Top Ten Worst Sentences to Forget to Include Apostrophes

The Top Ten
My girlfriend's agreed to marry me.

This it's is awesome! It reminds me of a teacher I had who would never say anything without her monotonous voice!

Excellent list! Is this the beginning of a grammar series? Eats, shoots and leaves, etc.

If you were to post this anywhere online without the apostrophe, you'd be dead.

Dick's working hard.

I love this list. All of them are funny but I think this the funniest.

Though I love the first one too, this made me laugh out loud!
Brilliant! Can't stop laughing!

The black's made it ugly.
Fat's quick to accumulate.
He'll go to France.

Funny! He'll go to France! That would be bad!

The hoe's not sharp at the handle.
I'll pet for your cat.
Gay's races are incredible.
Honey, Bill's taller than ever!

If I ever meet a girl who's bad with apostrophes, I'll be selective when it comes to names.

The hoe's fine at the handle.
The Contenders
The university lab fire's a problem for everyone.
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