Top Ten Jet Set Radio Future Characters

The Top Ten
1 Beat

Beat is my favorite character. And he's also the mascot of the
Jet Set Radio games.

Beat is my favorite video game character in general.

2 YoYo

YoYo is the first character you play as in Jet Set Radio Future.
Without him who would we play as at the start of the game. ?

3 Zero Beat

Not as cool as Beat but still pretty cool.
I mean look its an evil robot Beat how cool
Is that.

4 Noise Tanks

The noise tanks have the coolest voices. They brain washed the Immortals.
They Brain washed the love shockers. And they brain washed the doom riders.

In JSRF, they make a noise that sounds like a robotic Arnold Schwarzenegger.

5 Cube

Cube was once the leader of Rapid 99. But she left them then became the leader of poison jam.
Plus she pretty hot.

6 Combo

Combo is a big strong guy that carrys a boom box around.
Plus he has really good Heath.

7 DJ Professor K

He tells you where to go and what to do. He says some pretty funny stuff sometimes to.

8 Corn
9 Roboy

He let's you pick your character and music and graffiti and other options.
Corn fixed him after they found him in a dumpster.

10 Poison jam

Poison jam are these big guys that hang out in the sewers. They have cool laughs.
And there the rivals of rapid 99.

The Contenders
11 Rapid 99
12 The Immortals

Egyptian mummy skaters.

13 Clutch
14 Rhyth
15 Garam
16 Soda
17 Jazz
18 Boogie
19 Pots
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