Worst Languages in the World
When you hear someone speaking an odd foreign language in the street you feel like laughing, but which is the worst and most useless language in the world.
10,000 different characters in the alphabet that use complicated pictographs. Each character can have as many as 13 different meanings. Even the order that the lines are drawn is important. And I'm pretty sure 10 000 is the simplified version, wasn't the original 20,000 characters?
And that's just the written Chinese. The spoken is just as bad. Chinese is a "tonal language" which means that a word with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the tone it was pronounced with. Which means if you want to pose a question, you have to make the sentence "sound like" it's a question, otherwise the meaning is completely reversed. Can you imagine trying to distinguish between someone saying "I have the books" and "do you have the books? " based on the tone of the sentence?
Chinese people can't even understand the language and a normal conversation is usually riddled with "can you repeat that". They actually have to have their movies subtitled because of this.
And no, calling Chinese the worst language is not offensive to the Chinese, calling anything else the worst language is offensive to the Chinese. If you try and claim any other language is worse, they will debate you on it on the spot and YOU WILL LOSE. China having the worst language is the pride of China.
I read the other reviewers attempts to make it sound less bad, but notice that they don't actually point to anything factual? All the redeeming points of the Chinese language are cultural or difference of opinion. Nothing actually measurable.

Don't kid yourselves, Hindi is a really ugly language. Almost every consonant (and vowel) is pronounced in an unaesthetic and sloppy way. You guys need to fix your language. Make it sound crisper and it will be fine. Also, so what if it "spans cultures and dialects"? That doesn't take away from the fact that it is an absolutely ugly language. It's definitely not a graceful language. The sounds of the language remind one of the dirtiness of some places in India.
Indians themselves are the only people with the power to fix their language. So if you want Hindi off this list, make it sound more beautiful. Languages can change.

Italian is the most melodic language in the world. It is rich in sound and keeps evolving with the times.. It inebriated the senses, if one appreciates poetry. Those of you who consider this most alluring, entrancing of the Romance languages mediocre, do not know what you are talking about. It is the language of love and romance... No other can compare. It is soft, not harsh... No guttural sounds. Do not be confused by the different dialects your ear picks up... Listen to the pure Italian... It will transport you to heaven on earth. Nonetheless, it is not an easy language to learn. Those who do not speak the language are under the impression that it is easy since every letter is pronounced as seen. It is the grammar that will trip you up. So many exceptions... Once you master the language, you will want to speak it as much as possible... Amore e ciao.

Arabic is my first language (although I'm better at English, to be honest), and reading some of these rude and hurtful comments, I feel like CRYING. They kept on saying how it's the language of terrorists and people who got to Hell, and these awful and mean stereotypes are so wrong...I don't know where to begin!
I'm only a little girl, but you people are making me feel that I'm so awful I should go commit suicide or be slaughtered or something! Yes, there are children who know this language! Yes, INNOCENT CHILDREN, and imagine how they'd react after reading this. I'm not kidding, saying this to someone about their language and religion will prompt them to kill themselves! I know this site is about sharing opinions, but not tarnishing others' beliefs! There are billions of Muslims out there, and VERY FEW are actually terrorists. I may be one, and even I am ashamed about what they done at 9/11! We Muslims would never, EVER dream of doing this and we hate the people who did those things! What did you think, that we celebrated this day? Of course not! We're not that heartless!

First off, this is not a language. It's just a series of dialects and accents that is prevalent through various parts of the US. Sure, people may look at the "valley girl" California accent or thick Southern accents as examples of "bad" accents, but it's literally just how people speak in the States. You can't judge a language or accent for how it sounds. Plus, some US accents can be funny or pleasant to listen to, such as the New York/New Jersey accent, the Southern accent if it isn't over-exaggerated, the Minnesota accent, etc... it's no elegant British accent, but it's just how we speak. Some British dialects, such as the Liverpool accent and West Country English sound entertaining to listen to, but that's another story.
Let's get something straight. Old English does NOT mean Shakespeare English or King James Bible English. Shakespeare could not understand Old English. The term "Old English" does NOT mean "English that is old"; it refers to the language that English originated from, which is often called "Anglo-Saxon", as it was spoken by the Angles and the Saxons. Shakespeare spoke early modern English, which was spoken many hundreds of years after Old English had died. If you want to see Old English, Google an untranslated version of Beowulf.
Please educate yourselves.

