Most Biased News Websites
CNN is a nasty, foolish network. They argue with most of their guests, many of whom call them out as a Fake News station.
Don Lemon is nearly brain dead and such a rude man. He talks over anyone who has anything intelligent to say. He just keeps saying, lalalalalalla. Why is he working?
Extremely biased, but especially concerning since this network is so popular. At least people know and acknowledge Fox News as biased. More people just believe CNN since it's mainstream, even though it's just as biased, if not more.
Visit WebsiteSome people even think Fox News has a liberal bias. Nonsense. All they talk about in their political coverage is how the Mueller investigation is corrupt (according to them), among many other biased and one-sided stories. Trump gets many of his talking points from Fox News.
They are basically the conservative bias sister of CNN. Their agenda is smeared everywhere. They occasionally have debates with at least two perspectives instead of just stating one side, which other news sources are guilty of omitting entirely.
Visit WebsiteEasily the most biased mainstream news network there is. So horribly biased to the left, it's unbelievable.
This is the only legitimate news website that I literally BLOCKED on Apple News so I wouldn't receive any more stories by them. They're THAT bad. At least Fox News and CNN are tolerable at times.
Absolutely laughable website. Should not even be referred to as news. It is alt-left propaganda.
Not only biased articles, but also trashy ones.
Visit WebsiteHardball was occasionally interesting. The rest of the lineup, not so much. Are Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes played by the same actor?
The View is one of the most intolerant things I've ever watched. How can people even watch this channel?
This isn't as biased as CNN, but holy crap, they were extremely salty when Trump won.
Fired their chief editor, and their employees boycotted their own company after allowing a conservative op-ed to publish a conservative opinion piece.
It's so bad that the employees wouldn't allow their chief editor to allow any conservative beliefs.
So many untruths and propaganda rivaled only by how awful the Washington Post has become. It is purely litter box liner.
They put out ridiculous articles such as The Arabs run Hollywood and Logan is an anti-Trump film. The only thing I agree with on this channel is that the left is nuts along with the MSM. These people are laughably bad at journalism. This is not a news site. It is a meme site.
These people seriously said that Hilary and Bill Clinton were running a human trafficking ring out of a pizza joint and that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Should be number 1.
The "wars" part of their name must be a metaphor for how they want to divide us and start another civil war.
Definitely one of the bigger offenders in biased coverage.
Not interested in their reports.
BuzzFeed is the worst. They try to "fight" racism by dividing everyone. BuzzFeed literally panders to the lowest common denominator.
"Remember, only straight, white males can be bad."
These people fight stereotypes with stereotypes.
Ah, the website that has these crappy articles looking like they were written by drunk persons.
Biased network. They deleted Mori's emotion cover because they don't want their FAVORITE artist to lose popularity. Biased network, biased.
Journalism has left the house. They are just a bunch of people who read what they are given.
Presents what they are told. Facts are buried in left-leaning opinions.
In a nutshell, they're "socialism is good" people. Ironic, for people who got paid from capitalism to support socialism.
"Pro-National Socialist website with clickbait titles" is the only way I can describe this trash fire.
Rag pandering to the right-wing lunatic fringe.
The Newcomers
Usually just silly with a streak of nasty, but I had direct knowledge of the facts in a story they ran a couple of years ago. They got the facts completely wrong. Poor reporting.
Yahoo suspended comments during an election year in support of partisan politics. Yahoo has always been left-leaning, and it took action to silence conservatives who were becoming wise to their actions and had begun reporting the facts.
Turned off comments because people were posting actual facts from local sources, and Yahoo hated that people could read the stories without their EXTREMELY liberal spin. They intentionally left out details that completely change the perception of most of their news. Yahoo is the WORST!
Been caught publishing complete lies and untruths. Russia hoax, Covid total insanity.
They don't cover anything important. They only cover things that benefit their own agenda.
Present what the Left tells them to. Political opinions are awkwardly left-biased.
Make lies truths for the sake of not having to do actual investigation.
These morons don't realize that destroying ANTIFA's right to protest will ruin the right to assemble on the right if they want to call out Trump when he does something stupid like blow up Syria. Don't sign the petition.
Very far left and biased. They should have stuck to the nonsense pop culture articles they had before. Colorful because their readers are like toddlers who love picture books.
Just watch the New Year's Resolutions for White Guys video, and you'll understand how biased, not to mention racist and sexist, it is.
They call themselves "Music T.V.," yet all they do is exploit people's personal lives for views.
Cenk occasionally makes a point that seems to indicate the progressive movement has real, serious ideas about governance. Then Ana Kasperian speaks, and it becomes clear that progressivism is actually about sniveling, whining, and foot-stomping.
Cenk, the host and owner, is extremely biased and even ran as a far-left progressive for office.
Most annoying lefties on Earth by a large stretch.
Present what the left wants to hear. No sense of balance in reporting.
The prime example of a rotten website.
Utterly, utterly as biased as can be for absolutely anything and everything liberal and far left.
Dear God, this website is the definition of biased.
Attacking PewDiePie with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. They are just asking to get their butt sued.
People need to stop hiring xenophobic journalists.