Top 10 Things People Should Do in September 2020 to Help Reduce Covid-19 Cases

COVID-19 is not close to its end. It'll just get worse if nobody puts effort and cooperation into place. Here are some things you should do to avoid/reduce the COVID-19 spreading.
The Top Ten
1 Do homeschooling

My city (Perth) used to have online schooling, but now it's back to physical schooling.
After seeing what's been happening in Melbourne and Victoria lately, they're most likely going to bring it back.

2 Wear safety glasses along with your masks

Better safe than sorry.

This has to be a joke.

3 Close indoor eating restaurants
4 Close/don't open non-essential places
5 Make a new social distance length

It's not that 6 feet isn't long enough, it's that there isn't enough guidance and encouragement to maintain such a distance.

I don't think some people will like that.

6 Don't create public events
7 Add time limits when shopping
8 Avoid going to public places too often

Use Amazon instead of physically going shopping.

9 Go to a hairdresser or a barber only when you really need it
10 Don't travel to other countries too often

What about countries that have beat the virus? Like New Zealand?

The Contenders
11 Wear a Mask

Basically what I'm getting from the comments here is you should wear a mask but you should also give yourself a break when you get home, which most people probably do anyways, or when you're eating. However, my school is so paranoid that they won't even allow you to leave your masks off while eating lunch during lunchtime. They make you pull it down to take a bite/sip then pull it back up as you're chewing/swallowing, which I find ridiculous. We already have to wear them on our faces the rest of the school day anyways, which I understand. Wear a mask in a public setting unless you're eating or drinking something. Why not let students take a break from wearing their masks during lunch when they need to pull down their masks constantly to eat and drink their lunch?

You can get sick if you wear the mask for too long.

12 Don't Treat This Pandemic as a Joke

Use your common sense. Please. It's one of the strongest weapons against the virus.

13 Donate Blood And/or Money to Charity
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