Top Ten Western Societal Issues That Should Be Paid More Attention To
This is a list that has to be done. I have my opinions, you have yours. Feel free to share them! You're going to see a lot of stuff here that I posted that you might not agree with. That's okay! Post your own stuff! Add, vote, comment - let people know what you think!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PEOPLE PLEASE DO NOT BE OFFENSIVE WITH THIS LIST. This list is intended to exploit major issues in Western and American society. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU TO BE DISCRIMINATORY OR HATEFUL. Thank you.
If you're not a young, white, rich, Christian male, you're gonna get hated. And now you've got police brutality playing into this, with these racist cops killing unarmed, innocent black teens. The rich stand on the poor. Men are misogynists, and women are misandrists. Religion is playing into politics - which it really shouldn't - causing a lot of bias. I really wish people would just get to know each other before judging.
No one is fully immune to discrimination.
Not white? You get discriminated against by white supremacists.
White? You get discriminated against by SJWs on Twitter.
Male? You get discriminated against by SJWs on Twitter.
Female? You get discriminated against by the alt-right and pseudosigmas/pseudoalphas.
Neither? You get discriminated against by the alt-right.
The only thing we can do is minimize its effects.
Almost nothing is made local today. Most of the companies we all know and love outsource to countries like Indonesia or Honduras (I have nothing against people living there) and pay their workers less than the average American worker. Why? Greed. Greed is a thing where if you have enough of it, you'll have lots of trouble stopping it.
The majority of countries in the world follow either side of the philosophy, the corporates or the sweatshop workers. There are very few exceptions to this.
Corporations run this country. You can't go anywhere without seeing some big-time company's logo with a registered trademark symbol. Nothing is publicly owned. Groups of people become brainwashed by the idea of money and begin to swallow up all that is original and progressive. It just takes so much variety and texture away from us.
You have to wear the hottest clothes. You have to see the newest movie. You have to own the latest technology. People managed to live without such materialism 50 years ago. They were fine! Nobody is innocent - we're all guilty of this in some way. There is no such thing as a non-superficial person. We all have our weaknesses, which is understandable. But the attraction to superficial attributes just makes it worse.
This is kind of similar to discrimination. This is a huge problem among our American teens - the alphas and the omegas, the top and bottom. Let's lay down another issue here: BULLYING. Do you remember Amanda Todd? I bet you all cared when she was gone! Did you care when she posted that video? Be honest.
Just a reminder: You're not a bad person for not knowing how to properly take care of kids, as long as you don't choose to have kids.
On one end of the spectrum, there's spoiling, which can make your kids think they can step on everyone and go off scot-free, which can turn them into horrible people. On the other end of the spectrum, there's abusing, which can literally give your kids PTSD and can lead them to horrible places and maybe even dark paths.
In between the extremes is a sweet spot that every parent should aim for.
America's media policy: Marilyn Manson is a horrible role model for the country. Pay attention to Miley Cyrus instead. She's a way better role model!
America's media policy: graphic, extreme, bloody violence is OKAY - just as long as you don't say a curse word or show a naked person.
The Newcomers
Many, many, many problems here. If you're straight, sex runs your whole life. It's a good thing! But if you're LGBT, it's your worst nightmare. Homophobia is real. Don't deny it. If a celebrity says, "I'm gay," it's a whole big to-do. When Bruce became Caitlyn, it's "controversial." When Taylor Swift gets a new boyfriend, it's "normal." Think to yourself: does that actually make any sense?
I understand that there are religious views about this. I can be tolerant of you if, for religious reasons, you don't support gay marriage, transgenders, or abortion. But don't let that get in the way of other people's happiness.
Yeah, the other day I read a news story about how two girls jumped off a building as part of a death group. But for some weird reason, it added a side tangent about how the girls watched Deathnote.
We Americans love our money, our food on the table every night, our roofs above our heads...we consume. We dispose and replace. That's a lovely $60 shirt you're wearing! It matches your Italian leather wallet and your shiny shoes. Did you know 1 in 6 American children go to bed hungry every night? Yet the rich people don't seem to care!
Suburban resident rules: always avoid the "bad" part of town. Those aren't bad people. Those are less fortunate people. Poverty is a horrible thing. Those homeless people don't rob you for money or greed. They want to feed their families. They want to live through the next day.
Are you white? The police don't have a problem with you. Are you Black? It doesn't matter what you're doing or where you're going - that cop standing over there is focused on you. He'll find some abstract reason to question you, search you without a warrant, or detain you.
The truth is, many policemen have just a little too much time on their hands and an overflow of poor judgment. The good cops don't get recognition because the racist ones are always stirring up controversy.
Our prison systems are out of control. Over half of the world's prison population is in America. The death penalty is given out to people who did nothing wrong. Law enforcement is NOT there to help us. It is there to control us.
Add the NSA on top of that. I'm afraid to go on the internet and research current events! If I even just Google words like "shooting," "terrorist," or "ISIS"'s all paranoia. It's nerve-racking to know that we're all being constantly monitored.
Schools put up all those anti-bullying posters, yet they don't do anything at all about the bullies when they pick on other students.
Agreed. The government should monitor exactly what and how much people eat, especially children, to help prevent obesity.
Shooting after shooting after shooting. It's no surprise that America is basically desensitized to school shootings. Schools genuinely don't feel very safe at all, but nothing is being done about it. This is just infuriating. I don't care if the chances of being a victim of a shooting in America are 1 in 10 million or something. It feels more like 1 in 10. By the time the school shooter gets caught and arrested, it would already be too late. It doesn't matter if all of them get caught anyway.
Children have already gotten traumatized, if not killed, and the only way to prevent that is by preventing the incidents from happening in the first place.
Gun-owning parents, if you're reading this, make sure you SECURELY store your guns, and make sure children can't easily access them to start a school shooting.
It's what I like to call the "Mass Mentality." If you don't think, act, and look just like everybody else, you're "weird" or something worse. Conformists blindly follow. The entire society is a machine, as clone after clone is produced. There is no variety in our American citizens. 99% of us are the same as the next. Doing or saying anything different or off-beat is immediately frowned upon.
Subcultures such as the hipster community or the alternative scene are ridiculed and rejected by everyone.