Most Annoying Ways to Get Hurt or Feel Pain

The Top Ten
1 Whack your head on something you can't see

This makes me want to punch someone when this happens!

2 Hit your knee or funny bone

It hurts so bad!

3 Stub your toe

I do this all the time. It hurts so much!

The picture says it all!

I drives me crazy!

Now this hurts!

4 Someone steps on your foot

It's not annoying unless they do it real hard. If so, I can't stand it!

5 Accidentally get hit with something

One time last year on my school field trip I got hit with a golf ball and I was so mad!

In high school I have gotten smacked in the face with balls during PE classes

6 Getting static shocks

I hate it when this happens to me.

It is also kinda scary

7 Step on a sharp object

A piece of a glass for an example.

No joke, it really hurts.

8 You get a cramp or a random pain on your body

I also get these pains like to the right of my stomach every once in a while and I hate it when it happens

9 You slip and fall down

It also scares me when it happens

10 You die at a cringe-worthy part on a video game

It actually does cause a little pain to me

The Contenders
11 Shutting your finger in the door
12 Teeth touching cold food
13 Paper Cut
14 Falling up the stairs

How do you fall up stairs?

15 Period Cramps
16 Stepping on legos
17 Walking into screen door

One time I walked into a screen door because I thought it was open.

18 After eating a chili pepper
19 Wisdom teeth coming in
20 Falling Off a Kid's Toy

Once I fell off a rocking horse and I hurt my back. Luckily I did not get paralyzed.

21 From Eating a Lot of Food

I get heartburns after buffets and parties sometimes

22 Getting a splinter
23 Getting Burned
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