Top 10 Warrior Cats Villains
In the world of Warrior Cats, the villains are some of the most memorable and feared characters in the series. These cats have left their pawprints on the clans through betrayal, manipulation, and violence, shaping the story in unexpected ways. From ambitious leaders willing to do anything for power to rogue cats with dark pasts, each villain has a unique way of turning the clans' lives upside down.This list is all about those characters who have caused the most chaos and conflict in the Warrior Cats universe. You might find some villains who are driven by revenge, while others seem to enjoy causing pain just for the sake of it. They've betrayed their clans, led uprisings, and done whatever it takes to get what they want, no matter the cost. Some even continue their evil deeds after death, haunting the living from beyond the grave.
You get to decide who truly deserves to be crowned the worst of the worst. Maybe you think a certain cat's crimes were particularly cruel, or perhaps there's a villain whose backstory made you feel conflicted about whether they're purely evil. Either way, your vote helps shape the ranking of these iconic characters.

Tigerstar is one of my favorite characters because he is so well-written. His hatred, his own destructive personality - everything. He was evil and a murderer, yes, but without him, there is no story.
His father, Pinestar, became a kittypet, and that's why he hates all of them (including Firestar, although Firestar has a truly warrior heart). Tigerstar was a bad cat but a very well-written character.
WOW, Tigerstar is an ass. He killed so many cats. His mentor was evil, and Tigerstar then grew to be even worse. The buildup to his battle with Firestar in the Darkest - oh wait, edgy cat beat Firestar to it. But then, we get it in The Last Hope. He takes Firestar's final life, and Firestar takes Tigerstar's second life, freeing the forest from him.
Tigerstar was a cool character to read about, and he was one of the reasons why I love the first series. Not because he was a cold-hearted serial killer, but because of how he kept the plot moving. If it weren't for him, none of the first, second, third, or fourth arcs would've happened when you come to think of it.
Bluestar would have no reason to let Rusty into the clan since there wouldn't be a prophecy about Rusty, as there would be no villain. Then Rusty wouldn't become Firestar. Leafpool and Squirrelflight wouldn't be born, and Jay or Lion wouldn't have been born. Cloudtail wouldn't be given to Firestar to become a warrior, have Whitewing with Brightheart, and Whitewing wouldn't have Dovewing.
That's all because of Tigerstar. He was a great villain, and he was what a villain should be: evil.

Brokenstar was just a villain for the sake of being a villain. He was horrible. He caused the death of MANY kits - children - MANY. He never stopped. He forced the Dark Forest trainees to fight with him. One of them refused to, and he got killed. Brokenstar showed the rest of the trainees that if they didn't kill their family and friends, he would kill them.
He got spoiled by his father, banished his own mother, killed his own nieces and blamed it on his mother. He killed Ferncloud, who was trying to protect Brightheart and the kits, etc.

Listen, Thistle haters. You just hate him because of the way Blue felt about him. How would you feel if your mate died and her sister, who was always annoying to you, was the only one with her, then takes away his kit? What did he have left in life? Only ambition. He had to have it, or else he would feel ultimate pain.
And really, people, how many cats are arrogant in the series? A lot! And Mudclaw was ambitious too. Yet somehow, people feel sorry for Mudclaw. And then, when he is happy in StarClan with his son and mate, he gets chased out and loses them forever. How much would you like Bluestar now? She isn't an angel, you know.

I know all the Hollyleaf fans are going to run towards me with fire and pitchforks, but I'm going to be honest. I was glad to have Hollyleaf dead. I just don't like her. But I was sad when Hawkfrost died. He is my favorite villain in ANY book.
Hmm. Let's see what he did. He tried to kill Firestar so Brambleclaw could be leader, plotted with Mudclaw from Wind Clan, killed Hollyleaf, and used his sister as a medicine cat to make up a sign to get rid of Stormfur and Brook. Wow. He tried his best to follow in his father's footsteps and succeeded. I will always like you, Hawkfrost.

