Top 10 Ways to Get Banned from Animal Jam

Guys, this is so important. It's worse than getting scammed. Do you want to get scammed or just not be able to play AJ at all because you're banned FOREVER! I hope you read this list because it's important.
The Top Ten
Say bad words

Well, someone said that if you type the word ass as a whole, you get suspended. I had no idea it was even a bad word. I typed it in, and I was scared. So I slowly clicked the enter button and got suspended.

I asked my mom if it was a bad word, and she said it was. I told her I didn't know what it meant. She said, Never type in something that you don't know what it means. By the way, this happened last year.

Trust me, everyone acts like bad words are such a big deal. Sinning any sin is just as bad as that. But I cussed at this boy because he made me so mad, and almost all the grades knew about it in school. (By the way, I don't cuss anymore.)

It is SO rare you would ever see me cuss. But HQ makes a big deal about it because cuss words are harmful, and they just seem really mean. I don't know why.


I'll choose this one because hacking is the worst thing on Animal Jam and Play Wild. I can tell you that we had a holiday called Hack Day. That holiday is about black bunnies that try to hack you. On my moikonda4 account, I did not get hacked BECAUSE it's fake. Once, I scammed people by pretending to be hacked. Plus, I was playing on the Play Wild version. On the Play Wild version, you won't get hacked for scamming. Story from a long time ago.

I give this my vote because people do this to get rarer. I don't play Animal Jam anymore because of scammers and hackers. And to this day, it still goes on. Animal Jam better do something about this. Otherwise, the only thing they'll be losing is their players.


This is what happens when 22-year-olds have no girlfriends, wives, or husbands. They ruin a children's game by mating because nobody cares about them, and they'll be forever alone in a box in Antarctica.

Okay, so... 8-year-olds? Mating? Seriously?

I'd like to know what 'extreme' means. Actually, never mind. But anyway, people 'mate' when they're old enough, not when they're flipping 8! That is a way to get banned because if you do that, it's horrible, even if just in roleplay.

One time I saw two wolves mating in the theater. I told them to stop, but they didn't, so I reported them.


Well, I don't play AJPW anymore due to the dangerous possibilities. Scamming items might depend on which item it would be. If we are talking about all items, including gem items, then there's about a 23% chance (I think) you'll get reported enough times to get banned.

Overall, AJPW is a good game, but the problem is that we have multiple people ruining the experience because they think it's a game where nothing matters.

For those scammers (especially big ones), don't think you're going to get away with it, because HQ will solve this problem with a simple ban or suspension.

Warri0rtale, by the way, is my rich account. Search it.

Create inappropriate looks

If AJHQ saw you looking bloody, that isn't good. Now you are probably thinking they can't tell. But if you named yourself something like Daredevil Awesome Shark and made yourself look bloody, they can tell.

I saw an arctic wolf named "Ember Poshpaw" who wore stuff like in a movie that is not for kids... in a kids' game.

Log in to the beta days

Yup, I know you don't believe me, but you can log in to the beta days in Animal Jam. There's this thing called the Wayback Machine that can bring you back there.

The point is not to log in, but to see what the beta days looked like in 2010. I almost got banned, believe it or not. It's basically a hacking process. Remember, the only point of going to the beta days page is to see what it looked like. Don't log in because you WILL be banned from Animal Jam.

The reason you could get banned is because whenever you log into something as old as the beta days, you never know where your user information could go. Someone could see it and hack, ban, or suspend you. They might even think you were trying to hack into it. So, it's just a possibility.

Call people mean names

Oh yes, this happened to me. I buddy requested someone, and they said, I'm not your friend, lady! You are crusty and not smart! Rude, right?

There is a girl named wonderw106 who said that she did not care about somebody and said it was good that he did not make any friends.

To be honest, I remember that someone said, "I hate you because you don't have tophats." Rude, right?

Repeat the same thing over and over again

This may be a stupid ban, but it's one of the most annoying things people ever do. If this happens, just block them or head to your den.

Yup, it's true. They will suspend you for being annoying! It's happened. I just kept saying, Do a little dance, and about the 7th time, I was banned. Don't do this!

If you say ''The stripe club'' over and over again, you will get banned.

Say inappropriate phrases

I said Purdy was a very cute cat, and I got suspended for trying to repeat it after it was blocked. Seriously, why is it in the chat system if it gets blocked and leads to suspension?

Today is 1/1/19. I was being an idiot, and I scrolled through this and tried this one. I said "stripes club" two times, and it only said, "WARNING: it looks like the conversation you are having is not appropriate." So, yup!

