Top 10 Reasons Why WWE Fans Are Terrible
DISCLAIMER: Not the entirety of wrestling fans are like this, but a lot of them are "guilty", so to speak, of the things listed on the list below.I thought I should make this list, because it seems that the company and it's executives are always being portrayed by many fans as being the "bad guys". I've seen a lot of negativity going towards the WWE and I just think most of it is truly unfair.
Yes, there have been a lot of strange things that have happened in wrestling over the years, so I understand why many fans develop standards and preferences. However, I've noticed that many wrestling fans complain about everything. Here is the latest example: Sami Zayn won the Intercontinental Championship at Elimination Chamber 2020. You would think the fans would be happy that one of their favorites finally won a title, right? Guess again.
I've seen comments like "Too little too late," "OMG! Why did this jobber win the IC Title?!", "This title doesn't mean anything anymore," and "Braun's title reign was too short!" Of course, many fans were ecstatic about it, but I bet that if Braun Strowman had retained his title, it would have been the same story. Fans would have reacted like this: "They buried Sami, Cesaro, and Nakamura!" and "Why did Braun win? Guess Vince still likes big sweaty men."
On forums, about 90% of threads are complaints. There is no constructive conversation, contrasting opinions, or ideas - just a bunch of whining and complaining. Why not just enjoy wrestling for what it is?
Again, not all fans are like this, but many wrestling fans are so nitpicky and overly critical about various things that it gets ridiculous. I ask myself, "What wrestling do they like?" and "Are they even enjoying themselves when watching wrestling?"
It's almost like they believe they know so much about wrestling and consider themselves know-it-all critics. What happened to watching wrestling to enjoy yourself and have a good time?
Most fans just criticize WWE and Vince McMahon, saying that the current product is terrible (granted, it could be much better), but they only focus on the negatives. If you take a step back and look for positives, there were plenty of things to love and so many amazing matches and rivalries in the last few years.
Off the top of my head, I can think of AJ Styles vs. John Cena, Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns, Goldberg's return at Survivor Series, Edge's return during the 2020 Royal Rumble (which was phenomenal), and Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins at Summerslam. The list goes on!
It's hard to run a wrestling business. A lot of work goes into the production, matches, promos, storytelling, and the wrestlers themselves. It's impossible to please everyone and make everyone's favorite superstar look strong. Not all of them can become champions.
At the end of the day, there have to be winners and losers. If all wrestlers were given a title reign and the championships were passed around like hot potatoes, they would lose value and prestige.
I get that some of them want to voice their displeasure, but when they do things like play with beach balls or chant things that have nothing to do with the ongoing match, it's very disrespectful to the wrestlers who are out there putting their bodies at risk for our entertainment.
I get that they paid for their tickets, so they can do whatever, but still...
Certain fans don't try to understand why certain decisions were made and don't realize how things work behind the curtain. They don't even think about how the wrestlers feel about what is happening on screen. For all they know, the wrestlers are very happy with their positions.
Take Seth Rollins, for example: one minute the fans want him to win the Rumble, go to WrestleMania, and beat Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship, and after just a few weeks or months, they turned on him.
Fans can't even form their own opinions anymore because they watch a bunch of videos and read comments and articles on the internet, which form their opinions for them. A lot of articles are also just made-up rumors created to spark controversy and get attention and clicks on the website on which they were posted.
The Newcomers
Reddit, Twitter, YouTube comments, you name it. Just go on any video on WWE's official YouTube channel. It's horrible how disrespectful they are towards each other. Nobody respects other fans' opinions. It got worse with the creation of AEW.
For some reason, a lot of fans felt like they had to pick sides, and now there's this toxic environment on the internet.
Just because a wrestler lost a match, it doesn't mean the company is burying him or has turned him into a jobber. They can still look strong in defeat, but most people don't see that and don't try to understand the story that is being told to them in the ring.