Top 10 Awards Given for Negative Things
Most awards are given for positive things the "best" movies, the "best" pieces of music the most groundbreaking discovery's in various fields etc. However some awards are given as a prize for the wrong things. Here are some of these feel free to add more.
I wish the Razzies still held live awards nights (last occurred in 2019), because those were the best! These guys keep the egos of Hollywood in check and, to be fair, more than half the time their nominees are extremely justified.
It's been said that the Razzies are a better measure of culture than the Oscars, and it's honestly quite true. "Critical acclaim" can be deceitful, whereas truly bad movies will always be bad movies. There'll be no shortage of contenders if things continue as they have.
For the "worst" movies, actors, and others, also known as the Razzies. Three people have won both a Razzie and an Oscar in the same year: Alan Menken, Brian Helgeland, and Sandra Bullock. The Razzies have faced criticism for focusing on the most famous "bad" movies and for the fact that members of the Raspberry Foundation are not required to watch the nominated movies.

A prize for unusual and often trivial achievements in scientific research. Examples include findings that the presence of humans tends to sexually arouse ostriches or that hamsters recover from jet lag faster when given Viagra. Sir Andre Geim has the honor of having won such a prize for the magnetic levitation of a frog's leg, along with a Nobel Prize for his work on the electromagnetic properties of graphene.

An award for paranormal or psychic fraud. Examples of winners include Colin A. Ross, who claimed he could shoot electromagnetic radiation from his eyes. The Pentagon, for spending $6,000,000 to see if burning a photo of a Soviet missile would destroy the missile. And Sheldan Nidle, who predicted the world would end on December 17, 1996, but then claimed it had already happened and we were simply unaware of it.
Awarded to U.S. government organizations for wasting public money, often for research that the award's creator, William Proxmire, deemed pointless. For example, a study comparing the aggressiveness of sunfish that drank tequila versus gin cost $103,000. The 1985 inauguration committee won the award for spending $15.5 million on Ronald Reagan's second inauguration.

An award for someone who dies or becomes sterile due to their stupidity, thus improving the human gene pool. The British Medical Journal noted that 88.7% of winners are male. I must admit I don't really approve of it. As stupid as these people may be, this is quite cruel.
This is a very inhumane award and, rather than making a huge difference, it establishes a cruel purpose for such an atrocious award.
Likely a parody of Time's Most Influential People list. Several versions exist, but GQ has the most popular version. The list focuses on famous people who appear to have done the least to deserve recognition.
I bet Kim Kardashian won this award.
Awarded to the team that finishes last, possibly in boat races. Thanks to whoever added this.
The Australian Football League (AFL) team that finishes at the bottom of the ladder is said to have won the wooden spoon. It's probably the most historical and widely used term on this list.
Given by the U.S. National Council of Teachers of English to public speakers "who have perpetuated language that is grossly deceptive, evasive, euphemistic, confusing, or self-centered." Several awards have gone to U.S. presidents. Of course, Donald Trump is one of them.
Presented by the Anti-Football League to those who do the least for Australian Rules Football in the best and fairest manner. An example is 74-year-old Brian Troy of Melbourne, who never attended an Australian football match in his entire life.
Given to the video games deemed the worst by reviewers.
An ironic award given to people who completely refuse to vaccinate against COVID or simply deny COVID's existence or effects, only for them to die from the virus. The award was named after Republican politician Herman Cain, who participated in a pro-Trump and anti-quarantine rally, only to contract COVID and die shortly after.