He was one of the most evil cats in the first series, half-brother to Firestar (although they didn't know it), and he was a very well-written character.
Why is Scourge 5th? He must be first. Come on, he's one of those villains who was forced to be evil by being bullied for his size. He wanted to do better - and he did Firestar a favor by killing Tigerstar. Plus, it's alright wanting more territory. Literally, the other leaders did that multiple times, and that went unnoticed.
I truly think Scourge's actions speak for themselves. Who becomes a serial killer for what? Being mildly bullied? Getting nearly killed, but lucky enough to survive?
I never even saw Scourge talking to his mother once about how his littermates' behavior affected him. Did he even ask if it was true that unwanted kits are thrown in the river? No! He then runs away, gets scarred by Tigerpaw, and is saved by Bluefur. And then he repays the very cat who saved him by becoming a serial killer and launching attacks in the forest, causing noble cats like Whitestorm to die.
Really? This is worse than Tigerstar, who had a bad influence in his life.

Mapleshade isn't evil! She killed for her kits to "set them free," although I think her mate totally deserved it.
Blaming her for her kits' deaths, rejecting her to his clan, then mating with some arrogant she-cat that just wanted to piss Mapleshade off - and THEN having kits with her! He basically cheated on her!
Poor Mapleshade is what I say. She was rejected by RiverClan and ThunderClan, then by her own mate, AND she lost her kits to the river! She just did what she thought was right!
She should be in StarClan, in my opinion. I would do the same as her! - Dawnstripe of WindClan

7?! He should be in the top 3! Instead of using his claws to seize power, he used words and manipulation! There need to be more cats like him, or he needs to come back!
Sol is an awesome villain! I mean, his knowledge of the Clans is thanks to Midnight, but he did all the talking. And how is Scourge above him?! Sol was awesome for an entire book, while Scourge was there for about two chapters.
I also love him as a villain because he's so unique! There's never been another villain in Warrior Cats who uses manipulation to get their way. Plus, he was a break from the obviously evil cats. I just love him. He's a great character and villain and totally deserves a novella.
In SkyClan's Destiny and SkyClan's and the Stranger, he appears to be a good cat who rescues Leafstar and her kits when they get trapped by twolegs. And then he turns. After she lets him join the Clan, he "accidentally" lures foxes to their camp and then hides her kits. Then he runs away, where I think he met Midnight, and she taught him about the eclipse and all about the Clans.
He reappears in Omen of the Stars with a group of rogues - which was a bad writing idea - but he can't control them, so he slips past Hollyleaf and back into the tunnels. But I love him, and he should be the main villain or the villain's foil in the arc after Changing Skies.
- xX_Laurel_Xx

A) "His only fault was attempting murder too much."
B) I would be upset if my crush dumped me for someone else, but I wouldn't try to murder their family. And it doesn't count as being dumped if they were never together. Squirrelflight thought they were just friends. She told him that.
C) To those of you saying he didn't kill any of the cats he tried to: Would he be more evil if Brambleclaw hadn't dug the stick out of the ground? Would he be more evil if he were stronger and Lionblaze wasn't invincible? Would he be more evil if Squirrelflight hadn't confessed that they weren't her kits? Other cats' actions shouldn't affect how evil he is.

Honestly, I don't care for him. He was only killing Spottedleaf either out of a leader's orders, or because he was under Brokenstar's influence. And, if he was following orders, that's fine. Killing, yes, it's a crime, but according to the code, a leader's word is law, and you have to follow it.
Besides, he never came back and murdered even more cats, right? I just think he might've been following orders, which is fine. End of story.
I personally feel terrible for him. He didn't have a chance for character redemption, unlike Blackstar, and is the only villain I'd consider "good". He's not a horrible cat, unlike Brokenstar.
He just did everything his leader did. He was actually really good in "Tigerclaw's Fury" and "Yellowfang's Secret".

