Top 10 Douchebag People and Groups On the Internet
I love politically incorrect jokes but I hate Encyclopedia Dramatica. That website is pure hate and the only thing I like about it is that it has good advice on how to vandalize Wikipedia. I want the FBI to take them down and arrest them all. The day that happens will be the best day in the history of the world. I want the AE staff to burn up in the hottest, darkest parts of hell!
A bunch of ugly greasy 6 year old hyperactive chimps who are dumber than a rock and who screech monkey sounds in laughter at any unfunny and rude jokes.

Mariotehplumber is the worst YouTuber I have ever seen. He often says, I know that many people swear, but does he have to swear EVERY 3 SECONDS? He's also racist and sexist. And also, he keeps on saying "I'm good at this" and by the way Mariotehplumber, WE ARE NOT JEALOUS OF YOUR "SKILLS", AND STOP INSULTING THE VIEWERS!
Oh my Shadow yes. This is the WORST YouTuber ever and will insult anything you like. He literally says one minutes 'sonic is awesome' than like 10 seconds later he's like ' SONIC IS THE WORST GAME EVER WHO EVER LIKES IT DESERVES TO DIE! ' Mariotehplumber is also racist, sexist, and literally just an idiot.

Someone who abused their ex girlfriend, stole his friends the martinez twins money and prank them everyday, and is rude to their fans isn't on a list of douches
Yeah I recommend you just watching his videos with low volume. Yep he's loud. I mean VERY LOUD! I mean EXTREAMLY LOUD. (Sorry for the repetitive joke here)
This guy clearly knows nothing about gaming history
He ain't a douche, he's just a racist brat
Him Hating Rocko's Modern Life Was Just Unforgivable.
He isn't a douche, he just gives his opinions
No, not only Undertale, Five Night at Freddy's (I don't like this game please don't kill me for saying it), MLP, Steven Universe, Sonic and fandoms in general. I said those because they're the popular ones to get hated on. Seriously they're pretty arrogant sometimes.
But I don't know I tend to avoid people that hate fandoms because I like it and why should I listen to you and let my day be ruined. Also I don't tend to be annoying and in a video comment "I CAME HERE FROM UNDERTALE! ".
I only hate Undertale only because of the cancer part of the fanbase that draws horrible fanart, shove the game down everyone's throats, and tries to resurrect old and outdated memes but makes it Undertale related...
But if you like Undertale and are none of the above, then I won't have a problem with you.

Having watched onision for a year... Why is he so low on the list?
Worst person on the internet to be honest
The Newcomers
Don't even mention the fanbase.
Promotes paid DLC. Enough said.

Somebody needs to take his Twitter account away.

This guy doesn't have any talents and is really a shame to the entertainment industry. His posts and youtube videos are not interesting at all. Really people need to see someone to look up to as an ideal and I don't think his acts are mature enough for that.
This guy totally roast the music industries.
Also what if he parodied Beethoven? You'll see what I mean.

How is he a douchebag? He didn't make a video on you

One of the bad ones are Princess Daisy's