I don't hate German, I kinda like it even though I think French and Italian sounds way better.
I think there's nothing wrong with disliking or hating a language because of the way it sounds. Some people don't like German as they find it guttural.
But to anyone hating on German because of what happened in Germany from 1933-1945, please get a life and grow up. For real.
Germany isn't the only country in the world to mess up in history. Other countries have messed up in the past or are currently messed up.
Same goes to the people who hate Arabic because of terrorism.
There's nothing wrong with disliking or hating Arabic because of its sounds, but disliking or hating a language because of some awful people is just wrong.
As someone in this comment section has said, many Germans aren't Nazis and many Muslims aren't terrorists.
I know that this list is for expressing opinions and I know that some opinions here can be expressed quite strongly.
But promoting hate towards people for their race, ethnicity, religion and nationality is just wrong.

There are words in French that do not translate into any other language that explicitly express situation of love. For example. Retrouvailles: the feeling you get when you see someone after a long physical separation. Surely one of the less annoying language.
And when saying that 40% of French words are English, you must learn that it's the contrary, 40% (even 45% depending of sources) of English words have French origins. With around 80,000 words, and here we count only words imported directly from French. By searching correctly, you will find these facts on internet.
All the rest is just voting French annoying language because of uncultivated way of acting.

Now this is a language I can get all the hate for. There are no native speakers so you're not offending anyone by insulting it, a lot of people are forced to learn it when there's little to no motivation since there's no use for it in day to day life, and it's really complicated. This should be number one since it's the most useless language on this list, not Chinese, that one is very useful and beautiful.
Soulless and dead language. I took a class back in high school and kicked it after roughly a month. I don't get people who want to learn it in high school instead of Spanish or French, especially for reasons like "it's logical" or "it's the mother of all languages". If you don't intend to study history or medicine it's absolutely pointless.
Tamil is unpleasant to the ear. It is not a language one can easily relate to. Most Tamil people now speak slang which is a terrible adulteration of a language - often with swear words spoken in bad taste. Many literary works in Tamil have been recognised and taught in Indian schools today, unfortunately not the same quality exists today. Tamil movie songs sound like noise. Being half Tamil myself I feel embarrassed when a Tamil person speaks of Tamil as though no other language exists in this world. People from tamilnadu must be more welcoming to other Indian states and stop being narrow minded.
The Newcomers

What( Why as W) does a state of America need their personalized language that is basically one word for every word, you're basically say aloha for everything! Really, it's stupid!
Hawaiin is beautiful! And for the other commentor complaining, Hawaii is an island that was colonised by America. It is a polynesian language with very little English influence.
It is/was without a doubt a beautiful language but it's pretty useless outside of Niʻihau, a small private island that's always closed for tourists. It is the only place where people primarily speak Hawaiian. and even there, the population is small.
Just another terrible language, they just sound like housefly buzzing

Korean writing system is very easy to learn. It is brilliant. Korean as a spoken language isn't tonal like Chinese so that makes it much easier than Chinese. The fact that Korea has very high literacy says something about Korean being a good language. Korean is pleasant to listen to.
The problem I have had learning Korean is just me. For some reason I have trouble with it.
Seriously I don't understand how anyone could like Korean language.
It sounds harsh, rude, and angry not to mention super whinny.
I feel like slapping them every time I hear them. And they have no manner and don't really mind their environment when they talk with this barbaric language. So annoying

The best word to describe Hungarian is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Hungarian speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Hungarian is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Hungarian speakers, and see if you come back sane.

Chinese is already on the list and to the normal person, there is no difference between the two, when Chinese is actually 2-3 different languages and Mandarin is the "official" language of the country.
The grammar is actually common sense and is not hard to pick up on
The characters are near impossible and the tones are hard, but really, with practice it gets quite easy.
I can't even watch chinese anime because it sounds like someone is just yelling up my ears whenever I hear the audio. the tone and flow of the language just feels like an alarm clock, I guess that is the best way I can say it. it feels like I'm listening to an alarm clock that wont stop.

Punjabi is hilarious and an awesome language! By the way, WHO THE HELL started this list. None of the languages are ugly or "THE WORST". Every language is beautiful in their own way. Every language has its own swear words. Every language is written gracefully. Every language has beauty and grace. Every language is spoken by us. I am realyy disappointed in humanity. We have that much narrow brains to go on making a list about the worst languages in the world. As if there wasn't sadness and violence and hatred in this world already. Stop trying to make more hatred and violence and sadness. Alright?!

The best word to describe Swedish is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Swedish speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Swedish is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Swedish speakers, and see if you come back sane.

