Top 10 Reasons the 2010s Suck

Don't get me wrong, there are a few good things about the 2010s, but I feel all other decades including the 2000s were much better!
The Top Ten
1 Bad music

Music in 2010s was made by and for children. Music industry is a kindergarten. This applies to almost all aspects of life. Mediocrity went viral with the internet and infected everything from literature to music to cinema. Everything about 2010s is mediocre.

Pop music today is so bland and generic.

Dubstep, pop music, Justin Bieber etc

Some bad music, not all is bad

2 Bad politics

Populism and amateurism became standard.

This should be higher

3 People getting famous over nothing
4 Graphic designs are lazy

Have you seen the difference between the old logos and the new logos?

Windows as the finest example how bad it is.

The new Edge logo in 2020 sucks.

5 Too many stupid people
6 Sexual assault allegations
7 Violence

Violence has gone a completely different level

It has existed since the dawn of mankind.

Well yeah. Think about school shootings.

8 YouTube sucks now
9 Bad movies

Fight club, pulp fiction, Scarface, kill bill, Star Wars, the matrix and The Godfather are me favorites none in the 2010’s

10 People live in their phones instead of real life.
The Contenders
11 Donald Trump is president

He's our president and is going to be for 2 or 6 more years and there's nothing you can do about it other than moving to another country

One of the few things I agree with on this terrible list.

The only item I somewhat agree with...

12 Most media is watered down
13 Everything is to expensive
14 Nothing to watch but reality TV

Classic television revival or reboot is awful! Because the quality of the original aren't there anymore in the reboot or the revival, there only produce to do money! Not quality! Can we stop just messing with the classic and instead create modern television gold for once?

15 People would rather play on their phones instead of going outside
16 Everyone gets offended

Try to tell hipster girl that she looks like eastern bloc teacher from cold war era with thick rimmed glasses.

17 Sexy teens

Sexy teens in this era include Malu Trevejo, Danielle Bregoli, and Danielle Cohn. I think anyone should be sexy only when they become adults, not when they are teenagers.

Pedophiles are the happiest people on earth right now thanks to these skanks!

I like Japanese Teens more. - Gehenna

18 Too much SJW and alt-right politics

Because I feel like it has ruined most media/pop culture outside of Japan and a few other places.
Just look at Steven Universe, Ghostbusters 2016, the Mass Effect franchise, and that horrible revival of Rosanne as examples of how it has ruined Western pop culture in the 2010's!

Both sucks and undermines real politics.

19 Women wear too much make-up
20 Twerking

At least it has died down.

This needs to stop!

21 No more good looking women
22 Children's TV shows are terrible

It looks as if they have kids for idiots.

In my opinion, the last good year was 2012.

Regular show and ducktales

23 People rely too much on technology

Some people won't be able obtain food during blackout.

24 Obama was president for most of the decade

Trump rocks
Obama sucks.

25 Too many remakes, reboots, and sequels of movies

And don't forget standalone product placement movies. And product placement IN movies like Fortnite to the point where Fortnite references become a cliche in which I call ClicheNite.

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