Top 10 Best Weapons to Have in a Zombie Apocalypse

When it comes to surviving a zombie apocalypse, the right weapon can mean the difference between staying alive and becoming lunch for the undead. Choosing your go-to gear isn't just about brute force - it's about versatility, reliability, and knowing how to handle yourself in high-pressure situations.

Think about what you'd want in your hands when the growling gets louder, and the shadows start moving. Do you go for something that keeps you at a safe distance or something that never runs out of ammo? Is it better to have a lightweight option for quick getaways, or something heavy-duty that packs a punch?
The Top Ten

This is a weapon proven in many events and scenarios. Being robust, reliable, simple, and common to come by, this weapon has been around for more than a century. It's so prevalent that you might find it at your grandparents' house, just laying around in a cabinet.

Shells are no problem, given that they're common around the world, and if you can't find any, you can just make makeshift ones. Criminals and poachers have used these when ammo is limited, and they are just as effective as the real deal. If it can kill a deer, it can kill a zombie.

Just make sure to take account of the sound when you shoot. It's loud, so it'll draw in some zombies, a horde of them even.


Shotgun ammo runs out. Do you know how to make gunpowder and cast the brass of a shotgun shell? Nope. Do you have arms? Yeah? Well, then the Katana is a much better choice. No ammo is required. You can create a makeshift one with a grinding wheel and a plank of metal. It's fast, light, has a longer reach than an arm, and can cut through a neck or skull, especially when decomposed.

Someone wrote that you need to completely dice the brain into bits, which is foolish. If the head is removed, you could carry that head around by the ear for a decade, and as long as you don't hold it against your flesh, you're fine.

Katana, hands down, all day. Except for a Brush Axe, aka, ditch bank blade. That may be even better. Think of a Naginata/ax made of tool-grade material.

Baseball Bat

Much more practical than a gun. Guns make a lot of noise, require ammunition, practice, maintenance, and can overheat. With a simple item such as a baseball bat, it requires no practice. Just whack the zombie over the head. They make less noise and are more reliable.

Bats are easier to find as well. Get one made of strong, light metal as wood will wear and crack, and may give you splinters.

This is easily the most practical weapon in a zombie apocalypse. Guns require ammo, make a lot of noise, and you need training to use them, so they are not the best option.

Plus, where will you find weapons like guns and swords, as most people don't own them? Baseball bats, on the other hand, are easy to access. So, if zombies suddenly appear, you shouldn't find it that hard to get one.


I watched MythBusters. Axe vs. Gun vs. Chainsaw. The chainsaw killed all 190 out of 190 zombies. True story.

It's useful for killing zombies very quickly, but it makes a lot of noise.

It would be terrible if the zombies had one of these.


The axe is like a katana, but is easier balanced, more powerful, and simpler to use. It's a classic apocalyptic weapon used for more than killing zombies, in ways ranging from hacking down doors to amputation.

The force and weight supplied by an axe swung onto a human head is enough to either mash it or split it right down the middle. Overall, it's not just a good weapon, it should be one of the best.

It's quiet (unlike guns), it's strong (if it's not made with anything from China), and it can be used to push zombies back if you need some room due to its two-handed grip.

Katanas are only so effective and, realistically, impossible to find. If you've ever played Project Zomboid (the most realistic zombie game ever made), you would know all this.

Bow and Arrow

The simplest things are the best things you can get, and what can be simpler than a bow and arrow? Quiet, ranged, and easy to craft. You just need the training or find yourself a Compound Bow.

It's easier to use, in my opinion, than any type of gun. The bow and arrow can both be deadly weapons if combined and used properly. While guns have more power, the bow and arrow can be upgraded. For example, the arrows can be sharpened, made longer, or have poison applied. If you did all those things, there is no chance of a zombie surviving.

Assault Rifle

Guns are about the best weapons. Those of you who voted for a flamethrower have probably never used one. Feels like someone opened a damn oven in front of your face.

Accurate, although there is an issue with reliability. If you are worried about reliability, use an M4 Carbine or an HK416.

These are good for taking out hordes. They are more mobile than machine guns.


Silent and deadly. It's a little slow to reload, but if you're picking them off at a distance, that shouldn't be a problem. Doesn't rely as much on the strength of the user's arm to fire - just to reload it. A supply of arrows could be a problem, however.

These are silent but deadly. They have more range and attachments than bows.

Better than a bow and arrow because it is easier to use. The bow and arrow is very hard.


Simple weapon, incredibly easy to get ammo for. Still a loud weapon, even if it's not as loud as a shotgun or assault rifle. Improvised silencers or suppressors don't last long, and you can't buy one either. Also, hope you know how to clean a gun properly, else it could build up gunpowder and misfire or jam.

Although it has less ammo and smaller bullets than the average gun, it's easy to carry, can be held in your pocket, and is more accurate when shooting, as it doesn't spray all over the place.

If you're knocked down, you could grab this lightweight gun and blast a few zombies away. Their rounds are common.


Great for large-scale zombie killing.

The Newcomers

? A Grenade

If you've got a crowd and a place to hide from the shrapnel, it's a great weapon. It's really loud, however, which might deafen you in closed spaces, and may not kill all the zombies - it might even cause them to be dismembered and become an ankle hazard. Used sparingly and in the right situations, it's a great tool.

Think of it as an explosive baseball. You can throw it really far if you're skilled.

? Dynamite
The Contenders

Compact, easy to take care of, multi-use tool. You have to take care of the edge, and the blade could get stuck in a zombie if swung hard enough, but it's a great tool.

A long blade, lighter in weight, easy to carry, more common. Many weapons are great, but you can actually get this one and it can be extremely useful.

Think about it. A baseball bat, but with a blade instead of an aluminum bludgeon. Also, shotguns should be taken off the list, and a lot of other stuff, too. See Seven Zombie Weapons Which Would Get You Killed.


Because you could be in the ground or on top with a minigun turret. It's so cool.

Throwing Knives

You don't have to buy ammo for them. You can learn to use them fairly quickly. If I had to choose, I'd say throwing knives and a bow.


Yeah, so you can drill through the zombies' flesh.

Molotov Cocktail

Easy to make, very deadly in close quarters. Try not to burn yourself in the process.

Machine Gun

I vote for the machine gun. It's lightweight, easy to get, requires no practice (just spray them with bullets), efficient, has less recoil, and there's tons of ammo everywhere. Now, I know that some of you think katanas are more useful at killing zombies. But a zombie's grip is powerful, and they will steal it from you eventually. So there. Oh, and the machine gun looks kind of cool.

Light machine guns are juggernaut style. No zombies stop the juggernaut.

Frying Pan

Frying pans are everywhere. Every house, shopping mall, etc. They are probably as useful as a baseball bat except for range. A pan is also strong and, with enough force, you can probably blow a zombie's brain out.

Plus, look at Rapunzel.


A multi-tool that can be used in any situation, either as a weapon for bashing heads or as a door opener.


It can be thrown, you can stab with it, or slash if you have a naginata or a thick-bladed spear.

It could also be used to string up shelter if you're desperate. Additionally, it can take down deer and boars if need be.


A large hatchet around 20 inches provides just as much lethality as an axe but has much more agility and maneuverability. It can also be used more easily in close quarters.

A shorter version of the axe but just as effective.


Takes out tons of zombies at a time. Very effective.

Here's a tip while I'm here too. If you go over a minefield, use a hovercraft. It can even go over the most sensitive mines. Got it from MythBusters. True story.

Golf Club

Very strong with solid metal ends.

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