Flemish sounds very nice, the whole "Netherlandish" language is very interesting to me, but Dutch pronounciation makes the Dutch one of the most horrible language for me (maybe Arabic of Hebrew sound worse). I know that Flemish and Dutch are technically dialects of the same language, but for differences in speaking I would rather tell them apart.
Dutch is what happens when you bastardize a perfectly good language (German) and make it sound ugly. Dutch is easily the worst sounding language in the world. The only sound that is worse is a Dutch person speaking English. I have no issues with the Dutch, but you all should learn sign language.

The best word to describe Vietnamese is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Vietnamese speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Vietnamese is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Vietnamese speakers, and see if you come back sane.

The best word to describe Polish is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Polish speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Polish is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Polishspeakers, and see if you come back sane.

To those who learn Klingon, please pour your time and energy into learning a real language. You could learn French and speak with a huge percentage of the world. You could learn Koine Greek and read the New Testament. You could learn Mandarin and impress everyone as you read the decorative characters at the Chinese restaurant. However, you are learning Klingon. Congratulations, you can talk to a few Star Trek geeks and nobody will understand you.
Klingon is an awesome concept, very good idea from the Star Trek writers, makes the series more immersive, props to them. It certainly wouldn't have been easy to implement a fictional language, and to pull it off so well.
But unless you're a Star Trek actor then learning Klingon is insane, say what you will about the other languages on this list but at least they all serve some kind of purpose!
You might think Mandarin or Tamil sound bad, but they give you a lot of different business opportunities, literature, film, TV, and most importantly, more people to connect with!
Even something like Latin or Old English is very useful if you're studying history, or just want to read classical literature. Certainly can't blame someone for being interested in that.
Klingon, however, spend your time however you wish, but I just don't see the point in it. You'll be able to access the odd Klingon media here and there sure, but chances are that's already available in English. And all of the other Klingon speakers... well, just communicate to them in a different language.

Bulgarian should not even be a language. It is your basic Slav language that became simple due to Greek and Tatar/Turk influences. So it became more simple because too many people that these Slavs absorbed can't speak the proper Slavic language so this is now Bulgarian.
You now try to steal Bulgarian language too. Good job my brainwashed slavo-Bulgarian friends.

I don't even think that Urdu is the worse language at all I think it must be deleted for #top20.. it doesn't have more than 8 or 9 abuses.. or I am adding one thing more that it is gentlemen speaking decent language which doesn't have commen with any other language even Hindi..
I think if Urdu became the an inter-national language no can ever think abut the jackass English language whatsoever. because there is no chance of misguidance on this beautiful language it is religious language with no hurting word in it.. yeah it is lil difficult for learning the accent and grammar

Work with mostly Filipinos. The people themselves are great and have a very good work ethic (especially in comparison to Americans, which I am). The accent/language is fine if only one Filipino is speaking, but get 2 or more of them talking at once, it's absolute cacophony. They invariably talk over each other, rapidly and without pauses. It really is head-splitting after a few minutes. Just a loud jumble. Might be that they do talk all at the same time as much as anything.
The worst sounding language ever. Truly the language of the uncivilised. Even their English sounds agonisingly bizarre. There's too much emphasis on the 'r' in English. And their Tagalog sounds like a conversation between two monkeys and an aborigine arguing over a banana. There's really nothing good about Philippines. The men there are feminine and gay, and the language is just the cherry on top.
This dialect nowadays is mainly used on the internet nowadays. Basically a dialect for Gen Z and Alpha. Anyone of African descent living in the USA speaking this dialect is fine. But when a white person like me speaks it, it becomes the worst English dialect.
First allow me to say that I am part black myself, but I truly abhor the way many of them, us, speak. Often I have been berated by black Americans the moment they find out I am mixed since I do not speak 'like a black person'. I despise this form of English and often cringe when I hear it. Ebonics indeed. Utter nonsense.

The best word to describe Slovak is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Slovak speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Vietnamese is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Slovak speakers, and see if you come back sane.

The best word to describe Spanish is gurgling, but not the pleasant river-like gurgling -more like the kind of a sound you'd hear a frog make before choking on its own saliva. The language also has an annoying, whining tone to it, and that makes it sound like the people speaking it would be constantly complaining. Spanish speakers tend to spit a lot while speaking too, and that's really not a miracle considering all the frog-like croaks they have to produce all day long. Spanish is a lot worse than Finnish or Korean or the other languages rated higher on this list - just try sitting in a bus full of gurgling and whining Spanish speakers, and see if you come back sane.