Top 10 Best Town of Salem Roles to Play As
Town of Salem is a popular browser game. The best thing about it? The roles.You can literally roleblock someone and decide their fate! Three executions before later jailing for info is pretty overpowered too. Plus, you get to be a hidden major town role, seen by Mafia and Neutrals as not useful compared to the Mayor and Doctor, for example. The amount of power you have is amazing. However, it is still somehow challenging, which is still a pro, not a con! Probably the only role besides the Witch that I am happy to get twice in a row.
Jailor is my favorite role in ToS so far. Psychic is just behind it.
Jailor can talk with another person in jail, mainly for their roles or for protection if the Mayor has revealed. You can do jailing every day and can execute up to three times.
Finally, I play Jailor a lot.
By far one of my favorite roles. When you find out the Serial Killer or Mafia, you have complete control over them. It's the funniest when you make them kill themselves. Plus, you find out the role of the person you control, so it's even more overpowered! Love this role!
I personally love this role. It's so fun to be able to make others commit suicide. It gives no leads. Also, you find out other roles. As a Neutral, you can win with Town, Mafia, and Evil! This means if you are convincing, you can avoid getting lynched.
The Witch can pretty much get a free win if they team up with the Mafia and know what they are doing. It might as well be a Mafia role at that point.
You don't have to team up. You can just claim "my role is Jeff" or something stupid and get lynched or say nothing at all. Claim Investigator with a Sheriff will, and so on, just to make people suspicious of you. There are so many ways to win with this role, and the panic after you get lynched is the most satisfying thing to exist.
This is a fantastic role. It combines memes and awesome strategies to form this ultra-being. This being can decide the fate of anyone. I believe that this role should be #1. Make sure that you have Jester scrolls so you can experience the fun more often too.
There is just something so ridiculously satisfying when you attack like three people in one night, even two. I have to say it is overpowered, considering it's a Neutral Evil role and hardly ever winnable. For example, it's a five Mafia game and they all start whispering to Bob. Lookout and Investigator get suspicious and all investigate Bob that night, as well as the Mafia, and you decide to visit that house! That would kill five people (presuming there is a Janitor), and BAM, there is nothing that can stop you!
Night immunity, and your attacks go through others' night immunity? Overpowered. It makes you unkillable if you stay quiet and away from the lynching post. Best character in my opinion, and there's also the multi-kill feature. Amazing combo with a Witch if the Witch leads targets to you.
SK is legit the best. I also like the Arsonist because they are both insane maniacs that roam the streets, setting stuff on fire and stabbing people endlessly. THE BEST ROLES.
Being immune at night makes you feel safer as a Serial Killer (SK for short). Serial Killers kill one person each night.
I don't have to be forced by a Godfather and can kill the ones I want to kill.
And the Transporter said unto Mafia, "Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself." But lo, he could not, for the Transporter was hitting him with his own hands.
This role is very powerful in the hands of a smart player who knows how to use it. Getting evils to kill themselves is a great feeling.
Last townie alive? Better be a Transporter. They can win by themselves against the whole Mafia.
People say Mayor is boring, but it's such an important role at the end of the game. Who doesn't like feeling like a secret spy before revealing and famous after? People tend to misuse it, though, which is why the role's not that popular.
Just three more votes and that person will be on the stand! The Mayor's vote counts for three people.
Busting out that reveal at the right time and flipping the game on its head is fantastic.
All you have to do is douse someone each night, then ignite yourself for the finale! Arsonists can douse as many people as they want and then kill all of them with one click. The downside to this happens if there's more than one Arsonist. Somehow, an Arsonist can die from being doused and ignited at the same time, even if it's the first night.
Night immunity? Check. Mass murder? Double check. Fire? Check, check, check! While this is a pretty hard role to win as, it's probably one of the most entertaining. You're a threat to everyone, and I mean everyone, including other Arsonists and even Witches. Besides, who doesn't like burning their enemies alive?
I said, "I am Vet. If you don't believe me, come at me." I went on alert, and I was visited twice, so I shot them. They both tried to attack me. I ended up killing the Serial Killer and Mafioso all in one night. Then immediately someone said, "with VET." Someone else said, "Wow, nice Vet."
Veterans have 3 alerts, which they use in case someone visits them. Then, a Veteran will kill the possible Mafia and/or other attackers.
The Veteran is OP if you get it right. Once, Town won the game because both Mafia and Werewolf attacked the Veteran, and he killed them all. Really, it's about luring the Mafia to come to you.
My favorite since you announce night 1 and hope for the best. I love getting that whisper from Mafia near the end, asking me to join them.
This is my favorite role. It's so nice that you don't have any pressure on you.
The Newcomers
It's fun to have your trap be successful.
One of my Mafia buddies had the Sheriff visiting them, and we were in so much trouble because of that. But I had gotten lucky and decided to blackmail the Sheriff! We ended up getting the chance to kill them the next night, and they never even got the chance to tell the people what they found!
