1 The Axis wins World War II
If axis won, the world would be like that series called "The Man in the High Castle".
2 The Central Powers win World War I
So, all the Allied Powers lose much of their territory as well as a huge chunk of their colonies and Germany would be the world superpower.
I think Austria-Hungary will collapse.
3 The United States loses the American Revolution, and thus never exists
4 Jesus was never born
5 The Protestant Reformation never happens
6 The new world developed civilization before the old world did
7 The Confederacy wins the American Civil War
8 Persia conquered Greece and took over the whole world
9 Jesus is not crucified
10 Rome never fell and instead took over the whole world
The Contenders
11 The atomic bombs don't work and the U.S. invades Japan
12 September 11th never happens
This because this caused more damage to this country then any other single event in history. In so many ways. And we're supposed to kiss their ass? I don't think think so...
13 The Cuban Missile Crisis turns into something bigger
This could have been extended nuclear war.
14 The Soviet Union didn't collapse
15 Napoleon wins at Waterloo
No Russia and the balkan peninsula will be dominated by ottomans Since the Brithis that gived supplies to (Greeks,Serbians,Macedonian uprisings) the and Russia gives supplies the (Bulgaria) the Balkan nationalistic uprisings will never happen and Africa will be dominated by French WW1 and WW2 never happened Communism never rose France will be a world superpower with the Ottoman Empire
16 Trotsky succeeds Lenin instead of Stalin
17 The Caliphate conquered Europe
18 Carthage beat and replaced Rome
19 Adolf Hitler is assassinated
20 The Allies beat Japan but lost to Germany
21 Dinosaurs never went extinct
22 Hannibal's elephants crush the Romans
23 Columbus failed to "discover" America
Yet actually landing in India.
24 Prince Henry of Prussia becomes king of the United States
25 Black Death was stopped