Traitor! Mean to Firestar when he arrived. Knows about Tigerstar's plan to destroy ThunderClan and doesn't do anything. Takes Bramblestar and Tawnypelt to meet Tigerstar. Tries to take Bramblestar and Tawnypelt to ShadowClan while the dogs attack.
Meets up with Blackstar and feeds Sorreltail deathberries. Exiled and happily tries to kill Stonefur. Blackfoot helps him.
Volunteers eagerly to kill Feathertail and Stormfur. Is ashamed when Tigerstar refuses, claiming that he was so nearly beaten by a prisoner. He's ashamed by that. When a cat is going to kill Firestar, he throws the tortoiseshell she-cat off and told Firestar that he wouldn't let him get killed by her, and that he wanted to kill him.
Attacks with the Dark Forest in The Last Hope.
The Newcomers

Honestly, I sympathize with Darktail for what happened to him. His father abandoned him for no reason (this is a Onestar hate club), and his mother died when he was relatively young. He was driven to madness by what Onestar did, and in the end, so many cats died.
Besides sympathizing, he was a good villain - the perfect combination of being manipulative, smart, and ferocious. I personally love him and wish that there was more of him shown.
-Sweethoney of ThunderClan (He/They)
It just makes me shudder whenever Darktail shows up in the books. He's obviously the first terrifying villain in the whole entire universe of Warriors. And he's just entirely brutal. Just look at how he half-blinded Rain.
I actually threw up when Darktail did that. Then Darktail ripped Rain's throat out. I was 100 percent terrified and almost stopped reading the book, just because of this fox-dung excuse for a warrior.
Then he killed Needletail, who was my absolute favorite cat. It's a good thing Needletail got vengeance. Anyway, Darktail is the spookiest cat that ever lived. If I wanted to choose between killing Tigerstar when he first lived or Darktail, then I would choose Darktail.
- Dovestar of FrostClan

Swiftpaw's last words: "If I had to die as an apprentice, I'll go down fighting, like a warrior!"
That's just plain sad. Swiftpaw did not deserve to die. Sure, he made some poor choices, but he was still young. He saved Brightpaw/Brightheart, who is very popular.
He was very brave and a little foolish, but the dogs had no right to kill him!
Honestly, I liked Swiftpaw. The dogs also kind of don't count because they were technically set up to kill the cats by Tigerstar.
I hate dogs in Warriors. They are just mindless brutes that massacre cats for no reason.

I don't really like Bone. However, we can say he's very strong to have lived a life eating garbage and fighting other cats and dogs for territory. He was killed by apprentices, but there were a lot of them. And when everybody jumps on you, what do you do? You fall down on the ground, while the apprentices try to kill you. Yes, apprentices. It's a bit embarrassing, but Bone was strong enough to kill Whitestorm, a senior warrior.
His death was one of the most amusing moments in the books, and I'm glad he's dead, as he killed Whitestorm. I can vividly imagine the apprentices charging him, while Firestar simply watched in disbelief.
When Bone died, the apprentices chanted, "Bone is dead, bone is dead, bone is dead." Before that, one of the apprentices, Sootpaw (or Sootfur), who happened to be Bone's son, said, "Hello! My name is Sootpaw, you killed my father, prepare to die!" (I know he was still a kit, but I couldn't remember his name, so I went with Sootfur/paw).

I didn't particularly like Feathertail, but really? I mean, come on! I totally thought she was going to be with Crowpaw (who is/was one of my favorites)! Stupid Sharptooth! You crappy lion without a mane! The only reason I would put him in the series is to battle Scourge, because that would be an epic battle.
I love you Sharptooth, for murdering the Tribe cats. I hate you Sharptooth, for indirectly murdering Feathertail.
Tigerstar wouldn't stand a second against Sharptooth. Vote Sharptooth for number one! He deserves it.