Who doesn't love silencing people? Blackmailers can mute someone so that person doesn't speak the next day. It helps to keep them from revealing the Mafia.
When I'm the blackmailer, I ask the consigliere to find the investigator or sheriff, and then I silence them for the entire game. It's so much fun and gets them really pissed off!
A good Executioner is so much fun. Manipulating the town against each other, causing paranoia, and coming up with BS reasons to execute someone. If you play it correctly, you can essentially become a Survivor with night immunity and a win under your belt after you get your target killed.
Getting "flawless Executioner" and killing someone twice in one game is something I can take to my grave. To be honest, it is my favorite Neutral Evil role for sure. Even if your target dies at night, you can become a Jester, which is almost as fun.
I just like it. It can be OP if you investigate the right house because if there isn't a framer, you know who to vote out.
Good for catching evils early on. Watch out for the occasional "shut up exe."
SIDE EFFECT: May lead to the untimely death of the user.
Only weakness is the framer? Awesome!
How can one of the most important roles be this low on the list?
Consigliere just provides so much power for not being the Godfather. By giving you the exact role, it makes it overpowered in gameplay.
The Consigliere is one of my favorite roles because, in the late game, you can be pretty much omniscient.
My favorite role. Claiming investigator and watching the town do whatever you say is exciting beyond belief.
I love it! It gives me feelings of power, and whenever I reveal I'm a bodyguard, my house is never attacked, and I almost never die! I once saved the doctor's life because they almost died at their house.
I love this role. It's a protective role but with an ability to kill. Sure, you only get one kill, but at least you're sure that it's the bad guy.
Being the Bodyguard, you get to save someone and kill your opponent. This role helps the town greatly.
I love reading in on Mafia's conversations. It's so funny when they think no one is listening. It also gives you a good chance to predict what they are going to do and warn a bodyguard or jailor to protect that person.
You get so much info to use for scumreading. You're one of the most useful roles for a medium and can totally stop a witch from joining up with non-town or find an evil if they do it anyway.
Simple. It shuts down a huge section of the Mafia's roles. Framer? "Hey, the suspicious guy was visited by the Mafia." Consigliere? You can't be honest with your nights if you make an Investigator will. Disguiser? "Hey, this guy shows up as Bodyguard and the Bodyguard was visited by the Mafia." As well as since you are visited by the Mafia, you are almost confirmed to not be Mafia.
Godfather is hands-down the best role in Town of Salem. It can kill, is immune at night, won't show up as suspicious, has a miniature army, and can influence the other Mafia members.
I don't think I have to explain this. You literally get to boss around 3 guys to do your business, and your only fear is the investigator.
The Godfather is immune, he chooses who dies, and he has a whole family to support him.
How could so few people vote for this role? I love this role so much. Maybe people don't like having knowledge about what roles people have. Just like the Consigliere, they will most likely know what role everyone has.
I don't know, dudes. This role is so much fun to me. Once, I found out a member of the Mafia and wrote it on my will. The night I found another Mafia member was the night I was killed, but the Medium was still alive and I guided the town into killing the last Mafia member. Hands down, the best investigative role in my opinion.
The Amnesiac has the rare privilege of choosing their own side and teammates, leading to an extortionately powerful role with a choice of who they want to work with. This leads to a whole range of possible plays dependent on the tactical balance of the game.
Best role in the game. If an executioner, godfather, serial killer, werewolf, or vampire dies in-game, you can just anonymously choose those roles.
It's a good role if you're tired of getting a random role (I've gotten Retributionist seven times in a row). You can basically choose! I wouldn't rate it too high, though, because you really just rely on somebody to die, and it can be hard to get high-powered people to die.
Pretty good. You can still win if you get lynched, and if you are good, you are unstoppable.
Honestly, I have more wins than both Godfather and Mafioso combined (32 + 27 = 59). Wins as Vigilante: 62. I bought all my merit points one time just for this role. Scum reading with Vigilante is extremely satisfying when you shoot one of the Mafias.
Having the power to actually shoot evils instead of having to get the town to hang them is good.
I just like it, to be honest. I like being able to kill and shoot without townies voting you out 100% because you're a townie as well.
Disguisers swap roles with someone, and their character dies as the swapped player.
It's my favorite role! You can steal all the trust someone has!
It's a great role to play as. It's easy to claim if you are evil too. Talking to the dead is chill, and when you die, you can tell a townie and turn the game in a different direction. This is a great role and my favorite town role.
At night, you can just either taunt people who died or even just say you're most likely going to die, raising suspicion from the dead chat! Best role.
Mostly easy to confirm, and you can have fun if you know how to read the game.
By far, along with Pestilence, the best role in the game. You power up with every kill you get and can kill jailed people.
SO COOL - mysterious, so many people know nothing about it.
Played it once, won it once, so I have nothing bad to say about this role.