Top 10 Things People Are Becoming More Dependent on with Time

The Top Ten
1 Mobile Phones
2 Internet
3 Money

what if I'd told you that you can summon ANY amount of money out of nowhere/nothing, anyone & everyone can do it really, pre-existing money maybe worth chasing but you can't chase money for the rest of eternity, you can permanently fill your bank account by speaking saying thinking & imagining it.

4 Technology
5 Music
6 Social Media
7 Who They Know
8 Other People
9 News

news isn't for everyone, either do something to continue living or just live knowing everything is beyond your control & take other responsibilities, the news would only make you a degenerate as the people you hate, people are going to hangout with you less the moment you pull up the news, if responsibility isn't your priority why go dead diving for the news in the first place? you'll end yourself the more hitched you are to/towards the news. life before the news was the purest aspect of living, life with the news is like living with the grim reaper in your home, lord death decides when you have to go when you are irresponsible In both the courts of above & courts of below, reapers of death remind you that doing the right thing would prolong your longevity, not doing the right thing cuts the limit you have in this life & the next, everything you do with family & others determines the judgement you receive resurrection to be gifted with a new incarnation

10 Delivery Services
The Contenders
11 Cars
12 Streaming Services
13 Robots
14 Relationships
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