Hawkheart was a WindClan medicine cat under Heatherstar’s leadership in the forest territories. He originally served as a warrior before becoming a medicine cat. He was said to have an unusually... read more
Ok, I know, I know he is not necessarily a real villain. But he is evil. I think anyone who kills a cat is evil. He didn't even have a good reason. It was just because she was stealing his herbs, which the whole clan was trying to do. What are you going to do now, Hawkheart, kill all of ThunderClan?
Also, I know you could argue that Gray Wing killed Fox, Tall Shadow killed Fircone, Jackdaw's Cry, and Falling Feather both killed each other, and all of that. But they weren't trying to kill each other. They were just either trying to defend themselves or someone else. I hate how Hawkheart kills Moonflower right in front of poor Bluestar/Bluepaw, and he didn't even care.

If I had to describe Diseasepelt in five words, this is what they would be: Arrogant piece of fox dung. Done. Don't even try to make me change my mind by saying, "Oh, it's Crowfeather's fault!" or "Oh, it's all Crowfeather!" Because it's NOT!
Diseasepelt thinks it's okay to try and kill his half-siblings and a pregnant she-cat and betray his Clan all because his father hates him. What sense does that make? Killing Crowfeather would make sense, but Hollyleaf? Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Poppyfrost? Not okay, Diseasepelt. Third worst cat in Warriors.
He killed those poor baby chicks, made Ravenpaw and Barley leave the farm, took advantage of their generosity, and was just a rude, traitorous character after all.
He set the Twolegs against Barley and Ravenpaw when they were trying to help! He brought some of BloodClan into the farm while posing as a helpless loner.
When I rank a side villain above the main series villains, I think it's because they need more well-developed ones like Willie. Villains who actually cause damage through their own evil ambitions.

Guys, are characters not allowed to develop over time? When he killed Stonefur, he was acting under orders, and I seriously doubt Tigerstar would have cared if Blackfoot had objections. He probably would have been killed himself if he had objected.
If you're going to hate him for killing a cat, then you may as well hate Firestar or Graystripe too, because they've killed cats. You cannot ignore the fact that when Blackstar became leader of ShadowClan, they had given up all hope. He made them great again. He made them strong again.
He wasn't the first cat to be manipulated by Sol, nor the last. Don't forget, the clans still thought Sol had predicted the eclipse, something not even StarClan had foreseen. It was poor judgement to let him into ShadowClan, but Blackstar realized his mistakes, and he helped to drive Sol out upon realizing the clans had been tricked. He certainly isn't evil, and he belongs in StarClan.

I do think Rainflower's actions were bad, but she was different. She was trying to stop loving Crookedstar so that if he died, it wouldn't affect her. She changed his name so she would forget about Stormkit. It's not that she didn't love him. She was just trying to prevent being hurt emotionally.
If she were emotionally hurt, it could lead to worse things. For example, Ashfur didn't get the love he was looking for, and since every other cat was out of his age ranks, he threatened to kill many cats. This led to Hollyleaf leaving and Lionblaze and Jayfeather hating Leafpool and Squirrelflight. But that's beside the point. The truth is that she was trying to shelter herself from the pain that would have been inflicted. - Whitesplash

I'm going to get so much hate for this, but fluff it. Clear Sky is a really good villain because he left multiple cats to die, rejected his son twice, and basically killed Micah. But the biggest thing of all is his relationship with Gray Wing. It's heartbreaking to watch because it feels so genuine.
Also, we got to see everything happening in his mind, and he suffered a lot of trauma. His sister died when she was a kit, and he watched his own brother and mother die. He was rejected by many of his Clanmates, so his pain feels very real.
After book three, we're at The Blazing Star. He starts taking in cats without realizing it because he is traumatized by what he did in the Great Battle. He thinks he needs all the support he can get. After One Eye, he is desperately trying to prove himself to the other Clans by coming up with ideas that made more sense the more you think about them. But his decisions led to pure chaos. So, he became self-conscious and began being defensive. This is why I think he became a villain again. And this is a VILLAINS list. And Skystar is a GREAT villain.

