Top 10 Things You'd Be Surprised to Know About Gamers
Well I'm one of these Gamers and I love it! But we get bad raps and are stereotyped too! So here is my top 10 things you'd be surprised about Gamers!Will he switch in an electric-type to combat my Togekiss? Should I switch into my Excadrill then? Will he anticipate that I predicted his move and switch into a water-type? Powerful prediction skills I'm learning right now...
Mainly life lessons, but you'd be surprised how much one could learn while playing video games. Now, you may not become advanced, but you can learn enough to understand things better.
Fire beats Grass, Grass beats Water, and Water beats Fire!
There are way more types than this. It's actually:
Tryhard (Hardcore)
Well, those are the 15 types of gamers I know. Maybe I missed some others. Please tell me more if I did. - Unnamed Google User Remade
I am a casual gamer. I love playing stuff like Assassin's Creed, and yeah, I have played them from the beginning. I just started playing Unity.
I consider myself a casual gamer specializing in Minecraft and Pokémon.
We can have just as much fun while being relaxed and not getting stressed while playing. You can still be considered a good gamer without playing the harder and tougher games.
Playing Mario Kart instead of Need for Speed means nothing. It's just as fun! NHL games are just as fun as FIFA. Party games aren't terrible to play. Pokémon games are just as fun as playing Metal Gear Solid. Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row are just as fun as Call of Duty or Halo.
It bugs me when people say that just because you prefer one kind of game to another, you're not a real gamer. Or because you are a girl, you're automatically not interested in things like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto, etc.
It ticks me off to no extent. We are not lame - just different.
Not all of us stay locked in our rooms for hours only gaming. I actually get up and need a break from the system. In other words, I'm not closed off when I game! I'll remember to eat or talk to people.
Yeah, duh. If all you do is play video games, then you have a problem.
Many gamers get criticized because of a select few who are way too serious, or are bullies, whiners, cheaters, or hackers. The people who act ridiculously are actually an embarrassment to most people who play video games.
The ones who put the time and effort into it are outstanding. It can also be grueling on the gamers themselves!
Streaming video games can also make you money too! Twitch and Steam are the main two platforms.
Self-explanatory, but we gamers have feelings and actually care about others and ourselves. People assume we're self-centered pricks, but they obviously don't take the time to give us a chance.
True friendship or love can be built by loving gaming. It helps introduce you to other people who share the same passion. I remember hearing there was actually once a wedding that took place during an Xbox gaming session.
Also, great friendships get made when gaming too!
Everyone assumes, Oh, because you like video games, that means you're basically allergic to athletics. I play video games, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't care about some sports event happening on TV. Plus, there are actually video games based on sports.
Most gamers aren't clueless about the outside world or reality. We usually play video games to avoid reality as much as we can, so we don't get caught up in craziness. But you could find a good argument for more topics from gamers.
The Newcomers
It's truly magnificent sometimes how video game music gets you to feel the situation in the video game.
Some gamers play various titles one might not expect when they also play RPGs, FPS, or other kinds.
Tons of subdivisions of fanbases within the video game world.
Lots of dedication and commitment to bettering yourself at one particular game.
Sometimes it's more fun to play this way.