as her levels increased and promotions came in, my finish at the end of each online battle session jumped exponentially. I am currently arming her with Tantu Totem, Master's Death Cart, and Soultaker Sword, and she hasn't been knocked out in ages. My N52 Supes is technically more powerful, but Jessica is, in my opinion, the best player I've used. Pair her with Green Lanterns (best options are Red Son Hal Jordan and John Stewart), and she's just ridiculous. A total powerhouse. But even without a single other GL, she is a serious pain in the butt for opponents. She might have the best SP2 in the game. For me, she gets the vote for best player.
You can use the timing of her SPs to deal with irritating characters like Injustice Supes (with Tantu Totem, she drains all energy not used on an SP, so when he pops in to null your first SP, simply don't tap, and you'll get another crack at him immediately). She also distracts opponents for the longest period of time of any character, I believe. Work her and equip her right, and it's a walk in the park to blow through 3 opponents without tagging out.

Lobo is a very strong character when he is versing energy-draining opponents. Since he cannot get power drained, he can quickly gain power for his very strong super move. He does so much damage per attack and is all around a very strong player.
Overall, Lobo is a strong player in Injustice: Gods Among Us and worth 182k coins.
The introduction of Static and the LexCorp set made his passive not all that useful anymore. His special 2 does barely any damage as it's DOT, and you can just tag out to avoid it.
This character has an awesome combo ender that shoots a brief burst of heat vision. His ability also makes him very good if you face somebody like Batgirl or Arkham Origins Batman. He also gains plus 5 percent health and damage with every promotion.
This is the most powerful character in the game. He has the best health stat, and Kryptonian Fortitude will cut down most, if not all, of a team. This character also helps in survival mode, not taking much damage with Kryptonian Fortitude.
OP, I have literally lost half my online battles thanks to his passive. Needs a slight nerf.

I feel as though this is the best character in the game. He can easily beat Arkham Knight Batman and Deathstroke. I have him maxed out at Elite VII level 50, and his stats are 59K damage and 94K health. He is a god.
Really powerful with Overpowered, Astro-Harness, and Heart of Darkness. His combo ender is three hits, so with the Overpowered 5U93R gear, he is insanely good.
A really good starter but not so good near the higher ranks. He is easy to use.

I think that Doomsday's ability to recover 50% of his full health is overpowered. He is the first gold character I got, and it really doesn't matter too much that his base power is lower than most golds.
I'd say that the fact that his heavy attacks do more damage on the second hit is really good. I can often get enemies into combo chains.
If he gets 200% on either of his special attacks, the opponent is hurt heaps by enhanced DOT. Usually KOs the opponent if teamed with a hero who can snare to stop them from switching.
Burn with first, which is really annoying. Second is really good, usually knocks out my character. Insane!
Just look at the blood of his second special move.
Immune to power drain and gains power by blocking specials. Pretty much Lobo's passive on steroids. His Special 1 stuns if not blocked, which means that he is great when paired with Cloak Of Destiny, LOA Adept Knives, and a Special 1 crit gear such as LexCorp Gauntlets V2, which also give him a chance to heal on Special 1. If you use this setup, you can destroy opponents by spamming his Special 1.
I just got him out of a challenge booster pack and I totally agree that his SP2 is OP.
My favorite character so far. Coupled with the Bloody Sword, he's unbeatable.
He is extremely good. His SP2 and the Tantu Totem gear can wipe an entire team. All you need is two other gears to increase SP2 damage like the Heart of Darkness.
Paired with the Fourth World gear set, he is possibly the most annoying character in the game to face in MP battles as he constantly regains health and has his damage reduction phase.
Blackest Night Martian Manhunter is really good if you want to heal because he has life drain for all attacks sometimes. His defense and power generation are also pretty good.