Goosefeather was CURSED! That's why the book is called Goosefeather's Curse. Cloudberry took him in as her apprentice. Hawkheart killed Moonflower, not Goosefeather. He isn't the type of cat that would kill his good littermate. (Brambleclaw is a totally different story)
Goosefeather tried to help his clan when he KNEW they would starve. He even told Doestar about the kittypets attacking Squirrelwhisker's patrol. He also knew that Swiftpaw (later Swiftbreeze) was over by the sunningrocks when she went missing. How does that make him evil?

I don't like him. Moonflower loved him when she was a kit. Then, they have kits and he's all, "Forget what's-her-face and my kits! I'm gonna go hang with Dappletail."
When Moonflower dies: "Wait, who are you? Oh, you're my kit! Wait, what's-her-face died? Oh well, sorry." In StarClan: "I'm so sorry, my precious Bluestar! I should've protected your mother! I never loved Dappletail." Then she comes: "Hi, my love... No, I was just thinking of you... No, they mean nothing to me!" See, he's a no-good, lying jerk-face!
Stormtail was a terrible father (much more than Crowfeather), a terrible mate (much more than Crowfeather), and a cheater (much more than Crowfeather. Why am I comparing him to Crowfeather? I have no idea), but he was loyal to his clan and was (kind of) there for Bluestar when Snowfur died (kind of).

Hey! Don't call him evil! Sure, he went to the Dark Forest, but that just isn't good enough. He actually realized his mistakes and tried to redeem himself, which is the most you can expect from a Dark Forest cat. When Shadowsight arrived there, Snowtuft gave him information and led him to Ashfur, while not listening to that fox-heart.
Then, when Rootspring almost drowned, Snowtuft helped him. When they got captured, instead of ripping Rootspring's head off, he attacked Ash-dung, allowing Rootspring, Shadowsight, and Brislefrost to escape. If Ashpoop hadn't killed him, he should have gotten a place in StarClan.

Technically, if she didn't do what she did, Scourge would've never formed BloodClan, and some other cat would have had to kill Tigerstar nine times because the forest cats don't have dog teeth as claws to rip out nine lives at once. So, she indirectly saved the forest.
You terror! You changed poor Tiny/Scourge's life! Look at it this way. If Ruby hadn't left him out, made him want to prove himself, then tell him that unwanted kits get thrown in the river, Scourge/Tiny would have been a kittypet, and nothing bad concerning Scourge would have ever happened!
People underrate him so much! He was one of the leaders of the Dark Forest. I know there wasn't much to be said about him, but the books made it clear that he killed several cats. I don't know why he's number 25.
He was so mean to Thistleclaw in his training, and that made Thistleclaw turn his anger on Tigerclaw. That really turned Tigerclaw to the dark side, and we all know how evil Tigerclaw is. (Actually, I can name five cats more evil than him: One Eye, Dark Tail, Scourge, Broken Star, and Maple Shade)
He was in the Dark Forest, which is bad enough!

I don't think Foxheart is necessarily evil, but yeah, she was mean. She was mean to Yellowfang and was all over Raggedstar, but that doesn't mean she's evil.
I wouldn't really call her evil. Sure, she was mean to Yellowfang and tried to steal Raggedstar away from her, but that just shows she's a jealous she-cat.
Raggedpelt said, "Foxheart is nothing to me, Yellowfang." Foxheart truly deserves that name.

I would say he is EVIL! He almost killed Thistleclaw, the jerk!
Even though Thistleclaw totally deserved everything Silverhawk did, Silverhawk is still evil, evil, evil!
Anyway, Silverhawk is in the Dark Forest, so we can say he's not very nice.
How can you feel sorry for the fox-hearted coward, Thistleclaw?!