*I voted here before* Once I said, "My cat's real name is Midnight." I guess 'real name' is a trigger word for the system to autoban you, but saying what your cat's name is isn't harmful in any way, shape, or form.

Ask people for their password

I got banned for a day. It said, "This Account Has Been Suspended for 1 day(s) and cannot log in at this time."

This just happened to me, and I was so mad that I made a new account! (Got suspended, my new user is thenameisgolden.)

Someone banned me this way. I contacted AJHQ, and they fixed it.

The Newcomers

? Have a username that is a name

I think that what you pick as your username is not for AJHQ to change.

? Buy or refund a membership without parental consent

My sister bought an Animal Jam membership using the family PayPal account, but my mom wasn't happy about it. She requested a refund since it was purchased without permission. As a result, both the AJ account and the Parental Account were banned.

The Contenders
Spell out a swear words using props

I've seen that happen before. A New Jammer came and somebody was like, "NO NEW JAMMER DON'T LOOK!" But she did.

It said f***. Another time, I did see a huge heart. When a few people got there, they sat in the middle. Not sure what that means, but then probably a spare came on and sat there? Then they slept, so I left and reported.

Someone wrote Sex in their den.
Someone wrote D... in their den.
Someone wrote Poe in their den.

I saw someone wrote "welcome to our meeting" in their den.

Are you into reading?

Tell people to kill themselves

I never told people to kill themselves, and I never will.

This is cold. It's not okay. Never tell anyone to do that because they actually might. This leads to suicidal thoughts. Guys, this is serious stuff here.

Send a picture of something inappropriate to AJHQ

Hey, I didn't think about this one. Cool.

Do bad role play
Send an offensive help note to AJ

If you email a help note that is offensive to AJ, who knows what the consequence could be? Maybe they'll send an email to your parents. If your parents don't care, you know what the other consequence is, right? Getting banned.

Okay? Maybe Animal Jam did some stupid crap like make everything cost diamonds and force you to buy them.

Trust trade

I was gifted an actual spike yesterday and nothing bad happened. I thought he was going to trust trade my rares.

Well, you don't get banned, but trading gets suspended for 1 day (24 hours).

Create a gory looking den

I don't know. There are these beta sword things, and then make your den have a red carpet and creepy music with ghast in it.

Saying things that can be taken the wrong way

If you were to say, "Guys, we need to work as a whole team," AJHQ would be fine with it. But if you were to say, "Guys, we need to work as a whole team," AJHQ would suspend or even ban you.

If you were hosting a clan or something and you called it "The Stripe Club," AJHQ would instantly suspend or ban you.

If you don't get why or how these can be taken the wrong way, ask, because the first one is simple to most people and the second is a little more complicated, but I get them both.

I wanted zebras to be in Animal Jam. Keep in mind this was before they were added. I typed, "Let's start a stripe club to get zebras," and I got suspended for a day.

Impersonate a player

AJHQ does know if you're pretending to be Fman122 or making your name ''Fman122.'' AJ will just change it or ban you because they may be worried you have glitches to hack the game and jammers.

Already, I have seen a bunch of people impersonating Wistieramoon with the name Wistamoon or something. Whoa.

Act in love

Yeah, I was roleplaying, and my friend in the roleplay decided to get 'married.' When I logged back on, she said she got a kid. I asked, Really, wow, how? Err... mistake.

She said she had sex, and then AJ suspended or banned her or something. Been playing on spares, so I don't know if she got banned or not.

I know people do it all the time. I tell them to stop, but they don't listen. By the way, don't try this. You could get banned.


If you are a bully, most people will report you. Who wants a bully? The more reports you get, the more likely you are to get suspended.

Make inappropriate jokes
Share personal information

This always gets you suspended. One time, I gave my password away and got suspended and hacked! But you wanna know what annoys me? HQ bans YOU for giving your password away and DOESN'T ban the person that hacks you just because you're the one who gave your password away.

But still! They did wrong too, right? They shouldn't just get suspended. They should be banned for life!

I gave my password to my real brother, and he hacked me, wasting all of my diamonds on multiple hyenas. I was quite upset, but I bought a new membership and deleted all of those hyenas, except the cute ones.

Fake gift

I gifted someone a lava spiked collar. I didn't want it anyway, figuring they'd give me at least something of its worth, but they gifted a flippin' necklace.

Share passwords

AJ does not want you sharing passwords because of people being hacked, not even with your best trusted friend.

I tried it, and it gets you suspended a little bit later when AJHQ notices.

Yeah, I shared my password. Then, the next day, the girl who shared her password with me, her spike went missing, thought it was me, and took all my good/rare stuff. I had a lot of good stuff.

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